- AHS Internat... [1]
- AOAC Interna... [2]
- Academic Pre... [102]
- Adis Interna... [24]
- Akademiai Ki... [2]
- American Sci... [1]
- Ashgate Publ... [9]
- Australian A... [2]
- Bentham Scie... [1]
- Blackwell Pu... [5]
- Brill [75]
- British Inst... [2]
- Cambridge Sc... [1]
- Cambridge Un... [3]
- Cognizant Co... [1]
- De Gruyter [31]
- E. Schweizer... [2]
- Edinburgh Un... [1]
- Edp Sciences [199]
- Elsevier [1372]
- Elsevier Sci... [11]
- Emerald Grou... [37]
- Entomologica... [15]
- Faculty of G... [1]
- Felix Meiner... [1]
- Field House ... [15]
- Future Medic... [7]
- Future Scien... [2]
- Gordon and B... [2]
- Grove/Atlant... [1]
- Hart Publish... [1]
- Hellenic Vet... [1]
- Humana Press... [6]
- I.B.Tauris [2]
- IGI Global [2]
- IOP Publishi... [51]
- IP Publishin... [3]
- Inderscience... [36]
- Informa Heal... [98]
- Institute of... [41]
- IntechOpen [15]
- Internationa... [2]
- Internationa... [2]
- Internationa... [2]
- Ios Press [3]
- James Clarke... [2]
- John Benjami... [6]
- John Wiley &... [2]
- Joint Commis... [1]
- Journal of T... [1]
- Kluwer Law I... [1]
- MAIK Nauka/I... [60]
- MDPI [22]
- Maney Publis... [38]
- Martinus Nij... [2]
- Medical Jour... [6]
- Mineralogica... [5]
- NISC Pty Ltd [6]
- NRC Research... [13]
- National Bot... [2]
- Oxford Unive... [58]
- Ozymandias P... [1]
- Paris Legal ... [1]
- Perennial Pr... [2]
- Pharmaceutic... [1]
- Practical Ac... [1]
- Princeton Un... [5]
- Project Gute... [10]
- PublishDrive [1]
- Reproductive... [2]
- Routledge Lt... [26]
- Royal Botani... [1]
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- S. Hirzel Ve... [15]
- S. Karger AG [1]
- Scientific J... [2]
- Society for ... [6]
- Society for ... [2]
- Society of A... [1]
- Society of G... [2]
- Society of L... [2]
- Springer Pub... [429]
- Swiss Chemic... [12]
- Taylor & Fra... [300]
- The British ... [2]
- The Royal Co... [4]
- Trans Tech P... [2]
- Universities... [1]
- University o... [2]
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- Women's Heal... [1]
- World Gold C... [1]
- transcript-V... [1]
- 开放图书馆 [2]
- [15]
- B1 World Philosophy [1]
- B234.94 XunYue 148 ~... [1]
- B84 Psychology [16]
- B9 Religion [15]
- B929 religion, the h... [1]
- B94 Buddhism [1]
- B97 Christian [1]
- B976.2 Orthodox (Eas... [1]
- C Pandect of Social ... [2]
- C Pandect of Social ... [3]
- C8 Statistics [10]
- C91 Sociology [3]
- C92 Demographic [1]
- C93 Management [2]
- D Political and Leg... [4]
- D0 Political Theory [1]
- D9 Law [22]
- D929 Chinese history... [1]
- F Economic [23]
- F0 Economics [1]
- F2 Economic Planning... [13]
- F3 Agricultural Econ... [3]
- F5 Transportation Ec... [1]
- F59 Tourism Economy [2]
- F7 Trade Economy [8]
- F8 Finances [6]
- G Culture, Science ,... [16]
- G1 The World Culture... [1]
- G2 Dissemination of ... [2]
- H Language and Lingu... [7]
- H0 Linguistics [3]
- H08 applied linguist... [1]
- I Literature [19]
- I06 Literature, Lite... [8]
- I1 World Literature [2]
- J Art [25]
- J110.9 Art, Art Hist... [1]
- J523.1 textile [1]
- K History and Geogra... [1]
- K1 World History [3]
- K13 the history of t... [1]
- K26 New - Democratic... [1]
- K81 Biography [2]
- K82 China [1]
- K85 Archaeology [9]
- K9 Geography [1]
- L No classification [10]
- N6 Reference Books o... [1]
- O Mathematical Scien... [300]
- O1 Mathematics [27]
- O241 Numerical analy... [2]
- O3 Mechanics [13]
- O35 hydrodynamics [1]
- O357.5 turbulence (t... [2]
- O4 Physics [368]
- O441 electromagnetic... [1]
- O469 Condensed Matte... [1]
- O6 Chemistry [196]
- O614.33 Lanthanides ... [1]
- O63 Polymer Chemistr... [1]
- P Astronomy and Eart... [11]
- P1 Astronomy [20]
- P3 Geophysics [10]
- P315.9 engineering e... [1]
- P4 Atmospheric scien... [8]
- P5 Geology [30]
- P57 mineralogy [1]
- P578.94 silicate (si... [1]
- P7 Oceanography [10]
- P9 Natural Geography [5]
- Q Biological Science... [36]
- Q1 General Biology [87]
- Q11 biological evolu... [1]
- Q2 Cytobiology [9]
- Q3 Genetics [5]
- Q4 Physiology [14]
- Q5 Biochemistry [136]
- Q503 biochemical tec... [1]
- Q81 Bioengineering (... [15]
- Q93 Microbiology [47]
- Q94 Botany [45]
- Q943.1 Plant cells i... [1]
- Q95 Zoology [29]
- Q96 Entomology [21]
- Q968.1 insect ecolog... [1]
- Q98 Anthropology [1]
- R Medicine and Healt... [68]
- R1 Preventive Medici... [54]
- R3 Basic Medical [93]
- R33 Human Physiology [2]
- R4 Clinical Medicine [5]
- R44 diagnostics [1]
- R5 Internal Medicine [70]
- R54 in cardiac and v... [1]
- R55 Blood and lympha... [1]
- R58 Endocrine diseas... [1]
- R6 Surgery [92]
- R69 urological (geni... [1]
- R71 Obstetrics and G... [31]
- R72 Pediatrics [13]
- R73 Oncology [76]
- R74 Neurology and Ps... [64]
- R75 Dermatology and ... [7]
- R76 Ear, Nose & Thro... [15]
- R77 Ophthalmology [8]
- R78 Oral Sciences [2]
- R8 Special Medical [13]
- R9 Pharmacy [128]
- R96 Pharmacology [11]
- S Agricultural Scien... [4]
- S1 Basic Agriculture... [12]
- S15 pedology [2]
- S2 Agricultural Engi... [1]
- S3 Agriculture ( Agr... [6]
- S4 Plant Protection [7]
- S7 Forestry [16]
- S8 Livestock, Animal... [32]
- S9 Aquaculture, Fish... [21]
- T Industrial Technol... [69]
- T-1 Technology Statu... [6]
- TB General Industria... [85]
- TB3 Engineering Mate... [2]
- TD Mining Engineerin... [3]
- TE Oil and Gas Indus... [6]
- TF Metallurgical Ind... [43]
- TG Metallurgy and Me... [1]
- TH Machinery and Ins... [6]
- TK Energy and Power ... [11]
- TL Nuclear Technolo... [15]
- TM Electrotechnical [18]
- TN Radio Electronics... [25]
- TP Automation Techno... [76]
- TP18 artificial inte... [1]
- TP274 Data processin... [1]
- TP3 Computers [1]
- TP39 computer applic... [1]
- TQ Chemical Industry [32]
- TS Light industry ,H... [10]
- TU Architectural Sci... [15]
- TU Architectural Sci... [6]
- TV Hydraulic Enginee... [2]
- U Transportation [11]
- U27 Vehicle Engineer... [1]
- U4 Road Transport [1]
- V Aviation, Aerospac... [11]
- X Environmental Scie... [243]
- X7 Processing and Co... [1]
- X799.1 Building [1]
- Z Comprehensive Arti... [2]
Publication date
- 2018[18]
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3263Result(s)for '" Ch.',Display only a keyword before 1000 resources
Resource list
By Robert Ch. in Mineralogical Magazine
Mineralogical Society(2001)
Access to resources Favorite 7.335206
By Tsitouras Ch. in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy
Springer Publishing Company (1999)
Access to resources Favorite 7.335206
By Zuhrt Ch. in Molecular Physics
Taylor & Francis Ltd(1984)
Access to resources Favorite 7.335206
By Holzinger Ch. in European Surgery
Springer Publishing Company (2011)
Access to resources Favorite 7.335206
By Reisinger Ch. in Biotechnology Letters
Springer Publishing Company (2004)
Access to resources Favorite 7.335206
By Kral Ch. in e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Springer Publishing Company (2011)
Access to resources Favorite 7.335206
By Brouder Ch. in Bit Numerical Mathematics
Springer Publishing Company (2004)
Access to resources Favorite 7.335206
By Provatidis Ch. in Engineering Computations: Int J for Computer-Aided Engineering
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd(1998)
Access to resources Favorite 7.335206
By Sastry Ch. in Materials and Manufacturing Processes
Taylor & Francis Ltd(2009)
Access to resources Favorite 7.335206
By Charitha Ch. in Optimization
Taylor & Francis Ltd(2013)
Access to resources Favorite 7.335206