- AHS Internat... [11]
- AMSUS - Asso... [12]
- AOAC Interna... [21]
- Academic Pre... [2366]
- Acta Ichthyo... [1]
- Adis Interna... [65]
- Aerospace Me... [13]
- Akademiai Ki... [25]
- Alpha Scienc... [1]
- American Aca... [2]
- American Ass... [18]
- American Eco... [3]
- American Mat... [3]
- American Sci... [20]
- American Soc... [2]
- American Soc... [2]
- American Soc... [2]
- American Soc... [1]
- Anmol Public... [2]
- Anvil Publis... [1]
- Ashgate Publ... [51]
- Association ... [1]
- Association ... [1]
- Australian A... [3]
- Barcelona Pu... [1]
- Barricade Bo... [1]
- Beech Tree P... [2]
- Begell House... [1]
- Bentham Scie... [5]
- Berghahn Jou... [1]
- Blackwell Pu... [140]
- Brill [58]
- British Inst... [88]
- Burleigh Dod... [1]
- CABI Publish... [17]
- Cambridge Sc... [1]
- Cambridge Sc... [1]
- Cambridge Un... [21]
- Canadian Vet... [1]
- Cengage [3]
- Chemical Soc... [1]
- Cognizant Co... [1]
- College of O... [1]
- Commonwealth... [6]
- Council for ... [2]
- Cryoletters [6]
- De Gruyter [5]
- E. Schweizer... [16]
- EPP Publicat... [2]
- Edinburgh Un... [4]
- Editorial Of... [2]
- Edp Sciences [1943]
- Elsevier [7976]
- Elsevier Sci... [96]
- Emerald Grou... [248]
- Entomologica... [804]
- European Ass... [3]
- Faculty of A... [3]
- Field House ... [35]
- Future Medic... [17]
- Future Scien... [1]
- Gordon and B... [1]
- Govi-Verlag [1]
- Guilford Pub... [1]
- Haworth Pres... [16]
- Hellenic Vet... [9]
- Hodder Arnol... [2]
- Humana Press... [56]
- IGI Global [2]
- IOP Publishi... [489]
- IP Publishin... [7]
- Inderscience... [156]
- Informa Heal... [989]
- Institute of... [1]
- Institute of... [88]
- IntechOpen [82]
- Internationa... [141]
- Internationa... [5]
- Internationa... [36]
- Internationa... [1]
- Internationa... [37]
- Ios Press [11]
- J. Michael R... [2]
- J.L. Ryan [2]
- James Nichol... [2]
- John Benjami... [13]
- John Wiley &... [11]
- Johnson Matt... [3]
- Joint Commis... [3]
- Journal of T... [1]
- Kluwer Law I... [1]
- Lettere Anim... [1]
- Lyceum Books [1]
- M. E. Sharpe... [3]
- MAIK Nauka/I... [820]
- MDPI [183]
- Mammal Resea... [1]
- Maney Publis... [647]
- Marine Techn... [1]
- Mathematical... [1]
- McGill Schoo... [1]
- Medical Jour... [4]
- Mineralogica... [76]
- Museum and I... [1]
- Mycotaxon [14]
- NISC Pty Ltd [9]
- NRC Research... [232]
- Narosa Publi... [1]
- Nationaal He... [9]
- Nevin Scrims... [5]
- Nova Science... [14]
- OceanSide Pu... [19]
- Oxford Unive... [1019]
- PNG Publicat... [1]
- Palgrave Mac... [1]
- Pan American... [3]
- Pharmaceutic... [11]
- Physics Essa... [3]
- Practical Ac... [1]
- Princeton Un... [2]
- Project Gute... [1]
- Project Inno... [1]
- R S C Public... [1]
- Radcliffe Pr... [10]
- Reproductive... [12]
- Rodopi [1]
- Routledge Lt... [243]
- Royal Colleg... [7]
- Royal Colleg... [5]
- Royal Societ... [1]
- Royal Societ... [3]
- S. Hirzel Ve... [49]
- S. Karger AG [2]
- Sage Publica... [7]
- Science Revi... [1]
- Science and ... [6]
- Scientific J... [1]
- Sears Founda... [8]
- Smithers Rap... [1]
- Society for ... [118]
- Society for ... [9]
- Society for ... [1]
- Society for ... [1]
- Society of A... [70]
- Society of G... [42]
- Society of L... [5]
- Society of N... [15]
- Southeastern... [40]
- Springer Pub... [3195]
- Stewart Post... [1]
- Swiss Chemic... [24]
- Swiss Societ... [1]
- Taylor & Fra... [1848]
- The Associat... [2]
- The British ... [19]
- The Clay Min... [5]
- The Journal ... [4]
- The Journal ... [2]
- The Royal Co... [22]
- Trans Tech P... [1]
- Triskell Edi... [6]
- Universities... [21]
- University O... [3]
- University o... [22]
- University o... [2]
- Urban & Fisc... [15]
- VSP [10]
- Water Enviro... [88]
- White Horse ... [1]
- Whurr Publis... [2]
- Wiley-Blackw... [2]
- Write & Prin... [1]
- nRn Publicat... [1]
- summer accar... [2]
- 开放图书馆 [4]
- 法律出版社 [1]
- B Philosophy and Rel... [10]
- B84 Psychology [154]
- B842 psychological p... [1]
- B845 physiological p... [2]
- B9 Religion [11]
- B971.1 Old Testament [1]
- B979 History of Chri... [1]
- C Pandect of Social ... [16]
- C Pandect of Social ... [9]
- C8 Statistics [32]
- C91 Sociology [42]
- C92 Demographic [2]
- C93 Management [5]
- D Political and Leg... [16]
- D0 Political Theory [12]
- D73/77 National Poli... [2]
- D8 Diplomacy, Intern... [1]
- D9 Law [60]
- D912.4 Law of the Pe... [1]
- D917 Criminology [1]
- F Economic [98]
- F0 Economics [12]
- F119 world economic ... [1]
- F2 Economic Planning... [88]
- F273 Enterprise Prod... [1]
- F3 Agricultural Econ... [55]
- F4 Industrial Econom... [2]
- F406 Organization an... [1]
- F550 waterage econom... [1]
- F59 Tourism Economy [6]
- F7 Trade Economy [36]
- F8 Finances [3]
- F831.5 financial mar... [2]
- G Culture, Science ,... [54]
- G1 The World Culture... [28]
- G2 Dissemination of ... [11]
- G3 Science , Scienti... [2]
- G4 Educion [4]
- G40-057 Educational ... [2]
- H Language and Lingu... [17]
- H0 Linguistics [6]
- H0-05 Language and o... [1]
- I Literature [11]
- I1 World Literature [5]
- I106 the classics an... [1]
- I106.4 Novels [2]
- I3/I7 Literatures of... [2]
- J Art [3]
- J6 Music [1]
- K History and Geogra... [4]
- K13 the history of t... [1]
- K85 Archaeology [27]
- K9 Geography [12]
- L No classification [3]
- N Pandect of Natural... [2]
- N3 Natural Science R... [1]
- N91 Nature Study , N... [2]
- O Mathematical Scien... [1427]
- O1 Mathematics [56]
- O156 Number Theory [1]
- O156.7 Diophantine a... [1]
- O157.5 Graph [1]
- O159 Fuzzy Mathemati... [1]
- O174.2 classical har... [1]
- O175.14 Nonlinear Or... [2]
- O177.3 linear space ... [1]
- O177.6 integral tran... [1]
- O183.1 vector analys... [1]
- O189 topology (geome... [1]
- O211 probability (pr... [2]
- O212.1 General stati... [2]
- O241 Numerical analy... [1]
- O3 Mechanics [41]
- O346.1 fracture theo... [1]
- O35 hydrodynamics [3]
- O4 Physics [3112]
- O411.1 Mathematical ... [2]
- O412.1 relativistic [1]
- O414 Thermodynamics ... [1]
- O414.1 Thermodynamic... [2]
- O424 physical acoust... [4]
- O427.2 underwater ac... [1]
- O441 electromagnetic... [2]
- O441.4 electromagnet... [1]
- O469 Condensed Matte... [3]
- O482.4 electrical pr... [1]
- O483 Defects in Soli... [3]
- O534 wave instabilit... [1]
- O571.41 Stimulated t... [1]
- O6 Chemistry [1562]
- O6-0 chemical princi... [3]
- O61 Inorganic Chemis... [1]
- O611.6 inorganic com... [1]
- O613.71 Carbon C [1]
- O614 the metalic com... [1]
- O62 Organic Chemistr... [2]
- O621.16 Physical Org... [2]
- O622.31 organic pero... [1]
- O626 heterocyclic co... [1]
- O64 (physical chemis... [1]
- O641.13 physics of c... [1]
- O641.3 intermolecula... [1]
- O643 chemical kineti... [1]
- O644.1 photochemical [1]
- O645.12 solubility [1]
- O646 electrochemical... [1]
- O647.2 surface - act... [1]
- O649 semiconductor c... [1]
- O658.1 chromatograph... [1]
- O7 Crystallography [2]
- O77 crystal defects [2]
- P Astronomy and Eart... [40]
- P1 Astronomy [613]
- P182.9 solar activit... [1]
- P3 Geophysics [82]
- P314 geothermics [1]
- P315 seismology [1]
- P316 Earthquake, ear... [1]
- P343.5 estuary delta [1]
- P4 Atmospheric scien... [27]
- P5 Geology [225]
- P512.2 denudation, t... [1]
- P611 genesis of ore ... [1]
- P7 Oceanography [114]
- P737.1 coastal landf... [1]
- P9 Natural Geography [22]
- P901 landscape ecolo... [1]
- Q Biological Science... [379]
- Q-3 Research Methods... [1]
- Q1 General Biology [1028]
- Q14 Biological Ecolo... [2]
- Q19 biological syste... [1]
- Q2 Cytobiology [57]
- Q3 Genetics [168]
- Q4 Physiology [85]
- Q5 Biochemistry [1785]
- Q517 amino acid [1]
- Q7 Molecular Biology [1]
- Q73 biofilm structur... [1]
- Q81 Bioengineering (... [72]
- Q811.4 biological in... [2]
- Q91 Paleontology [2]
- Q93 Microbiology [424]
- Q939.91 immunology [1]
- Q94 Botany [348]
- Q945 Plant Physiol. [1]
- Q95 Zoology [211]
- Q958.9 parasitic ani... [1]
- Q959.1 invertebrates [1]
- Q959.17 Nemathelmint... [1]
- Q959.8 Mammalia [1]
- Q96 Entomology [865]
- Q98 Anthropology [9]
- R Medicine and Healt... [499]
- R-09 the history of ... [1]
- R1 Preventive Medici... [534]
- R18 Epidemiology and... [6]
- R192.6 nurse [1]
- R2 Chinese Medicine [42]
- R3 Basic Medical [963]
- R392 medical immunol... [3]
- R392.12 immune cell ... [1]
- R394 medical genetic... [2]
- R395.1 medical psych... [1]
- R4 Clinical Medicine [63]
- R44 diagnostics [2]
- R442.2 Constipation,... [1]
- R445.1 ultrasonic di... [1]
- R454 Physical therap... [1]
- R47 Nursing [2]
- R473.71 gynecologica... [1]
- R5 Internal Medicine [769]
- R51 infectious disea... [6]
- R6 Surgery [654]
- R608 Surgical instru... [2]
- R71 Obstetrics and G... [327]
- R711.6 infertility [1]
- R72 Pediatrics [88]
- R73 Oncology [562]
- R74 Neurology and Ps... [739]
- R749.055 psychologic... [1]
- R749.7 neurosis [1]
- R75 Dermatology and ... [20]
- R751 皮肤病学 [1]
- R76 Ear, Nose & Thro... [135]
- R77 Ophthalmology [99]
- R78 Oral Sciences [18]
- R8 Special Medical [197]
- R9 Pharmacy [885]
- R96 Pharmacology [104]
- R971 nervous system ... [1]
- R978.5 antifungal dr... [1]
- R99 Toxicology (Toxi... [1]
- S Agricultural Scien... [36]
- S-0 General Theory [2]
- S1 Basic Agriculture... [151]
- S158 the fertility o... [1]
- S2 Agricultural Engi... [27]
- S3 Agriculture ( Agr... [92]
- S342.1 drylands [1]
- S4 Plant Protection [57]
- S43 Disease and Pest... [1]
- S432.1 plant patholo... [1]
- S432.4 invaded (biog... [1]
- S6 Gardening [1]
- S7 Forestry [181]
- S8 Livestock, Animal... [318]
- S9 Aquaculture, Fish... [130]
- T Industrial Technol... [501]
- T-1 Technology Statu... [34]
- TB General Industria... [360]
- TB Technology: gener... [3]
- TB3 Engineering Mate... [7]
- TB32 Nonmetallic Mat... [1]
- TB324 high polymer m... [1]
- TB383 Keywords speci... [2]
- TD Mining Engineerin... [20]
- TE Oil and Gas Indus... [20]
- TE624.3 - to - heat ... [1]
- TF Metallurgical Ind... [393]
- TF823 titanium [1]
- TG Metallurgy and Me... [10]
- TG146.2 lightweight ... [1]
- TG4 welding, metal c... [1]
- TG44 welding process [1]
- TH Energy technology... [2]
- TH Machinery and Ins... [39]
- TK Energy and Power ... [126]
- TK311 temperature me... [1]
- TL Nuclear Technolo... [121]
- TM Electrotechnical [66]
- TN Radio Electronics... [125]
- TN3 semiconductor te... [2]
- TN302 Design and Cal... [1]
- TN4 microelectronics... [2]
- TP Automation Techno... [200]
- TP18 artificial inte... [1]
- TP181 automatic reas... [1]
- TP3 Computers [6]
- TP332 arithmetical u... [1]
- TP39 computer applic... [3]
- TP393 computer netwo... [1]
- TQ Chemical Industry [343]
- TQ Environmental sci... [1]
- TQ02 chemical proces... [1]
- TQ086 Technical spec... [1]
- TQ15 electrochemical... [1]
- TQ174 Ceramic Indust... [1]
- TQ468 sulfa drug man... [1]
- TS Light industry ,H... [217]
- TS1 the textile indu... [1]
- TS2 food industry [1]
- TS201.6 Food safety ... [1]
- TS94 in the clothing... [1]
- TS971 gastronomy [1]
- TS972 Dietary modula... [1]
- TU Architectural Sci... [46]
- TU Architectural Sci... [27]
- TU445 frozen soil fo... [1]
- TU83 air - condition... [1]
- TV Hydraulic Enginee... [10]
- U Transportation [31]
- U4 Road Transport [3]
- U6 Waterway Transpor... [15]
- V Aviation, Aerospac... [63]
- X Environmental Scie... [1278]
- X24 human, resources... [1]
- X591 radioactive pol... [1]
- X7 Processing and Co... [3]
- X703 Wastewater trea... [1]
- X9 Safety Science [1]
- Z Comprehensive Arti... [4]
- Z2 Encyclopedias, Re... [1]
Publication date
- 2018[185]
- 2017[240]
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- 2009[491]
- 2008[454]
- 2007[800]
- 2006[748]
- 2005[682]
- 2004[1631]
- 2003[2198]
- 2002[1787]
- 2001[1636]
- 2000[1619]
- 1999[1643]
- 1998[1527]
- 1997[1574]
- 1996[1123]
- 1995[587]
- 1994[68]
- 1993[119]
- 1992[48]
- 1991[39]
- 1990[52]
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25362Result(s)for '"R.N.',Display only a keyword before 1000 resources
Resource list
By Dixon R.N. in Molecular Physics
Taylor & Francis Ltd(1965)
Access to resources Favorite 7.8000736
By Kerry R.N. in Education + Training
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd(1993)
Access to resources Favorite 7.8000736
By Mussa R.N. in Transportation
Springer Publishing Company (2002)
Access to resources Favorite 7.8000736
By Bhatt R.N. in Journal of Superconductivity: Incorporating Novel Magnetism
Springer Publishing Company (2002)
Access to resources Favorite 7.8000736
By Karataev R.N. in Measurement Techniques
Springer Publishing Company (2003)
Access to resources Favorite 7.8000736
By Strange R.N. in Trends in Microbiology
Access to resources Favorite 7.8000736
By Okigbo R.N. in Mycopathologia
Springer Publishing Company (2002)
Access to resources Favorite 7.8000736
By West R.N. in Advances In Physics
Taylor & Francis Ltd(1973)
Access to resources Favorite 7.8000736
By Oram R.N. in Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
Springer Publishing Company (2004)
Access to resources Favorite 7.8000736
By Dixon R.N. in Molecular Physics
Taylor & Francis Ltd(1964)
Access to resources Favorite 7.8000736