& nbsp
A7 Biography of Marx...
A711 biography
A84 learning and stu...
B Philosophy and Rel...
B-4 Philosophical Ed...
B0 Philosophical The...
B0-0 Marxist philoso...
B014 the object of p...
B015 Materialism and...
B016 Ontology
B016.9 On Time
B017 epistemology
B017.8 determinism a...
B017.9 self theory
B022 Theory of consc...
B023 epistemology, t...
B023.2 is the dialec...
B023.3 Theory of Tru...
B025.5 cause and eff...
B081 idealism
B083 Voluntarism, li...
B085 Neo - realism, ...
B086 Existentialism ...
B087 Pragmatism
B089 from the others
B089.3 philosophical...
B1 World Philosophy
B12 Ancient Philosop...
B13 medieval philoso...
B14 Modern Philosoph...
B141 Seventeenth - c...
B15 Modern Philosoph...
B151 Twentieth - cen...
B152 21st Century Ph...
B221 learners philos...
B222 Confucian
B222.1 Four Books
B222.2 Confucius (Ko...
B222.6 Hsun - kuang,...
B223 Taoist
B229.3 孔鲋 (Konɡ Jiɑ,...
B234.94 XunYue 148 ~...
B235.3 Ji Kang (263)
B244.7 Zhu Xi (1130 ...
B3 Asian philosophy
B313.3 the feudal ag...
B351 Indian philosop...
B351.2 Ancient Philo...
B371 Arab philosophy...
B382 Israel philosop...
B5 European philosop...
B502 Ancient Philoso...
B502.1 Greece forms ...
B502.2 Greek slave -...
B502.232 Platon "(Pl...
B502.233 Aristotle (...
B502.26 Cyrene Schoo...
B502.32 Stoicism (ar...
B502.41 materialism
B502.42 eclecticism
B502.43 Neo - Confuc...
B502.44 Neo - Platon...
B502.49 Other
B503 medieval philos...
B503.2 scholasticism
B503.3 mysticism
B503.9 Capitalism (t...
B503.91 Humanism
B503.914 Love (Erasm...
B503.915 (Montaigne ...
B503.92 Science and ...
B503.923 Bruno. Brun...
B503.99 Other
B504 17th - 19th cen...
B516 German philosop...
B516.22 Leibniz, G. ...
B516.31 Immanuel Kan...
B516.34 Schelling (S...
B516.35 Hegel, G. W....
B516.4 In the late 1...
B516.47 Nietzsche, F...
B516.53 Jaspers (Jas...
B516.54 Heidegger (f...
B516.59 Other
B521 Austria's philo...
B534 Danish philosop...
B546 Italy's philoso...
B561.2 The seventeen...
B561.22 Hobbes, T. 1...
B561.24 Locke Locke,...
B561.291 Hume (Hume,...
B561.42 Muller (Mill...
B561.59 Other
B563.1 Spinoza, B. 1...
B565 French philosop...
B565.2 The seventeen...
B565.21 Descartes (D...
B565.26 Rousseau (Ro...
B565.27 La La Mettri...
B565.28 Diderot (Did...
B565.52 the (Maritai...
B565.59 Other
B81 Logic(Theory Sci...
B81-05 logic of rela...
B812.23 deductive, s...
B815.1 modal logic
B82 Ethics ( Moral P...
B82-02 The Philosoph...
B82-05 ethics and ot...
B82-051 moral and po...
B82-052 Morality and...
B82-054 moral and ps...
B82-055 Morality and...
B82-058 moral enviro...
B82-059 Other
B82-061 humanitarian
B82-062 hedonism, eg...
B82-064 to do away w...
B82-065 intuitive in...
B82-09 history of mo...
B821 philosophy, phi...
B822.1 Social ethnic
B822.9 work ethic (m...
B823 The family, mar...
B823.1 family ethics
B824 social morality
B824.2 friendship an...
B825 self - cultivat...
B83 Aesthetics
B83-0 aesthetic theo...
B83-02 Philosophical...
B83-09 history of ae...
B84 Psychology
B84-05 other discipl...
B84-06 schools of ps...
B84-064 Gestalt psyc...
B84-065 psychoanalys...
B84-09 History of Ps...
B841 Research Method...
B842 psychological p...
B842.1 cognitive
B842.2 sensation and...
B842.3 Learning and ...
B842.4 Appearance an...
B842.5 verbal thinki...
B842.6 Mood and Emot...
B842.7 consciousness...
B843 genetic psychol...
B844 human developme...
B844.3 adult psychol...
B844.6 male psycholo...
B845 physiological p...
B845.1 mental nerve
B845.2 sensory physi...
B845.67 Disasters, a...
B846 Abnormal psycho...
B848 personality psy...
B848.5 Where does sh...
B848.8 individual di...
B849 Applied Psychol...
B9 Religion
B91 The analysis and...
B911 Religion and po...
B913 Religion and Sc...
B92 Overview and the...
B920 theory of relig...
B921 Natural theolog...
B922 Religious organ...
B929 religion, the h...
B932 Myth
B933 primitive relig...
B94 Buddhism
B942.1 Mahayana
B945 , 仪注
B946.5 Zen Buddha He...
B948 Analysis and st...
B949 Buddhism
B95 Taoism
B96 Islam (Muslims)
B961 Quran (Koran)
B963 doctrines, law ...
B965 sermon.After 仪注
B966 sectarian
B966.1 (Sunni Hadith...
B966.2 RNA (Shia)
B967 Church organiza...
B968 Analysis and st...
B969 Islamic history...
B97 Christian
B971 Bible
B971.1 Old Testament
B972 , doctrines, th...
B976.1 Catholic (Old...
B976.3 Protestant (P...
B977 Church organiza...
B978 Analysis and St...
B979 History of Chri...
B979.9 biography
B98 Other religion
B982 Brahmanism, Hin...
B985 Judaism (Hebrew...
B986 Greece are taug...
B989.3 the emerging ...
B991 World
B992 China
B992.2 divination
C Pandect of Social ...
C Pandect of Social ...
C0 Social Science Th...
C02 Elements of the ...
C03 scientific metho...
C06 School and Confu...
C3 Social Science Re...
C31 investigation me...
C32 Statistical meth...
C39 Application of n...
C4 Disseminate and S...
C52 collections, ant...
C8 Statistics
C91 Sociology
C91-03 sociological ...
C911 Social Change a...
C912 Social structur...
C912.1 personal soci...
C912.2 Social groups
C912.3 Social relati...
C912.4 cultural anth...
C912.6 Social psycho...
C912.63 public opini...
C912.67 Social Thoug...
C912.68 social behav...
C912.8 regional soci...
C912.81 Urban Sociol...
C912.82 rural sociol...
C913 Social Life and...
C913.11 A household ...
C913.13 marriage
C913.14 gender issue...
C913.3 The Lives and...
C913.31 Residence
C913.5 adolescent pr...
C913.68 Women's Issu...
C913.7 Social welfar...
C913.8 Social pathol...
C913.9 Other social ...
C915 social investig...
C92 Demographic
C92-05 the relations...
C92-09 Demographic h...
C921 Population stat...
C922 population geog...
C923 Population and ...
C924 On the Investig...
C93 Management
C931.1 Management Ma...
C934 Decision Theory
C936 Histological ma...
C95 Ethnology
C95-0 Ethnological T...
C95-05 Relations wit...
C951 Ethnic origin, ...
C96 Science of Perso...
D Political and Leg...
D0 Political Theory
D0-0 Scientific soci...
D03 State Theory
D031 countries of or...
D032 countries and n...
D033 Its political s...
D033.2 feudal stat
D033.3 capitalist co...
D034 State instituti...
D034.4 Election
D034.5 Rights and ob...
D035 State administr...
D035.4 Supervision
D05 party theories
D06 nation, the colo...
D068 War and peace t...
D07 political modern...
D08 Other political ...
D081 Liberty, Equali...
D082 Democracy, huma...
D09 in the history o...
D091 world political...
D091.4 Modern 1640 (...
D091.5 Modern (1917 ...
D091.6 Socialist Ide...
D092 Political Ideas...
D1 The International...
D4 Workers, Peasants...
D410 the workers' mo...
D431.9 World youth, ...
D44 the women's orga...
D440 feminist theory
D5 World Politics
D50 The World Politi...
D501 developing coun...
D51 International po...
D511 fight against a...
D512 in the struggle...
D518 International p...
D52 The world politi...
D521 political syste...
D523 administrative ...
D523.2 Personnel
D523.4 Supervision
D523.8 emigrant
D523.91 Refugees in ...
D526 intelligence ag...
D56 The world commun...
D562 Ethnic Problems
D564 Political parti...
D569 Social Investig...
D57 The Ministry of ...
D59 The world politi...
D609.9 comments
D61 Chinese revoluti...
D630.3 Personnel Man...
D632.1 The Ministry ...
D634.3 oversea Chine...
D663 Class, Stratum
D669.1 Love, family,...
D69 Histoire des reg...
D73/77 National Poli...
D8 Diplomacy, Intern...
D80 diplomatic, inte...
D801 foreign policy
D81 international re...
D812 the friendly co...
D813 International o...
D813.1 International...
D813.2 The United Na...
D813.4 Various organ...
D813.7 specialized a...
D814.1 district - ba...
D814.2 World Peace m...
D814.9 Other
D815 international p...
D815.1 to disarmamen...
D815.2 the prohibiti...
D815.4 Middle East a...
D815.5 international...
D815.7 Human rights ...
D819 world diplomacy...
D822 External relati...
D823 Boundary Proble...
D9 Law
D90 theory of law (j...
D90-05 the relations...
D90-053 The law ethi...
D90-054 judicial psy...
D90-055 Legal Lingui...
D90-059 Other
D902 the rule of law...
D903 The Origin and ...
D904.1 law of slaver...
D909.9 History of Le...
D91 Legal department...
D911 National law, c...
D912.28 Financial La...
D912.29 Economic Law
D913 civil law
D913.99 commercial l...
D914 Criminal Law
D916 Administration ...
D916.1 the administr...
D916.7 the prison sy...
D917 Criminology
D917.2 criminal psyc...
D917.6 Crime's Preve...
D922.22 Tax Law
D922.28 Financial La...
D922.291.92 Insolven...
D922.5 The Labor Law...
D923 civil law
D923.4 intellectual ...
D923.6 Contract Law ...
D924.31 the security...
D929 Chinese history...
D99 international la...
D990 Science of inte...
D992 National
D993.5 Law of the Se...
D993.7 diplomatic co...
D994 normal law
D995 international l...
D996 International E...
D996.2 International...
D997 Private Interna...
D998.2 international...
E Military
E0 Military Theory
E0-05 Military Scien...
E0-052 military soci...
E0-053 military and ...
E0-054 defense econo...
E0-059 Other
E07 military manager...
E1 The World's Milit...
E10 military policy
E153 Navy
E161 military organi...
E19 military history
E2 Chinese Military
E29 History, Shi Jia...
E8 Study of Strategy...
E81 Beijing 100094
E813 strategic offen...
E817 deterrence stra...
E861 Anti - nuclear ...
E862 anti - chemical...
E864 Star Wars
E9 Military Technolo...
E927 rocket, guided ...
E928 atomic weapons ...
F Economic
F0 Economics
F0-0 Marxism's Pluto...
F014.3 commodity pro...
F014.4 national inco...
F014.5 accumulation ...
F015 Macro - economi...
F016 Microeconomics
F019.1 equilibrium t...
F019.4 reasonable ex...
F019.6 theory of eco...
F03 the capitalist m...
F031 commodity excha...
F032.1 capital
F035.4 plan and mark...
F036 national income...
F037.1 Economic Cycl...
F038.2 Monopoly and ...
F038.5 economic mili...
F045.3 Value, price
F05 the communist mo...
F06 A branch of econ...
F061.3 Development E...
F061.4 welfare econo...
F062.1 resources eco...
F062.5 information e...
F062.6 public econom...
F063.4 family econom...
F069.9 Other
F09 history of econo...
F091 World
F091.3 Modern econom...
F091.33 classical ec...
F091.343 Austrian sc...
F091.9 Marxist econo...
F091.91 Marx and Eng...
F1 The World Economi...
F11 the world econom...
F110 Policy, plannin...
F112 World Economic ...
F112.1 The economies...
F113 world economy
F113.1 world economi...
F113.2 international...
F113.3 World resourc...
F113.4 World economi...
F113.8 national inco...
F113.9 People's livi...
F114 International e...
F114.4 International...
F116 International E...
F116.7 Developed Cou...
F119 world economic ...
F119.9 world economi...
F120 and its stated ...
F120.4 economic deve...
F123.16 macroeconomi...
F129 Chinese Economi...
F2 Economic Planning...
F22 economic calcula...
F224 econome - mathe...
F224.0 Quantitative ...
F224.31 Linear Progr...
F224.32 Game Theory
F24 labour economy
F240 Labour's econom...
F241 labour
F241.2 labour market
F241.21 labour deman...
F241.34 retirement s...
F243 Work organizati...
F244.3 incentive sys...
F246 labor relations
F249.11 developing c...
F27 Enterprise Econo...
F270 Economic theory...
F270-05 enterprises ...
F272.9 Enterprise Ad...
F272.91 enterprise l...
F272.92 Personnel Ma...
F275 Enterprise Fina...
F276 various enterpr...
F276.7 transnational...
F279.12 Developed Co...
F293.3 real estate e...
F299 World cities ar...
F299.12 Developed Co...
F3 Agricultural Econ...
F312.1 Developing co...
F312.5 Socialist cou...
F319 agricultural hi...
F4 Industrial Econom...
F40 industrial econo...
F402.3 Industry Mana...
F403.6 industrial te...
F406 Organization an...
F406.2 production ma...
F407.2 the energy in...
F407.4 Metalworking,...
F407.67 automation t...
F410 industrial poli...
F414 Industry Constr...
F416.2 the energy in...
F416.22 oil & gas in...
F416.471 Automobile
F416.67 automation t...
F416.82 food
F425 industrial ente...
F5 Transportation Ec...
F59 Tourism Economy
F7 Trade Economy
F713.3 merchandising
F713.359 auction
F713.5 market
F713.8 Advertising
F714.1 Prices
F715 business enterp...
F731 World
F74 international tr...
F740 international t...
F741 Policy
F741.2 Free trade an...
F743.1 Organization ...
F744 International t...
F749 the history of ...
F768.3 sewing clothi...
F8 Finances
F810.4 revenue and e...
F810.42 tax
F811.0 Policy
F811.5 internal and ...
F811.9 financial his...
F82 currency
F820 currency theory
F820.5 Inflation
F821.0 monetary poli...
F821.9 monetary hist...
F83 financial, banks
F830 Financial, bank...
F830.2 Financial, ba...
F830.31 Central Bank
F830.48 savings depo...
F830.5 Credit
F830.59 Investment
F830.73 & nbsp
F830.9 financial mar...
F830.91 Securities M...
F830.99 financial cr...
F831 The world finan...
F831.0 Policy
F831.2 Financial and...
F831.5 financial mar...
F831.59 financial cr...
F831.6 international...
F831.9 Financial his...
F832.0 And its state...
F832.6 & nbsp
F840 insurance theor...
F840.32 insurance ma...
G Culture, Science ,...
G0 Cultural Theory
G02 Cultural Philoso...
G03 nationality of c...
G05 cultural relatio...
G1 The World Culture...
G112 cultural studie...
G2 Dissemination of ...
G201 information the...
G202 information pro...
G206.2 Media
G206.3 Mass Communic...
G23 Publishing
G237.5 journal publi...
G237.6 publishing of...
G25 Library Science
G255.6 music score
G259.19 Libraries in...
G264 Collection and ...
G302 knowledge learn...
G304 methodology of ...
G305 Scientific inve...
G31 scientific resea...
G4 Educion
G40 pedagogy
G40-011.8 educationa...
G40-05 Education and...
G40-052 educational ...
G40-053 educational ...
G40-054 educational ...
G40-09 history, educ...
G424.1 Teaching Meth...
G44 educational psyc...
G510 Education polic...
G62 Primary educatio...
G63 Secondary educat...
G64 Higher Education
G640 higher educatio...
G642 teaching theory...
G647 school manageme...
G76 special educatio...
G8 P.E
G80 Sports theory
G80-05 Physical rela...
G80-32 sports statis...
G804.32 Sports and p...
G811.9 world sports
G84 ball games
G848.1 Baseball
G87 Other sports
G886 boxing, wrestli...
G89 recreational act...
G894 private collect...
G895 travel
G898.2 mental game
H0 Linguistics
H0-05 Language and o...
H019 method of recit...
H022.4 alphabet
H03 semantics, pragm...
H04 grammar
H05 Writing and Rhet...
H059 translatology
H1 Chinese Language
H19 Chinese teaching
H194 Chinese reading
H194.1 Ancient Chine...
H195.4 Textbook, tex...
H195.5 Reading
H3 Common Foreign La...
H310.9 English histo...
H313.9 etymology
H315 Writing, Rhetor...
H671.3 Hebrew
H673 Egyptian - Copt...
H7 Indo-European Lan...
H771 Latin.
H791.1 Ancient Greek
I Literature
I0 Literary Theory
I0-05 Literature and...
I01 Aesthetics of Li...
I022 knife - edge be...
I024 Content and For...
I04 On Literary Crea...
I044 style,
I052 Poetry
I053 dramatic litera...
I054 Novels
I057 Folk Literature
I06 Literature, Lite...
I1 World Literature
I106 the classics an...
I106.2 Poetry
I106.3 dramatic lite...
I106.4 Novels
I106.7 Folk Literatu...
I106.8 Children's Li...
I106.9 national lite...
I106.99 Religious li...
I109 history, litera...
I109.2 ancient (abou...
I109.3 Middle Ages (...
I109.31 Renaissance ...
I109.4 Modern (1640 ...
I109.5 Modern (1917 ...
I109.9 schools of li...
I12 Lied
I17 folk - collectio...
I18 Reading
I2 Chinese Literatur...
I206 literary critic...
I206.2 ancient (~ 18...
I207.2 Poetry, verse
I207.209 poetry
I207.21 verse (15,37...
I207.22 Poetry
I207.23 word
I207.3 dramatic lite...
I207.41 Ancient Nove...
I207.411 A Dream of ...
I211 integrated work...
I222 ancient to the ...
I24 Novels
I242.4 Novels
J0 Art Theory
J0-02 art philosophy
J0-05 Art and other ...
J01 Art Aesthetics
J03 Artists
J05 Art criticism an...
J06 plastic theory
J1 Overview of World...
J110.9 Art, Art Hist...
J110.93 Middle Ages ...
J110.95 Modern (1917...
J110.99 school of ar...
J114 art market
J12 Chinese art
J19 religious art
J2 Drawing
J20 theory of painti...
J212 Techniques of C...
J213 oil painting te...
J218.2 comics
J29 Calligraphy, Sea...
J3 Sculpturing Art
J4 Photographing Art
J40 theory of photog...
J41 various photogra...
J5 Industrial Art
J6 Music
J60 music theory
J60-02 The Philosoph...
J60-05 Music and oth...
J603 Music journalis...
J605 music comment a...
J608 religious study
J609 Music History
J609.9 music genre a...
J61 theory of music ...
J611 physics of musi...
J613.6 scale
J614.92 opera
J617.2 opera, musica...
J62 instrumental the...
J63 national instrum...
J647.695 - jazz ense...
J65 national music
J652.8 religious son...
J659 Other music
J7 Dancing
J70-02 dance art phi...
J8 Dramatic
J8 Dramatic
J80 drama theory
J809 Drama history
J811 directed learni...
J812 Performance Stu...
J83 national theatre
J832 opera art
J9 Movies, TV
J9 Movies, TV
J90 Film, TV Art The...
J90-05 Film, TV Art ...
J905 Movie, tv telev...
J991 World
K History and Geogra...
K0 Historical Theory
K01 History of philo...
K02 social developme...
K03 Historical Monog...
K04 geochronology
K06 historical resea...
K061 historical rese...
K1 World History
K10 History
K103 Cultural Histor...
K12 Ancient history ...
K125 ancient Greece
K126 ancient Rome
K13 the history of t...
K134 Byzantine Empir...
K135 Arab empire (63...
K14 in the United St...
K143 World War I (19...
K152 World War II (1...
K18 National Shi
K2 Chinese History
K203 Cultural Histor...
K247 Yuan (1271 ~ 13...
K3 Asian History
K308 National Shi
K312.52 Great Patrio...
K312.62 During the K...
K313.25 Heian period...
K313.3 the history o...
K313.36 Edo period (...
K313.4 Modern Histor...
K313.41 Capitalist d...
K313.43 Russo - Japa...
K313.45 After the Fi...
K313.46 war and Worl...
K313.5 After the Sec...
K313.9 Lan
K333.52 American bac...
K335.6 American back...
K341 Philippines
K341.5 After the fou...
K342.0 History
K342.41 Dutch coloni...
K342.42 Japanese occ...
K35 South Asia
K351.2 Ancient histo...
K351.4 Modern Histor...
K351.9 local annals
K353.5 Pakistan Repu...
K36 Central Asia
K363 Turkmenistan
K37 West Asia (ESCWA...
K372 Afghanistan
K372.6 Republic (197...
K373.0 History
K373.8 National Shi
K374.2 In 1290 in th...
K374.3 the history o...
K374.4 modern and co...
K374.8 National Shi
K374.9 Lan
K376.5 contemporary ...
K377.3 The history o...
K377.53 Republic (19...
K378.4 Modern (1517 ...
K381 Palestinian
K382 Israel
K382.9 local annals
K384.9 local annals
K4 African History
K41 North Africa
K411 Egypt
K411.2 ~ Ancient his...
K411.3 the history o...
K411.32 Ottoman rule...
K411.42 Detail of Br...
K412.8 National Shi
K414.3 the history o...
K415.0 History
K415.4 During the re...
K427.5 Independent (...
K437.5 Independence ...
K442.9 local annals
K473.0 History
K5 European History
K502 ancient history
K503 medieval histor...
K504 modern history
K505 modern history
K508 national ambiti...
K512.3 the history o...
K512.4 Modern Histor...
K512.5 History of th...
K512.51 "October Rev...
K512.52 armed interv...
K512.54 Second World...
K512.6 post - 1991 h...
K512.9 local annals
K512.942 Ukraine
K512.96 in Asia
K513.43 During World...
K513.8 National Shi
K513.9 local annals
K514 Czechoslovakia ...
K514.5 History of th...
K515 Hungary
K515.5 Hungary, the ...
K516.3 medieval hist...
K516.33 After the Ge...
K516.4 , near contem...
K516.41 Bourgeois - ...
K516.43 November Rev...
K516.44 fascist reig...
K516.5 After the Sec...
K516.8 National Shi
K516.9 local annals
K521 Austria
K522.9 local annals
K53 Nordic
K533 Norway
K54 southern countri...
K541.32 Turkey invad...
K545 Greece
K545.2 Ancient Histo...
K545.5 modern histor...
K545.8 national ambi...
K545.9 local annals
K546.1 History, Anci...
K546.31 Before the R...
K546.33 Since the Re...
K546.9 local annals
K551.3 medieval hist...
K551.33 Habsburg - e...
K551.4 modern histor...
K551.43 Bourbon Rest...
K551.52 During the C...
K551.8 National Shi
K551.9 local annals
K555.6 Macedonian
K561 UK
K561.3 The history o...
K561.32 mid - centur...
K561.33 the late feu...
K561.4 , near contem...
K561.44 Transition t...
K561.9 local annals
K562 Ireland
K562.0 History
K562.8 National Shi
K563.32 The pro - in...
K565 France
K565.3 The history o...
K565.4 , near contem...
K565.41 French bourg...
K565.42 to the Secon...
K565.46 During World...
K565.8 national ambi...
K565.9 local annals
K6 Oceania History
K7 Americas History
K7 Americas History
K703 Colonial Period...
K71 North America
K712 U.S.
K712.3 Colonial Peri...
K712.4 Revolutionary...
K712.41 War of Indep...
K712.42 After indepe...
K712.43 Civil War (1...
K712.44 imperialism ...
K712.52 After the Fi...
K712.53 During World...
K712.54 After the Se...
K712.8 National Shi
K712.9 local annals
K731.0 History
K75 West Indies
K751.4 U.S. under th...
K777.8 National Shi
K784.41 Revolution a...
K81 Biography
K810 Research and wr...
K810.1 biographical ...
K82 China
K825.76 Music, dance
K827 social politica...
K85 Archaeology
K86 World Cultural R...
K89 Custom
K891 World customs.
K892 Chinese customs...
K892.98 Theme "etiqu...
K9 Geography
K901.9 historical ge...
K919 Travel, Travel
N Pandect of Natural...
N0 Theory and Method...
N02 Elements of the ...
N05 natural science ...
N06 School and doctr...
N09 History
N33 the experiment m...
N39 Application of n...
N49 popular editions
N91 Nature Study , N...
N94 Systems Science
N945.1 System
N945.17 the feasibil...
Normed algebras (), ...
O Mathematical Scien...
O1 Mathematics
O1-0 mathematical th...
O11 classical mathem...
O121 arithmetic
O124 Triangle
O124.2 spherical tri...
O14 Mathematical log...
O141 (mathematical l...
O141.12 predicate ca...
O141.3 recursive fun...
O141.4 model theory
O15 algebra, number ...
O151 theory of algeb...
O151.1 theoryof alge...
O151.2 Linear Algebr...
O151.21 Matrix Theor...
O151.23 multilinear ...
O152 group theory
O152.1 theory of fin...
O152.4 topological g...
O152.5 Lie group
O152.6 Representatio...
O152.7 - GROUP
O153.3 Ring theory
O153.4 Lexicological
O154 category theory...
O154.2 homological a...
O154.3 Algebraic K -...
O155 differential - ...
O156 Number Theory
O156.2 theory of alg...
O156.4 Analytic numb...
O156.6 transcendenta...
O157 Combinatorial M...
O157.1 portfolio ana...
O157.3 combinatorial...
O157.4 algebraic cod...
O157.5 Graph
O17 Mathematical Ana...
O172 Calculus
O172.2 integral calc...
O174 function theory
O174.1 Real, real fu...
O174.13 semilocally ...
O174.2 classical har...
O174.21 orthogonal s...
O174.22 Fourier inte...
O174.3 harmonic func...
O174.41 Approximatio...
O174.42 On Interpola...
O174.5 complex - var...
O174.51 unicomplex f...
O174.53 algebraic fu...
O174.54 elliptic fun...
O174.56 Several Comp...
O174.6 special funct...
O175 differential eq...
O175.13 stability th...
O175.2 Partial Diffe...
O175.25 Elliptic Equ...
O175.26 parabolic eq...
O175.27 Hyperbolic E...
O175.3 The different...
O176 variational met...
O177 functional anal...
O177.1 Hilbert space...
O177.2 Banach space ...
O177.3 linear space ...
O177.4 generalized f...
O177.5 Banach algebr...
O177.6 integral tran...
O177.7 spectral theo...
O177.91 Nonlinear Fu...
O177.99 Other
O18 geometric topolo...
O181 geometry (geome...
O183.2 tensor analys...
O184 Euclidean geome...
O186 Differential Ge...
O186.1 differential ...
O186.11 classical di...
O186.12 Riemannian g...
O186.14 generalized ...
O186.15 (Exterior Di...
O186.16 differential...
O186.5 integral geom...
O187 algebraic geome...
O187.1 algebraic cur...
O187.2 cluster (alge...
O189 topology (geome...
O189.11 topological ...
O189.2 algebraic top...
O189.21 combined top...
O189.22 Homology and...
O189.23 homotopy the...
O189.24 knot theory
O189.3 analytical to...
O19 Dynamical System...
O193 Introduction to...
O21 Probability and ...
O211 probability (pr...
O211.3 distribution ...
O211.6 stochastic pr...
O211.61 stationary p...
O211.62 Markov proce...
O211.67 Expectation ...
O212 Statistics
O212.1 General stati...
O212.5 decision func...
O213 applied statist...
O22 Operational Rese...
O221.1 Linear Progra...
O221.2 nonlinear pro...
O221.3 Dynamic Progr...
O224 mathematical op...
O225 Game (Game)
O231.1 linear contro...
O231.2 Nonlinear Con...
O241 Numerical analy...
O241.81 Solution of ...
O241.82 Numerical So...
O29 applied mathemat...
O301 Newton, d 'alem...
O313 Dynamics
O314 gravitational t...
O316 Analysis of ana...
O322 nonlinear vibra...
O343 elastic mechani...
O347.4 stress wave
O347.5 shock wave
O35 hydrodynamics
O351.2 fluid dynamic...
O353.2 wave theory
O354 The compressibl...
O357 Viscous Fluid M...
O357.5 turbulence (t...
O4 Physics
O4-09 history of phy...
O4-1 Present Situati...
O41 theoretical phys...
O411 Mathematical Me...
O411.1 Mathematical ...
O412 relativity theo...
O412.1 relativistic
O412.2 unified field...
O412.3 field theory
O413 quantum theory
O413.1 quantum mecha...
O413.3 of the quantu...
O414 Thermodynamics ...
O414.2 statistical p...
O414.21 statistical ...
O415.5 Chaos theory
O431.2 quantum optic...
O434.1 X - ray
O436 wave optics (PO...
O441 electromagnetic...
O441.1 electrical
O48 solid physics
O481.1 band theory
O482.5 magnetic prop...
O551 thermology
O552.6 condensed sta...
O562.3 atomic spectr...
O57 Nuclear physics,...
O571 Nuclear physics
O571.22 Properties a...
O571.44 fusion
O572.2 particle phys...
O572.24 Interaction
O572.25 structure mo...
O572.31 Jiaozi, gaug...
O572.32 lepton
O572.33 meson
O613.3 O oxygen
O614 the metalic com...
O64 (physical chemis...
O643 chemical kineti...
O643.1 chemical kine...
O643.3 catalytic
O657.92 hydrogen ion...
O659 gas analysis
P Astronomy and Eart...
P1 Astronomy
P1-09 History of Ast...
P1-091.2 Ancient
P111 astronomical in...
P125.11 solar eclips...
P13 theoretical astr...
P132 n body problem
P134 Each of the sol...
P14 astrophysics
P142 theoretical ast...
P144 stellar astroph...
P145.3 Novae and Sup...
P145.8 collapsed sta...
P145.9 Other
P15 stellar astronom...
P152 stellar astrono...
P154.1 star cluster
P156 The Milky Way
P159 cosmology
P159.2 relativistic ...
P17 space astronomy
P171 Observation app...
P172.3 gamma ray ast...
P18 solar system
P181 The origin and ...
P185 planets, moons,...
P185.3 Mars
P185.6 Uranus, Neptu...
P185.7 asteroid
P19 time, calendar
P194.3 ancient calen...
P2 Surveying and Map...
P3 Geophysics
P311 Origin and evol...
P313 tectonophysics ...
P315.75 earthquake p...
P317 volcanology
P343.1 river
P343.3 lake and rese...
P343.6 glacier
P353.8 solar wind an...
P4 Atmospheric scien...
P402 atmospheric che...
P422.1 solar radiati...
P423.7 earth surface...
P444 tropical meteor...
P46 climatology
P461 climatic format...
P467 Climate change,...
P49 applied meteorol...
P5 Geology
P53 historical geolo...
P532 Paleo - climato...
P534.4 Paleozoic (Bo...
P534.61 Tertiary (sy...
P541 Earth dynamics ...
P542 tectonic moveme...
P57 mineralogy
P58 petrology
P588.1 magmatic rock...
P588.12 The intrusiv...
P59 geochemical
P595 element geochem...
P618.13 Petroleum, n...
P624 geological expl...
P641 Groundwater hyd...
P7 Oceanography
P731.2 ocean dynamic...
P731.27 ocean circul...
P732.6 ocean - atmos...
P734 Marine Chemistr...
P735 marine biology
P736 marine geology
P754.3 diving techno...
P9 Natural Geography
P941.6 Polar
P96 natural resource...
Q Biological Science...
Q-0 Theory and Metho...
Q-3 Research Methods...
Q-332 biological mat...
Q-336 biological mic...
Q-9 Biological Resou...
Q1 General Biology
Q10 The origin of li...
Q11 biological evolu...
Q111 the theory of e...
Q111.2 A theory and ...
Q111.4 organic facto...
Q111.7 extinction pr...
Q132.1 in accordance...
Q14 Biological Ecolo...
Q141 mathematical ec...
Q142 abiotic and bio...
Q142.2 phenology
Q142.8 Biological ac...
Q142.9 ecological ad...
Q143 biological and ...
Q145 biomes and Popu...
Q148 ecosystem ecolo...
Q15 Biodistribution ...
Q151.6 Polar
Q16 Conservation Bio...
Q178.1 aquatic bioec...
Q178.53 marine organ...
Q179.1 plankton
Q189 Neurobiology
Q2 Cytobiology
Q24 cell morphology
Q25 Cell Physiol.
Q27 cellular biophys...
Q3 Genetics
Q32 hybridization an...
Q344 (Genetics) The ...
Q346 ecological gene...
Q347 population gene...
Q349 evolutionary ge...
Q412 breathing
Q413 energy conversi...
Q42 nerve physiology
Q427 higher nervous ...
Q436 Photoreceptor (...
Q437 phonoreceptor (...
Q441 bone and joint,...
Q5 Biochemistry
Q51 Protein
Q54 lipids
Q579.1 gonadal hormo...
Q6 Biophysics
Q63 A bio - optical
Q66 Biomechanics
Q693 space biology (...
Q7 Molecular Biology
Q75 molecular geneti...
Q81 Bioengineering (...
Q811.3 biological cy...
Q91 Paleontology
Q911 general paleobi...
Q911.2 fossil
Q915.864 Reptilia
Q93 Microbiology
Q938 microbial ecolo...
Q939.1 bacteria of t...
Q939.4 Virus (viral)
Q94 Botany
Q943.2 Plant Genetic...
Q944.43 seed plant p...
Q946 plant biochemis...
Q948.1 plant ecology
Q948.5 Regional dist...
Q949.32 Eumycota, My...
Q949.35 Bryophyta
Q949.71 Monocotyledo...
Q95 Zoology
Q95-339 Zoo
Q953 animal genetics