& nbsp
A41 Selected, Collec...
B Philosophy and Rel...
B0 Philosophical The...
B016 Ontology
B016.9 On Time
B017 epistemology
B017.9 self theory
B023 epistemology, t...
B026 Methodology
B081.1 metaphysics
B085 Neo - realism, ...
B151 Twentieth - cen...
B502.233 Aristotle (...
B503.91 Humanism
B804.4 creative thin...
B81 Logic(Theory Sci...
B81-09 logic history...
B812.22 judgment pro...
B812.3 inductive rea...
B819 application log...
B82 Ethics ( Moral P...
B82-051 moral and po...
B82-054 moral and ps...
B82-057 moral scienc...
B823.4 the nature of...
B84 Psychology
B84-05 other discipl...
B84-06 schools of ps...
B84-063 Behaviorism ...
B84-065 psychoanalys...
B84-09 History of Ps...
B841 Research Method...
B841.1 electrophysio...
B841.2 Mathematical ...
B841.4 experimentati...
B841.7 psychological...
B842 psychological p...
B842.1 cognitive
B842.2 sensation and...
B842.3 Learning and ...
B842.4 Appearance an...
B842.5 verbal thinki...
B842.6 Mood and Emot...
B842.7 consciousness...
B843 genetic psychol...
B843.1 comparative p...
B843.2 animal psycho...
B843.5 genetic psych...
B844 human developme...
B844.1 Child psychol...
B844.11 fetal, neona...
B844.12 child psycho...
B844.2 adolescent ps...
B844.3 adult psychol...
B844.4 the elderly p...
B844.5 female psycho...
B845 physiological p...
B845.1 mental nerve
B845.2 sensory physi...
B845.6 physiological...
B845.67 Disasters, a...
B845.9 Other
B846 Abnormal psycho...
B848 personality psy...
B848.2 capabilities ...
B848.4 belief, will ...
B848.5 Where does sh...
B848.6 personality
B849 Applied Psychol...
B9 Religion
B91 The analysis and...
B911 Religion and po...
B913 Religion and Sc...
B920 theory of relig...
B922 Religious organ...
B97 Christian
B975 Work by the mis...
B99 Occultism, super...
C Pandect of Social ...
C0 Social Science Th...
C03 scientific metho...
C3 Social Science Re...
C31 investigation me...
C32 Statistical meth...
C39 Application of n...
C62 manuals, directo...
C8 Statistics
C81 statistical meth...
C91 Sociology
C91-03 sociological ...
C91-06 School and it...
C91-09 history of so...
C911 Social Change a...
C912 Social structur...
C912.1 personal soci...
C912.3 Social relati...
C912.4 cultural anth...
C912.6 Social psycho...
C912.64 The aberrant...
C912.68 social behav...
C912.69 Other
C912.8 regional soci...
C912.81 Urban Sociol...
C912.82 rural sociol...
C913 Social Life and...
C913.11 A household ...
C913.13 marriage
C913.14 gender issue...
C913.2 Occupational
C913.5 adolescent pr...
C913.6 in the elderl...
C913.68 Women's Issu...
C913.69 Disability i...
C913.7 Social welfar...
C913.8 Social pathol...
C913.9 Other social ...
C916 social work, so...
C92 Demographic
C92-05 the relations...
C921 Population stat...
C922 population geog...
C923 Population and ...
C924 On the Investig...
C924.1 world populat...
C93 Management
C931 management tech...
C931.6 Management In...
C931.9 management au...
C932.2 Advisory and ...
C933 the theory of l...
C934 Decision Theory
C935 management and ...
C936 Histological ma...
C95 Ethnology
C95-0 Ethnological T...
C955 culture, the na...
C97 Labor Science
C975 vocational trai...
D Political and Leg...
D0 Political Theory
D033.1 Slavery State
D034 State instituti...
D035 State administr...
D035.3 police scienc...
D035.33 learn to def...
D06 nation, the colo...
D08 Other political ...
D082 Democracy, huma...
D09 in the history o...
D091.6 Socialist Ide...
D4 Workers, Peasants...
D41 labour organizat...
D44 the women's orga...
D440 feminist theory
D5 World Politics
D50 The World Politi...
D507 national social...
D52 The world politi...
D523 administrative ...
D523.3 public securi...
D523.4 Supervision
D523.8 emigrant
D57 The Ministry of ...
D58 Social Life and ...
D6 Chinese Politics
D654 In January 1979...
D669 Social Life and...
D675.8 Taiwan Provin...
D73/77 National Poli...
D8 Diplomacy, Intern...
D81 international re...
D813.2 The United Na...
D813.4 Various organ...
D814.9 Other
D815 international p...
D815.1 to disarmamen...
D815.2 the prohibiti...
D815.4 Middle East a...
D815.5 international...
D9 Law
D90 theory of law (j...
D90-05 the relations...
D90-054 judicial psy...
D91 Legal department...
D911 National law, c...
D912.1 Administrativ...
D912.28 Financial La...
D912.29 Economic Law
D913 civil law
D913.99 commercial l...
D916 Administration ...
D916.2 Inter - Ameri...
D917 Criminology
D917.2 criminal psyc...
D917.6 Crime's Preve...
D917.9 Other
D918 criminalistics ...
D918.2 investigative...
D918.5 preliminary,
D918.91 trace
D919 forensic medici...
D919.1 forensic scie...
D919.2 forensic scie...
D919.3 judicial psyc...
D919.4 forensic medi...
D919.6 forensic anth...
D920.0 theory
D921 National law, c...
D922.28 Financial La...
D922.284 Insurance o...
D922.291.92 Insolven...
D922.5 The Labor Law...
D923 civil law
D923.4 intellectual ...
D924.3 Specific Prov...
D925 Procedure
D99 international la...
D993.3 territorial w...
D993.4 airspace, air...
D994 normal law
D996 International E...
D996.2 International...
D998.2 international...
D999.1 the Law of Ou...
E0-053 military and ...
E0-054 defense econo...
E113 military bases
E19 military history
E81 Beijing 100094
E815 Naval strategic...
E9 Military Technolo...
E928 atomic weapons ...
F Economic
F0 Economics
F0-0 Marxism's Pluto...
F012 economic laws
F014.1 production, p...
F014.3 commodity pro...
F014.4 national inco...
F014.5 accumulation ...
F015 Macro - economi...
F016 Microeconomics
F019.1 equilibrium t...
F019.6 theory of eco...
F03 the capitalist m...
F035 Theory of Socia...
F037 economic cycle
F045.3 Value, price
F06 A branch of econ...
F061.3 Development E...
F061.4 welfare econo...
F061.5 regional econ...
F062.1 resources eco...
F062.4 technical eco...
F062.6 public econom...
F091 World
F091.3 Modern econom...
F1 The World Economi...
F11 the world econom...
F110 Policy, plannin...
F112 World Economic ...
F112.1 The economies...
F112.7 national capi...
F113 world economy
F113.4 World economi...
F114 International e...
F116 International E...
F116.7 Developed Cou...
F119 world economic ...
F119.9 world economi...
F123.16 macroeconomi...
F2 Economic Planning...
F204 management of s...
F205 resources and e...
F22 economic calcula...
F222 economic statis...
F222.1 Economic stat...
F224 econome - mathe...
F224-39 computer app...
F224.0 Quantitative ...
F224.1 economic cybe...
F224.3 Operational R...
F224.32 Game Theory
F224.7 Probability T...
F23 Accounting
F230 Accounting
F231.5 accounting st...
F233 Organizations a...
F234.2 cost accounti...
F234.3 management ac...
F24 labour economy
F241 labour
F241.2 labour market
F241.21 labour deman...
F241.34 retirement s...
F246 labor relations
F249 the world econo...
F252 Material
F253 Material Enterp...
F27 Enterprise Econo...
F270 Economic theory...
F270-05 enterprises ...
F270.7 enterprise ma...
F271 enterprise syst...
F272 Enterprise plan...
F272.5 Economic Eval...
F272.9 Enterprise Ad...
F272.91 enterprise l...
F272.92 Personnel Ma...
F273 Enterprise Prod...
F273.1 Technology Ma...
F273.2 product manag...
F274 Management of E...
F275 Enterprise Fina...
F276 various enterpr...
F276.7 transnational...
F279.12 Developed Co...
F279.2 China
F29 City and municip...
F290 urban economic ...
F293.3 real estate e...
F3 Agricultural Econ...
F30 agricultural eco...
F301 Land Economics
F301.3 landed proper...
F302 Agricultural pl...
F304 Agricultural pr...
F306.1 farm
F307.11 food crops
F307.3 Animal husban...
F307.4 fishery, aqua...
F31 world agricultur...
F316.1 Planting
F316.11 food crops
F316.4 fishery, aqua...
F319.9 economic geog...
F4 Industrial Econom...
F40 industrial econo...
F402 Industrial Plan...
F403.6 industrial te...
F406 Organization an...
F406.13 industrial p...
F406.2 production ma...
F406.3 technical man...
F406.5 raw materials...
F407.2 the energy in...
F407.22 oil & gas in...
F407.5 Aviation, aer...
F407.61 Electricity,...
F407.67 automation t...
F407.7 Chemical Indu...
F407.82 food
F407.84 printing
F407.88 forestry, wo...
F407.9 building, wat...
F41 the world indust...
F416.1 Geological, m...
F416.2 the energy in...
F416.22 oil & gas in...
F416.48 arms industr...
F416.5 Aviation, aer...
F416.67 automation t...
F416.7 Chemical Indu...
F416.82 food
F416.86 Clothing ind...
F42 Chinese industri...
F5 Transportation Ec...
F50 transportation e...
F502 transportation ...
F503 Transport Indus...
F505 Transport price...
F506 transportation ...
F511.0 Transportatio...
F511.3 Transport Ind...
F530.33 Railway Refo...
F54 land, highway tr...
F550 waterage econom...
F56 Air Transportati...
F570 urban transport...
F59 Tourism Economy
F590 Tourism Economi...
F7 Trade Economy
F71 domestic economy
F713.3 merchandising
F713.32 Retail trade
F713.36 Electronic t...
F713.5 market
F713.50 Marketing
F713.51 commercial i...
F713.55 Commercial p...
F713.8 Advertising
F714 commodity price...
F714.1 Prices
F715 business enterp...
F715.4 commercial ne...
F715.51 commercial a...
F716 commercial tech...
F719.5 entertainment...
F721 Commercial and ...
F73 home - trade in ...
F74 international tr...
F740 international t...
F743 International o...
F749 the history of ...
F762 agricultural pr...
F763 medical supplie...
F8 Finances
F810 financial theor...
F810.42 tax
F811.4 revenue and e...
F811.5 internal and ...
F82 currency
F820 currency theory
F820.5 Inflation
F821.5 Inflation
F83 financial, banks
F830 Financial, bank...
F830.3 financial org...
F830.46 , the alloca...
F830.48 savings depo...
F830.49 modernizatio...
F830.5 Credit
F830.59 Investment
F830.73 & nbsp
F830.9 financial mar...
F830.91 Securities M...
F831 The world finan...
F831.2 Financial and...
F831.6 international...
F832.5 financial mar...
F84 insurance
F840.6 various types...
F840.66 Agricultural...
G Culture, Science ,...
G0 Cultural Theory
G1 The World Culture...
G115 Mutual Aid and ...
G119 Cultural Histor...
G2 Dissemination of ...
G20 information comm...
G201 information the...
G202 information pro...
G203 Information Res...
G206 Communication T...
G206.2 Media
G206.3 Mass Communic...
G21 journalism
G22 Broadcast and te...
G23 Publishing
G230 The publication...
G230.7 Publishing wo...
G237.5 journal publi...
G237.6 publishing of...
G25 Library Science
G250 Library Science
G250.7 Library Autom...
G250.73 Network Reso...
G250.74 database con...
G250.76 electronic l...
G250.9 Library Scien...
G251 Library Managem...
G251.6 Library worke...
G252 work for reader...
G252.4 interlibrary
G252.6 Reference Adv...
G253.6 Protection of...
G254.12 classificati...
G254.223 professiona...
G254.23 The Keyword ...
G254.3 Document Cata...
G255 Various documen...
G255.6 music score
G255.9 Other
G256 philology
G257.2 catalogue com...
G257.33 social scien...
G258 Each type of li...
G258.5 scientific re...
G258.6 Institutions ...
G258.69 In Librarian...
G259 Libraries all o...
G26 Museum career.
G260 museology
G264 Collection and ...
G27 archival underta...
G270.7 archives work...
G271 archives manage...
G272 collection and ...
G273 Preservation an...
G3 Science , Scienti...
G30 scientific resea...
G301 scienology
G304 methodology of ...
G305 Scientific inve...
G306.7 States Patent...
G311 Organization an...
G312 working method
G322.9 History of sc...
G35 Informatics, int...
G352.1 Sources of su...
G354 Information Ret...
G354.4 Computerized ...
G4 Education
G4 Educion
G40 pedagogy
G40-011.8 educationa...
G40-012 all - round ...
G40-03 educational s...
G40-05 Education and...
G40-051 educational ...
G40-052 educational ...
G40-054 educational ...
G40-057 Educational ...
G40-058.1 education ...
G40-059.1 educationa...
G40-059.3 comparativ...
G40-09 history, educ...
G41 ideological and ...
G420 research and re...
G423 Theory of curri...
G424 teaching method...
G424.6 self study gu...
G424.7 Management an...
G424.74 exam
G43 Audio - visual
G431 AV (audiovisual...
G434 computerized te...
G44 educational psyc...
G442 learning psycho...
G444 psychology of s...
G448 psychological e...
G449 Education of ps...
G449.4 Intelligence ...
G456 Teacher - stude...
G47 school managemen...
G5 the world of educ...
G51 The world of edu...
G510 Education polic...
G511 Education Refor...
G512 education syste...
G515 Teachers and st...
G516 The educational...
G52 Chinese educatio...
G520 policy and its ...
G61 preschool educat...
G613.4 arithmetic me...
G62 Primary educatio...
G622 teaching theory...
G623.5 Mathematics
G63 Secondary educat...
G632 teaching theory...
G632.474 exam
G633.95 Aesthetic Ed...
G64 Higher Education
G640 higher educatio...
G642 teaching theory...
G644.8 postdoctoral
G645 teachers and st...
G649.2 China
G72 Adult education,...
G726 Staff
G751 ideological and...
G76 special educatio...
G760 Special Educati...
G762 Education of th...
G763 gifted educatio...
G764 education for d...
G765 delinquent educ...
G77 social education
G775 adolescent educ...
G78 family education
G8 P.E
G80 Sports theory
G803 Sports Ethics
G804 sports science
G804.2 Exercise Phys...
G804.3 sports health...
G804.32 Sports and p...
G804.49 human motion...
G804.5 sports medici...
G804.6 movement biom...
G804.62 human body k...
G804.8 sport psychol...
G806 physical exerci...
G807 Physical Educat...
G807.01 sport teachi...
G811.9 world sports
G831.3 Aerobics
G871 Shooting
G89 recreational act...
G891 chess
G891.1 chess
G892 playing cards
G896 hunting motion
H Language and Lingu...
H0 Linguistics
H0-05 Language and o...
H0-09 history of lan...
H01 phonetics
H014 Tone and Intona...
H017 experimental ph...
H018.4 Speech medici...
H019 method of recit...
H022 text type
H022.4 alphabet
H026.3 The shape lan...
H04 grammar
H05 Writing and Rhet...
H052 stylistics
H059 translatology
H07 dialectology
H083 Terminology
H09 Chinese teaching
H1 Chinese Language
H3 Common Foreign La...
H31 English
H311 Speech
H312 Text
H314 syntax
H315 Writing, Rhetor...
H316 dictionary
H319 Chinese teachin...
H319.4 Reading
H32 French
H33 German
H769 The Germanic la...
I Literature
I0 Literary Theory
I06 Literature, Lite...
I1 World Literature
I106 the classics an...
I106.2 Poetry
I106.8 Children's Li...
J Art
J0 Art Theory
J0-02 art philosophy
J0-05 Art and other ...
J02 Art of the funda...
J063 chromatics
J1 Overview of World...
J231 integrated work...
J3 Sculpturing Art
J4 Photographing Art
J40 theory of photog...
J41 various photogra...
J5 Industrial Art
J506 arts and crafts...
J53 States Industria...
J6 Music
J60-05 Music and oth...
J605 music comment a...
J609.9 music genre a...
J61 theory of music ...
J614.92 opera
J616 Vocal music the...
J617.2 opera, musica...
J619 Music technolog...
J62 instrumental the...
J63 national instrum...
J7 Dancing
J8 Dramatic
J80-05 Dramatic Arts...
J83 national theatre
J9 Movies, TV
J952 newsreel film)
J954 Cartoons
K History and Geogra...
K01 History of philo...
K02 social developme...
K061 historical rese...
K1 World History
K103 Cultural Histor...
K15 contemporary his...
K152 World War II (1...
K203 Cultural Histor...
K3 Asian History
K31 East Asia
K33 Southeast Asia
K4 African History
K5 European History
K51 Eastern Europe, ...
K513.5 History of th...
K516.43 November Rev...
K525 Slovakia
K546.32 Renaissance ...
K561.33 the late feu...
K565 France
K565.4 , near contem...
K565.9 local annals
K6 Oceania History
K7 Americas History
K712.4 Revolutionary...
K712.41 War of Indep...
K712.9 local annals
K81 Biography
K82 China
K85 Archaeology
K854 archaeology met...
K854.2 antiquity
K9 Geography
K901 human geography
K901.9 historical ge...
K915 urban villages
K919 Travel, Travel
L No classification
N Pandect of Natural...
N0 Theory and Method...
N01 scientific resea...
N02 Elements of the ...
N03 scientific metho...
N05 natural science ...
N09 History
N1 Current Situation...
N3 Natural Science R...
N31 investigation me...
N33 the experiment m...
N35 technical condit...
N4 Disseminate and S...
N49 popular editions
N61 terminology, the...
N62 manuals, directo...
N91 Nature Study , N...
N94 Systems Science
N941.4 null
N945 Systems Enginee...
N945.1 System
N945.17 the feasibil...
Normed algebras (), ...
O Mathematical Scien...
O1 Mathematics
O1-0 mathematical th...
O1-64 mathematical t...
O1-644 table of loga...
O11 classical mathem...
O119 Chinese mathema...
O12 Elementary Mathe...
O121 arithmetic
O122 elementary alge...
O122.4 The alignment...
O123.1 plane geometr...
O124 Triangle
O13 Higher Mathemati...
O14 Mathematical log...
O141 (mathematical l...
O141.2 proof theory
O141.3 recursive fun...
O141.4 model theory
O141.41 nonstandard ...
O143 mathematic foun...
O144 Set Theory
O144.3 Axiom Set The...
O144.4 typological t...
O15 algebra, number ...
O151 theory of algeb...
O151.1 theoryof alge...
O151.2 Linear Algebr...
O151.21 Matrix Theor...
O151.24 vector algeb...
O152 group theory
O152.1 theory of fin...
O152.2 exchange theo...
O152.5 Lie group
O152.6 Representatio...
O152.7 - GROUP
O152.8 Application o...
O153 Abstract Algebr...
O153.1 partially ord...
O153.3 Ring theory
O153.4 Lexicological
O154 category theory...
O155 differential - ...
O156 Number Theory
O156.1 Elementary Nu...
O156.2 theory of alg...
O156.3 geometric num...
O156.4 Analytic numb...
O156.5 quadratic (qu...
O156.6 transcendenta...
O156.7 Diophantine a...
O157 Combinatorial M...
O157.1 portfolio ana...
O157.2 combination d...
O157.3 combinatorial...
O157.4 algebraic cod...
O157.5 Graph
O157.6 graph theory ...
O158 Discrete Mathem...
O17 Mathematical Ana...
O172 Calculus
O172.1 The Calculus ...
O172.2 integral calc...
O173 theory of infin...
O174 function theory
O174.1 Real, real fu...
O174.12 (signed)
O174.13 semilocally ...
O174.14 polynomial t...
O174.2 classical har...
O174.21 orthogonal s...
O174.22 Fourier inte...
O174.3 harmonic func...
O174.4 constructive ...
O174.41 Approximatio...
O174.5 complex - var...
O174.51 unicomplex f...
O174.52 integer func...
O174.54 elliptic fun...
O174.55 quasiconform...
O174.56 Several Comp...
O174.6 special funct...
O175 differential eq...
O175.1 Ordinary Diff...
O175.12 qualitative ...
O175.13 stability th...
O175.14 Nonlinear Or...
O175.2 Partial Diffe...
O175.25 Elliptic Equ...
O175.27 Hyperbolic E...
O175.29 Nonlinear Pa...
O175.3 The different...
O175.5 integral equa...
O175.6 integral diff...
O175.8 Boundary Valu...
O176 variational met...
O177 functional anal...
O177.1 Hilbert space...
O177.2 Banach space ...
O177.3 linear space ...
O177.4 generalized f...
O177.5 Banach algebr...
O177.6 integral tran...
O177.8 integration t...
O177.91 Nonlinear Fu...
O177.92 Functional A...
O178 Inequality and ...
O18 geometric topolo...
O181 geometry (geome...
O182 Analytic Geomet...
O182.2 solid analyti...
O183 vector (vector ...
O183.1 vector analys...
O183.2 tensor analys...
O184 Euclidean geome...
O185.1 (projective) ...
O186 Differential Ge...
O186.1 differential ...
O186.12 Riemannian g...
O186.13 projective d...
O186.14 generalized ...
O186.15 (Exterior Di...
O186.5 integral geom...
O187 algebraic geome...
O187.1 algebraic cur...
O187.2 cluster (alge...
O189 topology (geome...
O189.1 general topol...
O189.11 topological ...
O189.12 维论
O189.2 algebraic top...
O189.21 combined top...
O189.22 Homology and...
O189.23 homotopy the...
O189.3 analytical to...
O193 Introduction to...
O21 Probability and ...
O211 probability (pr...
O211.4 Limit Theory
O211.5 Random Variab...
O211.6 stochastic pr...
O211.61 stationary p...
O211.62 Markov proce...
O211.63 Stochastic D...
O211.64 the process ...
O211.67 Expectation ...
O212 Statistics
O212.1 General stati...
O212.2 theory of sam...
O212.3 Sequential an...
O212.4 Multivariate ...
O212.5 decision func...
O212.8 Bayesian stat...
O213 applied statist...
O213.2 reliability t...
O22 Operational Rese...
O221 On mathematics ...
O221.1 Linear Progra...
O221.2 nonlinear pro...
O221.3 Dynamic Progr...
O221.4 integer progr...
O224 mathematical op...
O225 Game (Game)
O226 Queueing Theory...
O227 inventory theor...
O229 search theory
O23 cybernetics, inf...
O231 Cybernetics of ...
O231.1 linear contro...
O231.2 Nonlinear Con...
O232 Optimal Control
O233 logic network t...
O235 Pattern Recogni...
O236 Shannon Informa...
O24 computational ma...
O241 Numerical analy...
O241.1 error theory
O241.3 Interpolation
O241.4 numerical int...
O241.6 Calculation M...
O241.7 nonlinear alg...
O241.8 Differential ...
O241.81 Solution of ...
O241.82 Numerical So...
O241.86 practical ha...
O242 mathematical ap...
O242.1 Mathematical ...
O242.2 approximate c...
O242.21 Finite Eleme...
O244 Programming
O245 numerical softw...
O29 applied mathemat...
O3 Mechanics
O302 mathematical me...
O31 theoretical mech...
O311 Kinematics
O313 Dynamics
O313.3 Rigid Body Dy...
O313.5 friction theo...
O315 ballistics
O316 Analysis of ana...
O317 stability theor...
O318.2 stability of ...
O32 vibration theory
O33 continuum mechan...
O34 solid mechanics
O342 structural mech...
O343 elastic mechani...
O343.2 three - dimen...
O343.3 contact probl...
O343.5 nonlinear ela...
O343.6 thermal elast...
O344 plastic mechani...
O345 viscous - elast...
O346 strength theory
O346.1 fracture theo...
O347.4 stress wave
O347.5 shock wave
O348 Experimental St...
O348.1 photometry
O35 hydrodynamics
O351 general fluid m...
O351.2 fluid dynamic...
O353 fluid vibration...
O353.2 wave theory
O353.5 Experimental ...
O354 The compressibl...
O357 Viscous Fluid M...
O357.1 incompressibl...
O357.3 seepage
O357.4 boundary (bou...
O357.5 turbulence (t...
O358 jet
O359 multiphase flow
O361 electromagnetic...
O361.3 magneto - flu...
O363 physical - chem...
O368 applied hydrome...
O37 Rheology
O373 non - Newtonian...
O4 Physics
O4-0 theoretical phy...
O4-09 history of phy...
O4-1 Present Situati...
O4-33 physics of exp...
O4-34 physical measu...
O4-39 Computer Appli...
O41 theoretical phys...
O411 Mathematical Me...
O411.1 Mathematical ...
O411.2 Computer Appl...
O411.3 physical simu...
O412 relativity theo...
O412.1 relativistic
O412.3 field theory
O413 quantum theory
O413.1 quantum mecha...
O413.2 quantum elect...
O413.3 of the quantu...
O413.4 gauge field
O414 Thermodynamics ...
O414.1 Thermodynamic...
O414.11 fundamental ...
O414.14 nonequilibri...
O414.2 statistical p...
O414.21 statistical ...
O414.22 non - equili...
O415 nonlinear physi...
O42 acoustic
O422.1 sound velocit...
O422.6 Acoustic reso...
O422.8 noise
O423 Synthesis and A...
O424 physical acoust...
O426 ultrasonics
O427 hydroacoustics
O427.2 underwater ac...
O427.4 bubbles, cavi...
O43 Optics
O431 instinct theory...
O431.1 electromagnet...
O432 optical radiati...
O432.1 optical radia...
O432.2 optical photo...
O433 spectroscopy
O433.1 spectral meas...
O433.4 spectroscopic...
O433.5 various spect...
O434 X - ray, ultrav...
O434.1 X - ray
O434.13 spectral
O434.2 ultraviolet
O434.3 infrared
O435 geometrical opt...
O435.1 reflection an...
O436 wave optics (PO...
O436.1 Interference ...
O436.2 absorption an...
O436.3 polarization ...
O436.4 electrooptica...
O437 Nonlinear optic...
O437.5 self focusing...
O439 Applied Optics
O44 electromagnetics...
O441 electromagnetic...
O441.1 electrical
O441.2 magnetics
O441.4 electromagnet...
O442 electrodynamics
O45 radio physics
O451 electromagnetic...
O456 radio - spectro...
O46 vacuum electroni...
O461 conductive gas ...
O461.1 the basic phy...
O461.2 Each type of ...
O462 cathode electro...
O463 charged particl...
O469 Condensed Matte...
O47 semiconductor ph...
O471 The semiconduct...
O471.1 semiconductor...
O471.2 semiconductor...
O471.3 exciton theor...
O471.4 semiconductor...
O471.5 semiconductor...
O472 Semiconductor P...
O475 P - N junction
O48 solid physics
O481 Solid State The...
O481.1 band theory
O481.3 Multi - body ...
O482 solid property
O482.1 the mechanica...
O482.2 Thermal Prope...
O482.3 optical prope...
O482.4 electrical pr...
O482.5 magnetic prop...
O482.52 Various magn...
O482.53 Magnetic Rel...
O482.54 magnetic mat...
O483 Defects in Soli...
O484 Keywords film p...
O484.4 The propertie...
O485 surface physics
O51 low - temperatur...
O511 Superconductivi...
O513 cryogenic prope...
O52 high - temperatu...
O521 high pressure p...
O53 plasma physics
O532 Constraint and ...
O533 turbulence
O536 radiation measu...
O539 Application of ...
O551 thermology
O551.2 the temperatu...
O551.3 thermal prope...
O552 substance - kin...
O552.2 Diffusion and...
O552.3 gas kinetic t...
O552.4 kinetic theor...
O552.5 the structure...
O552.6 condensed sta...
O56 molecular physic...
O561 molecule physic...
O561.1 molecular str...
O561.3 molecular spe...
O561.4 The interacti...
O561.5 collision wit...
O562 atomic physics
O562.3 atomic spectr...
O562.4 interatomic, ...
O562.5 collision wit...
O57 Nuclear physics,...
O571 Nuclear physics
O571.2 the structure...
O571.21 Structure
O571.22 Properties a...
O571.23 nuclear spec...
O571.3 radioactive n...
O571.32 Various rays...
O571.4 nuclear react...
O571.41 Stimulated t...
O571.42 various type...
O571.43 fission
O571.44 fusion
O571.5 neutron physi...
O571.54 neutron ener...
O571.55 neutron cros...
O571.56 neutron diff...
O572 Yanga
O572.1 cosmic ray
O572.11 Physical pro...
O572.2 particle phys...
O572.21 Experiment a...
O572.23 symmetry and...
O572.24 Interaction
O572.3 Particle type
O572.31 Jiaozi, gaug...
O572.32 lepton
O572.33 meson
O572.34 baryon
O59 applied physics
O6 Chemistry
O6-0 chemical princi...
O6-01 chemical nomen...
O6-04 chemical calcu...
O6-05 chemical relat...
O6-051 Chemistry and...
O6-32 experimental i...
O6-33 Experimental T...
O6-332 Separation an...
O6-39 Computer Appli...
O61 Inorganic Chemis...
O611 chemical elemen...
O611.2 structure
O611.4 inorganic syn...
O611.6 inorganic com...
O611.61 a hydrogen -...
O611.62 Oxides, pero...
O611.63 acid
O611.66 double salt
O612.5 group V eleme...
O612.6 Group VI elem...
O613 non - metalic c...
O613.11 Helium (He)
O613.3 O oxygen
O613.41 fluorine F
O613.42 Cl chlorine
O613.44 Iodine (I)
O613.5 non - metal e...
O613.51 sulfur S
O613.6 V (non - meta...
O613.61 N nitrogen
O613.62 P phosphorou...
O613.71 Carbon C
O613.72 null
O613.8 Article III -...
O614 the metalic com...
O614.1 which is a Gr...
O614.11 alkali metal...
O614.12 铜副族 (a metal...
O614.23 alkaline ear...
O614.24 zinc sub - g...
O614.3 Group III met...
O614.33 Lanthanides ...
O614.35 actinides
O614.37 A subgroup o...
O614.42 thorium Th
O614.43 a germanium ...
O614.51 VB (V B meta...
O614.61 铬副族 (metal o...
O614.81 ferrous meta...
O614.82 platinum met...
O615 radioactivity a...
O615.11 radioactive ...
O615.4 practical rad...
O616 Rare and disper...
O62 Organic Chemistr...
O621 Organic Chemist...
O621.1 theory of org...
O621.13 Organic Chem...
O621.14 Organic comp...
O621.15 organic comp...
O621.16 Physical Org...
O621.21 physical pro...
O621.24 Thermodynami...
O621.25 chemistry, o...
O621.3 Organic synth...
O622 all organic com...
O622.1 hydrocarbon (...
O622.2 halogen deriv...
O622.5 The organic c...
O622.7 sulfur compou...
O623 Aliphatic compo...
O623.121 ethylene hy...
O623.124 acetylenic ...
O623.2 aliphatic hal...
O623.223 diolefinic ...
O623.413 polyol
O623.42 alcohol deri...
O623.5 aliphatic ald...
O623.6 aliphatic car...
O623.61 aliphatic ac...
O623.661 a carbonyl ...
O623.67 carbonyl (ca...
O623.73 aliphatic am...
O623.731 Amine
O623.76 nitriles, is...
O623.8 aliphatic sul...
O624 carbocyclic com...
O624.12 unsaturated ...
O625 aromatic compou...
O625.1 Aromatic Hydr...
O625.11 monocyclic h...
O625.15 Polycyclic A...
O625.2 aromatic halo...
O625.3 phenol, aroma...
O625.31 phenol and i...
O626 heterocyclic co...
O626.12 thiofuran (t...
O626.13 azoles of gr...
O626.23 间二氮茂 (imidaz...
O626.32 aza - pyridi...
O627 elementary orga...
O627.11 The organic ...
O627.21 the magnesiu...
O627.23 Zinc metal o...
O627.31 organic boro...
O627.41 Organic sili...
O627.43 Recent devel...
O627.51 Organic phos...
O627.6 a Group VI el...
O627.8 Group VIII el...
O629 Natural compoun...
O629.1 carbohydrate,...
O629.11 monosacchari...
O629.12 Polysacchari...
O629.2 corticosteroi...
O629.3 alkaloid
O629.7 alpha - amino...
O629.72 Peptides
O629.73 protein
O629.74 nucleic acid
O629.8 enzymes, horm...
O63 Polymer Chemistr...
O631 polymer physics...
O631.1 lattice theor...
O631.2 Physical Prop...
O631.3 high polymer ...
O631.4 Polymer solut...
O631.5 Polymerizatio...
O631.6 Analysis and ...
O632.12 olefin polym...
O632.19 Heterocyclic...
O632.21 halogenated ...
O633.11 ethylene oxi...
O635.1 inorganic car...
O636 natural polymer...
O636.1 high molecula...
O636.2 Lignin
O636.9 other natural...
O64 (physical chemis...
O641 chemical struct...
O641.1 chemical bond...
O641.12 quantum theo...
O641.13 physics of c...
O641.2 the type of c...
O641.3 intermolecula...
O641.4 Keywords coor...
O641.6 stereochemist...
O642 chemical thermo...
O642.1 chemical ther...
O642.3 thermochemica...
O642.4 thermodynamic...
O642.5 The physical ...
O643 chemical kineti...
O643.1 chemical kine...
O643.11 the rate of ...
O643.12 Mechanism an...
O643.13 single - pha...
O643.15 high and ult...
O643.16 discharge re...
O643.17 periodic rea...
O643.19 Other reacti...
O643.2 combustion ex...
O643.3 catalytic
O643.32 catalytic re...
O643.36 catalyst
O643.5 high - temper...
O644.1 photochemical
O644.11 Photochemica...
O644.15 Photochemica...
O644.18 chemical las...
O644.19 Organic and ...
O644.2 radiation che...
O645 solution
O645.12 solubility
O645.13 Solvent effe...
O645.14 Diffusion an...
O645.16 Solution Pro...
O645.17 electrolyte ...
O645.2 solid solutio...
O645.4 molten salt
O646 electrochemical...
O646.1 electrolyte s...
O646.2 electrochemic...
O646.5 electrolysis ...
O646.51 electrolysis...
O646.54 Electrode Pr...
O646.8 magnetic chem...
O647 the superficies...
O647.1 the superfici...
O647.11 interfacial ...
O647.2 surface - act...
O647.3 Adsorption
O647.31 adsorption t...