CHAPTER 1. Magnetic Circuits and Materials
1.4. Modern magnetic materials
2.2. Rectifier instruments
2.3. Thermocouple instruments
2.4. Electrodynamometer instruments
2.7. Wattmeter terminal markings
2.8. The multirange wattmeter
2.9. The low-power factor wattmeter
2.10. Measurement of power in a three-phase system
2.11. Power measurement by the two-wattmeter method
2.12. Power-factor indication from the two-wattmeter method
2.13. Power-factor indicators
2.14. Measurement of reactive volt-amperes
2.15. The multirange instrument
2.16. Methods of resistance measurement
2.17. The Series ohmmeter
2.19. An insulation tester
2.20. A battery 'megger' tester
2.21. The Wheatstone bridge
2.26. Current transformers
2.27. Potential or voltage transformers
CHAPTER 3. Direct-Current Machines
3.2. The simple d.c. generator
3.3. The simple d.c. motor
3.5. Generated e.m.f. equation for a d.c. machine
3.6. Armature winding resistance
3.7. Brush contact resistance
3.8. Excitation of the field magnet system
3.9. Construction of d.c. machines
3.10. Armature reaction in d.c. generators
3.11. Effect of rocking the brushes
3.12. Use of interpoles or compoles
3.14. Compensating windings
3.15. Generator characteristics
3.16. Separate excitation of a d.c. generator
3.17. The self-excited or shunt generator
3.18. The shunt generator on load
3.19. The d.c series generator
3.20. Compounded d.c. generators
3.21. The three-winding d.c. generator
3.22. Speed control of d.c. motors
3.24. The hand-operated face plate motor starter
3.25. Armature reaction and commutation in d.c. motors
3.26. The d.c. shunt motor
3.27. The d.c. shunt motor with a series stabilising field
3.28. The d.c. compounded motor
3.29. The d.c. series motor
3.30. Efficiency of d.c. machines
Single-phase Alternating Current Theory
4.2. Resistance, inductance and capacitance in series
4.3. Power and power factor
4.6. The coil with a magnetic core
4.8. Kilowatts, kilovolt-amperes and reactive kilovolt-amperes
4.9. Power factor improvement
4.10. Energy stored in an alternating magnetic field
4.11. The quality (Q) factor of a coil
Three-Phase System
5.1. Generation of a three-phase Supply
5.3. Delta or mesh connection
5.4. Loads on three-phase systems
5.5. Power in a three-phase balanced load
5.6. Kilowatts, kilovolt-amperes and reactive kilovolt-amperes
5.7. The three-phase, four-wire distribution system
CHAPTER 6. The Transformer
6.2. The practical transformer on no load
6.3. The ideal transformer on load
6.4. The practical transformer on load
6.5. Phasor diagram for a loaded transformer
6.6. Efficiency of transformers
6.7. Construction of transformers
CHAPTER 7. Electric Circuits
7.2. Use of a circuit transformation
7.3. Theorem of superposition
7.4. Maxwell's circulating current (or mesh current) analysis
7.7. Maximum power transfer theorem
Simple Transients
8.1. Rate of change of current in an inductor
8.2. Current increase in a practical circuit
8.3. Graphical construction of an exponential curve
8.4. Current decrease in a practical circuit
8.5. Rate of change of voltage across a capacitor
8.6. Charging of a capacitor
8.7. Discharge of a capacitor