Approaching a Career in Soil Science
Entering the New Field of Soil Microbiology
2. Domesticating Microbes
Discovering Antibiotics, or Life Impedes Life
Adaptive Enzymes as Tools
Launching the Antibiotic Era
Following the Momentous Discovery
The Hectic Glow of Success
Developing a Wartime Vaccine against Dysentery
3. Tuberculosis and Dilemmas of Modern Medicine
Microbial Resistance to Antibiotics
Establishing a Tuberculosis Laboratory
Antibacterial Agents against Tuberculosis
Rapid and Dispersed Growth of Mycobacteria in Culture
Ecological Facets of Virulence
4. Mirage of Health: Infection versus Disease
Planting Trees, Planting Ideas
A New Rockefeller Environment and New Experimental Medicine
Microenvironments of Inflammation
Ecology of Infection versus Disease
Turning from Disease to Health
Pursue Well-fare not Warfare
5. Toward a Science of Human Nature
Laboratory Research in Environmental Biomedicine
Ideas for a Science of Human Nature
Human Ecology: An Interruption
6. Health as Creative Adaptation
A Despairing Optimist Emerges
A New Environmental Attitude
Concluding Visions of a Wise Ecologist
APPENDIX I. Events of René Dubos’ Life
APPENDIX II. Books, Monographs, and Pamphlets by René Dubos (in chronological order)