New Directions in Quantum Chaos ( International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi” )

Publication series :International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”

Author: Casati   G.  

Publisher: Ios Press‎

Publication year: 2000

E-ISBN: 9781614992288

P-ISBN(Hardback):  9781586030742

Subject: O4 Physics

Keyword: 物理学

Language: ENG

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The rapid progress of the research field of quantum chaos and its applications called for a book that keeps students abreast of the new developments and at the same time provides a solid basis in subjects which form the canon of the field. This book discusses the following topics: Spectral statistics and their semiclassical interpretation in terms of the Gutzwiller trace formula, Quantum chaos and its applications in mesoscopic physics, Spectral statistics and conductance fluctuations and Quantum chaos in systems with many degrees of freedom. The book connects and continues past and present achievements and prepares the ground for a future full of intriguing and important developments.


Van Vleck formula

Van Vleck formula

The semiclassical Green's function

The semiclassical Green's function

The short-time contribution to G

The short-time contribution to G

Gutzwiller trace formula

Gutzwiller trace formula

Quantum determinants

Quantum determinants

Appendix A

Appendix A

Manipulations on Van Vleck's determinant

Manipulations on Van Vleck's determinant

Appendix B

Appendix B

From action to monodromy matrix

From action to monodromy matrix

Spectral twinkling

Spectral twinkling



Examples of singularity-dominated strong fluctuations

Examples of singularity-dominated strong fluctuations

Smells in random winds, and the sex life of moths

Smells in random winds, and the sex life of moths

van Hove singularities and kin

van Hove singularities and kin

Twinkling starlight

Twinkling starlight

Spectral twinkling for integrable systems: superpoisson fluctuations

Spectral twinkling for integrable systems: superpoisson fluctuations

Spectral twinkling for mixed systems

Spectral twinkling for mixed systems

Chaos, dissipation and quantal Brownian motion

Chaos, dissipation and quantal Brownian motion



Definition of the problem

Definition of the problem

Restricted versions of the problem

Restricted versions of the problem

"History" of the problem

"History" of the problem

Fluctuations: intensity and correlation time

Fluctuations: intensity and correlation time

Fluctuations: time-dependent Hamiltonian

Fluctuations: time-dependent Hamiltonian

Actual, parametric and reduced energy changes

Actual, parametric and reduced energy changes

The sudden and the adiabatic approximations

The sudden and the adiabatic approximations

Ballistic and diffusive energy spreading

Ballistic and diffusive energy spreading

Energy spreading and dissipation

Energy spreading and dissipation

Application to the "piston" example

Application to the "piston" example

The route to stochastic behavior

The route to stochastic behavior

The transition probability kernel

The transition probability kernel

Limitations on quantal-classical correspondence (QCC)

Limitations on quantal-classical correspondence (QCC)

The parametric evolution of P(n|m)

The parametric evolution of P(n|m)

The time evolution of P_t(n|m)

The time evolution of P_t(n|m)

Linear response theory

Linear response theory

Actual and parametric dynamics

Actual and parametric dynamics

Perturbation theory

Perturbation theory

The over-simplified RMT picture

The over-simplified RMT picture

The perturbative core-tail spreading profile

The perturbative core-tail spreading profile

An improved perturbation theory

An improved perturbation theory

Consequences of the improved perturbative treatment

Consequences of the improved perturbative treatment

The quantum-mechanical sudden approximation

The quantum-mechanical sudden approximation

The quantum-mechanical adiabatic approximation

The quantum-mechanical adiabatic approximation

Classical Brownian motion

Classical Brownian motion

The DLD Hamiltonian

The DLD Hamiltonian

The white-noise approximation (WNA)

The white-noise approximation (WNA)

Consequences of the WNA

Consequences of the WNA

The reduced propagator

The reduced propagator

Master equation

Master equation

Brownian motion and dephasing

Brownian motion and dephasing

The open question

The open question

Quantum chaos in extended systems: Spreading wave packets and avoided band crossings

Quantum chaos in extended systems: Spreading wave packets and avoided band crossings



Avoided band crossings

Avoided band crossings

Modeling avoided band crossings

Modeling avoided band crossings

A perturbation calculation for the three-band model

A perturbation calculation for the three-band model

A real example

A real example

Dynamics of quantum systems with fractal spectrum

Dynamics of quantum systems with fractal spectrum

The spectral function

The spectral function

Uniform scaling

Uniform scaling



A brief introduction to random matrices

A brief introduction to random matrices



Gaussian ensembles of Hermitian matrices

Gaussian ensembles of Hermitian matrices

Integration measure

Integration measure

Eigenvalue distribution

Eigenvalue distribution

Eigenvector distribution

Eigenvector distribution

Spacing distributions

Spacing distributions

Why universality of spectral fluctuations?

Why universality of spectral fluctuations?

Wigner's semicircle law

Wigner's semicircle law

Dyson's circular ensembles

Dyson's circular ensembles

Two-point correlator and form factor

Two-point correlator and form factor

CUE averages of symmetric functions

CUE averages of symmetric functions

CUE form factor and pair correlator

CUE form factor and pair correlator

How to process a single spectrum into a two-point correlator

How to process a single spectrum into a two-point correlator

Gaussian statistics and independence of finite-time traces

Gaussian statistics and independence of finite-time traces

Ergodicity of the form factor

Ergodicity of the form factor

Poisson ensemble

Poisson ensemble

Non-Gaussian ensembles

Non-Gaussian ensembles

Universality of spectral fluctuations

Universality of spectral fluctuations

Autocorrelations of secular determinants

Autocorrelations of secular determinants

The semiclassical tool in mesoscopic physics

The semiclassical tool in mesoscopic physics



Quantum transport through classically chaotic cavities

Quantum transport through classically chaotic cavities

Chaotic scattering

Chaotic scattering

The scattering approach to the conductance

The scattering approach to the conductance

Quantum interference in ballistic cavities

Quantum interference in ballistic cavities

Semiclassical transmission amplitudes

Semiclassical transmission amplitudes

Transmission coefficients and average values

Transmission coefficients and average values

Conductance fluctuations

Conductance fluctuations

Weak localization in the ballistic regime

Weak localization in the ballistic regime

Scattering and integrability in quantum transport

Scattering and integrability in quantum transport

Direct trajectories

Direct trajectories

Scattering through a rectangular cavity

Scattering through a rectangular cavity

Semiclassical transmission amplitudes for square cavities

Semiclassical transmission amplitudes for square cavities

Mean conductance in a square cavity

Mean conductance in a square cavity

Conductance fluctuations in a square cavity

Conductance fluctuations in a square cavity

Circular billiards, diffraction and tunneling

Circular billiards, diffraction and tunneling

Experiments on ballistic transport and other aspects of the theory

Experiments on ballistic transport and other aspects of the theory

Conductance fluctuations and weak localization in ballistic microstructures

Conductance fluctuations and weak localization in ballistic microstructures

Semiclassics vs. random matrix theory

Semiclassics vs. random matrix theory

Mixed dynamics

Mixed dynamics

Semiclassical approach to bulk conductivity

Semiclassical approach to bulk conductivity

Orbital magnetism in clean systems

Orbital magnetism in clean systems

Thermodynamic formalism

Thermodynamic formalism

Semiclassical treatment of susceptibilities

Semiclassical treatment of susceptibilities

Square billiards

Square billiards

Integrable vs. chaotic behavior

Integrable vs. chaotic behavior

Semiclassical approach to weak disorder

Semiclassical approach to weak disorder

Disorder models

Disorder models

Single-particle Green function

Single-particle Green function

Two-particle Green function

Two-particle Green function

Fixed-size impurity average of the magnetic susceptibility

Fixed-size impurity average of the magnetic susceptibility

Combined impurity and energy average of the susceptibility

Combined impurity and energy average of the susceptibility

Relation to experiment and other theories

Relation to experiment and other theories

Electron-electron interactions in the ballistic regime

Electron-electron interactions in the ballistic regime

Screened Coulomb interaction in two dimensions

Screened Coulomb interaction in two dimensions

Thermodynamics and semiclassics of small interacting systems

Thermodynamics and semiclassics of small interacting systems

First-order perturbation, diagonal and non-diagonal contributions

First-order perturbation, diagonal and non-diagonal contributions

Higher-order terms

Higher-order terms



Statistics of energy levels and eigenfunctions in disordered and chaotic systems: Supersymmetry approach

Statistics of energy levels and eigenfunctions in disordered and chaotic systems: Supersymmetry approach



Introduction to the supersymmetry method and application to RMT

Introduction to the supersymmetry method and application to RMT

Green's function approach

Green's function approach



Average DOS from supersymmetry

Average DOS from supersymmetry

Level correlations

Level correlations

Comments and generalizations

Comments and generalizations

Structure of the saddle point manifold

Structure of the saddle point manifold

Gaussian ensembles of different symmetry

Gaussian ensembles of different symmetry

Ensembles with non-Gaussian distributions of matrix elements

Ensembles with non-Gaussian distributions of matrix elements

Random banded matrices

Random banded matrices

Parametric level statistics

Parametric level statistics

Level statistics in a disordered sample: Diffusive sigma-model

Level statistics in a disordered sample: Diffusive sigma-model

Derivation of the diffusive sigma-model

Derivation of the diffusive sigma-model

Reduction to the 0D sigma-model: Universal limit

Reduction to the 0D sigma-model: Universal limit

Deviations from universality

Deviations from universality

Perturbation theory

Perturbation theory

Deviations from universality at omega << E_c

Deviations from universality at omega << E_c

Stationary-point method

Stationary-point method

Spectral characteristics related to R_2(s)

Spectral characteristics related to R_2(s)

Spectral form factor

Spectral form factor

Level number variance

Level number variance

Eigenfunction statistics

Eigenfunction statistics

Random matrix theory

Random matrix theory

Eigenfunction statistics in terms of the supersymmetric sigma-model

Eigenfunction statistics in terms of the supersymmetric sigma-model

Quasi-one-dimensional geometry

Quasi-one-dimensional geometry

Exact solution of the sigma-model

Exact solution of the sigma-model

Short wire

Short wire

Long wire

Long wire

Metallic regime (arbitrary d)

Metallic regime (arbitrary d)

2D: Weak multifractality of eigenfunctions

2D: Weak multifractality of eigenfunctions

Spatial correlations of eigenfunction amplitudes

Spatial correlations of eigenfunction amplitudes

Zero-mode approximation

Zero-mode approximation

Quasi-1D geometry

Quasi-1D geometry

Metallic regime (arbitrary d)

Metallic regime (arbitrary d)

Anomalously localized states and long-time relaxation

Anomalously localized states and long-time relaxation

Quasi-1D geometry

Quasi-1D geometry

2D geometry

2D geometry

Random matrix model

Random matrix model

Supersymmetry approach to the quantum chaos

Supersymmetry approach to the quantum chaos

Introduction: What we have learned from the diffusive problem

Introduction: What we have learned from the diffusive problem

Ballistic sigma-model

Ballistic sigma-model

Heuristic arguments

Heuristic arguments

Ballistic sigma-model from disorder averaging

Ballistic sigma-model from disorder averaging

sigma-model from energy averaging

sigma-model from energy averaging

Non-universal corrections and statistical noise

Non-universal corrections and statistical noise

Problem of repetitions

Problem of repetitions

Billiard with diffuse surface scattering

Billiard with diffuse surface scattering

Level statistics

Level statistics

The level number variance

The level number variance

Eigenfunction statistics

Eigenfunction statistics

sigma-model for the kicked rotor

sigma-model for the kicked rotor

Concluding remarks

Concluding remarks

Experimental study of quantum chaos with cold atoms

Experimental study of quantum chaos with cold atoms



A two-level atom in a standing-wave potential

A two-level atom in a standing-wave potential

Experimental method

Experimental method

Kicked rotor

Kicked rotor

Current and future directions

Current and future directions

Quantum stochasticity and the many-body problem

Quantum stochasticity and the many-body problem



Symmetries and the semiclassical approximation

Symmetries and the semiclassical approximation



Pedestrian approach

Pedestrian approach

Symmetry arguments

Symmetry arguments

Invariant chaotic manifolds and collective motion

Invariant chaotic manifolds and collective motion

Invariant manifolds in interacting many-body systems

Invariant manifolds in interacting many-body systems

Quantum case

Quantum case

Classical model for the giant dipole resonance

Classical model for the giant dipole resonance

Localization in Hilbert space

Localization in Hilbert space

Anderson localization

Anderson localization

Localization in polyatomic molecules

Localization in polyatomic molecules

Fock-space localization in quantum dots

Fock-space localization in quantum dots

Fock-space localization in self-bound fermionic many-body systems

Fock-space localization in self-bound fermionic many-body systems

Spectral statistics and periodic orbits

Spectral statistics and periodic orbits





Trace formulas

Trace formulas

Random matrix theory

Random matrix theory

Correlation functions

Correlation functions

Diagonal approximation

Diagonal approximation

Criterion of applicability of diagonal approximation

Criterion of applicability of diagonal approximation

Beyond the diagonal approximation

Beyond the diagonal approximation

The Hardy-Littlewood conjecture

The Hardy-Littlewood conjecture

Arithmetical systems

Arithmetical systems

Construction of the density of states from a finite number of periodic orbits

Construction of the density of states from a finite number of periodic orbits

Off-diagonal terms for the Riemann zeta-function

Off-diagonal terms for the Riemann zeta-function

Off-diagonal contribution for dynamical systems

Off-diagonal contribution for dynamical systems

Random matrix universality

Random matrix universality

Riemann-Siegel form of density of states

Riemann-Siegel form of density of states



Quantum chaos and thermalization for interacting particles

Quantum chaos and thermalization for interacting particles



Two-body random interaction model

Two-body random interaction model

Description of the model

Description of the model

Many-body Hamiltonian

Many-body Hamiltonian

Structure of the Hamiltonian matrix

Structure of the Hamiltonian matrix

Correlations in off-diagonal matrix elements

Correlations in off-diagonal matrix elements

Density of states and spectrum statistics

Density of states and spectrum statistics

Structure of exact eigenstates

Structure of exact eigenstates

Strength function

Strength function

Analytical solution for the LDOS

Analytical solution for the LDOS

Non-statistical properties of the TBRI-model

Non-statistical properties of the TBRI-model

Thermalization and onset of chaos

Thermalization and onset of chaos

Distribution of occupation numbers

Distribution of occupation numbers

Microcanonical vs. canonical distribution

Microcanonical vs. canonical distribution

Transition to the Fermi-Dirac distribution

Transition to the Fermi-Dirac distribution

Analytical approach to the n_s-distribution

Analytical approach to the n_s-distribution

Effective Fermi-Dirac distribution for finite systems

Effective Fermi-Dirac distribution for finite systems

Temperature vs. chaos

Temperature vs. chaos

Transition to chaos and statistical equilibrium

Transition to chaos and statistical equilibrium

Concluding remarks

Concluding remarks

Comparison between quantum and classical dynamics in the effective action formalism

Comparison between quantum and classical dynamics in the effective action formalism



Effective action in quantum mechanics

Effective action in quantum mechanics

Loop expansion of the effective action

Loop expansion of the effective action

Derivative expansion of the effective action

Derivative expansion of the effective action

Derivative expansion: Euclidean approach

Derivative expansion: Euclidean approach

Derivative expansion as a WKB-like approximation

Derivative expansion as a WKB-like approximation



2D anharmonic oscillator: classical

2D anharmonic oscillator: classical

2D anharmonic oscillator: quantum

2D anharmonic oscillator: quantum

Torus maps, symmetries, and spectral statistics

Torus maps, symmetries, and spectral statistics



Cat maps

Cat maps

Quantum cat maps

Quantum cat maps





Trace formula

Trace formula

Spectral statistics and random matrix theory

Spectral statistics and random matrix theory

Quantum symmetries

Quantum symmetries

Classical symmetries

Classical symmetries



First puzzle

First puzzle



Nonlinear perturbations

Nonlinear perturbations

Second puzzle

Second puzzle

Time-reversal and quantum phases

Time-reversal and quantum phases

Third puzzle

Third puzzle

Quantum symmetries with no classical limit

Quantum symmetries with no classical limit



Localization in billiards

Localization in billiards



Dynamical localization in conservative systems

Dynamical localization in conservative systems

Localization in 2D quantum billiards

Localization in 2D quantum billiards

Generic (KAM-type) billiard with perfect classical barriers (tori)

Generic (KAM-type) billiard with perfect classical barriers (tori)

Rough billiards, and stadium billiard: partial classical barriers, slow classical diffusion, and cantori

Rough billiards, and stadium billiard: partial classical barriers, slow classical diffusion, and cantori

Quantum dynamical localization

Quantum dynamical localization

Local density of states

Local density of states

Localization in 3D quantum billiards

Localization in 3D quantum billiards

Scaling method for numerical solution of 2D Helmholz equation

Scaling method for numerical solution of 2D Helmholz equation



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