2 The Expectations and Role of International and National Civil Society and the SCSL
II. Before the Negotiations for the Special Court Agreement (Pre-August 2000)
III. During the Negotiations and the SCSL’s Establishment (August 2000 to July 2002)
A. Sierra Leone Civil Society
B. International Civil Society
C. Sierra Leonean and International Civil Society Working Together
D. Special Court Working Group
E. SCSL Planning Mission: January 2002
IV. The Establishment of the SCSL
A. Working with Sierra Leone’s Legal Profession
B. Conflict Mapping and Engaging Sierra Leoneans in Their Accountability Process
C. Cementing the Special Court’s Place in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Beyond
3 International Community Expectations of the Sierra Leone Special Court
Part II Approach to Individual Criminal Responsibility
4 Joint Criminal Enterprise at the Special Court for Sierra Leone
II. The JCE Doctrine and JCE Pleadings before the SCSL
III. The Specificity of JCE Pleadings
A. JCE Pleading Requirements
B. Form of the Indictment Decisions
IV. The AFRC Appeal Judgment: The Approval of a Noncriminal Purpose
V. The RUF Judgments: The Judicial Meltdown of JCE Doctrine
A. Noncriminal Purpose and Conduct Misapplied
B. The Case of Gbao: Joint Criminal Confusion
5 How the Approach to JCE in Taylor and the RUF Case Undermined the Demands of Justice at the Special Court for Sierra Leone
II. Denial of the RUF Accused’s Right to Be Informed of the Charges
A. International Standards: Prompt and Detailed Notice
B. The RUF Trial and the Right to Be Informed – Departure from International Standards
2. The SCSL’s New “Exceptions” to the Indictment Specificity Requirements
3. The RUF Test for the Admissibility of New Evidence
C. Conclusion: Denial of a Fair Opportunity to Defend the Charges
III. Imputation of Crimes to the RUF Accused: Assessing the Evidential Links between the Accused and the Crimes Pursuant to the
A. Abandonment of the ICTY and ICTR Approach to JCE: The Attribution of “Contemplated” Crimes to the Accused
B. The Culpability Principle: Imputing the Crimes of Non-JCE Members to the Accused
1. The SCSL’s Departure from International Standards
2. Employment of an Incorrect Evaluative Standard
3. Failure to Link Crimes to a JCE Member
IV. Violation of Taylor’s Right to Be Informed of the Charges
A. Conclusion: Punishment for Membership in the RUF, the Imputation of Crimes, and the Hamstringing of the Taylor Defense
B. Conclusion: Trials Lacking Due Process
6 Command Responsibility in the Sierra Leonean Conflict: The Duty to Take Measures to Prevent Crimes and Punish the Perpetrator
II. Duty to Take Measures to Prevent and Punish
B. Measures Taken to Prevent
C. Measures Taken to Punish
1. Punishment by the Superior
2. Referral to the Competent Authorities
7 Command Responsibility in the Jungle: Some Reflections on the Elements of Effective Command and Control
II. Constituent Elements of Superior Responsibility
III. The Sierra Leone Court and Superior Responsibility
IV. Some Final Reflections
8 Authority, Responsibility, and Witchcraft: From Tintin to the SCSL
I. Mysticism, Modernity, and Authority in Tintin au Congo
II. The Limits of Rational Discourse in the CDF Trial
B. The Trial Chamber and the Majority of the Appeals Chamber
C. Judge Gelaga King’s Dissent in the Appeals Chamber
9 Legal Anthropology and the Construction of Complex Liabilities
I. Anthropology as a Tool for Assessing Complex Liabilities
II. Elusive Effective Control
III. The Role and Origin of Influence in Sierra Leone’s Armed Groups
Part III Approach to Substantive International Crimes
10 Forced Marriage as a Separate Crime against Humanity
II. Marriage, War, and Crimes against Humanity in Sierra Leone
A. The Conflict in Sierra Leone
B. Marriage in Sierra Leone
C. Forced Marriage in the Sierra Leonean Civil War
III. Forced Marriage and International Law
A. The International Community Has Long Recognized the Constitutive Physical Acts Perpetrated against the Victimized Spouse of
B. The International Community Has a Vested Interest in Protecting the Family and the Institution of Marriage
C. All Marriages Require the Consent of Both Parties to Be Valid
D. The Crime of “Forced Marriage” Is Distinct from an Arranged Marriage
IV. Forced Marriage and the Statute for the Special Court for Sierra Leone
A. Perpetrators of Forced Marriage Inflict Great Suffering, and Serious Injury to Body or Mental or Physical Health by Means of
B. Forced Marriage Is an Act of a Similar Character to the Other Enumerated Crimes against Humanity because it Is Composed of C
C. Forced Marriage Was Part of a Widespread and Systematic Attack against the Civilian Population of Sierra Leone
D. Forced Marriage Is More than the Sum of Its Constituent Acts and Should Be Prosecuted as a Separate Crime in Order to Appro
E. Forced Marriage Is a Unique Crime and It Would Not Be Duplicitous to Proceed with Charges of Forced Marriage in Light of th
V. Defining Forced Marriage – Elements for a New Crime against Humanity
11 Forced Marriage at the Special Court for Sierra Leone: Questions of Jurisdiction, Legality, Specificity, and Consistency
II. Questions of Jurisdiction, Legality, and Limited Specificity in Pleading
A. Addition of Forced Marriage to the Indictments
B. Jurisdiction and Other Inhumane Acts
C. Judicial Oversight of the Court’s Jurisdiction
D. Limited Specificity in the Pleading of Forced Marriage
III. Shifting Prosecutorial Articulations and Varied Judicial Findings
A. Forced Marriage Added to the Indictments as a Crime of a Sexual Nature
B. Trial Chamber I Indirectly Reverses Itself
C. Trial Chamber II Contemplates Forced Marriage as a Nonsexual Crime
D. Sexual or Nonsexual? Trial Chamber I Does Not Commit
E. AFRC Prosecution Final Trial Brief – The First Comprehensive Definition of Forced Marriage
F. AFRC Trial Judgment – Forced Marriage Is Only Nonsexual
G. AFRC Appeals Judgment – Forced Marriage Is “Predominantly” Nonsexual
H. The RUF Trial Judgment – Forced Marriage Confirmed
I. The Charles Taylor Trial – Forced Marriage Is Withdrawn
12 Evaluating the Special Court for Sierra Leone’s Gender Jurisprudence
II. The SCSL’s Jurisprudence on Specific Types of Gender-Based Violence
C. Forced Marriage/Conjugal Slavery
D. Outrages on Personal Dignity
III. Relation of Gender-Based Crimes to Other Crimes: Intersectionality
IV. Acts of Gender-Based Violence Directed against Men and Boys
V. Creating Silence on Gender-Based Crimes: The CDF Case
13 The Judicial Contribution of the Special Court for Sierra Leone to the Prosecution of Terrorism
II. The Ban of Act of Terrorism under the LOAC
A. The Notion of Acts of Terrorism in Warfare
B. Difficulties Related to the Scope of Application of the LOAC
III. Acts of Terrorism “In Wartime” and Individual Criminal Responsibility
A. Post–World War II Jurisprudence
B. The Position of the UN Ad Hoc Tribunals
IV. The SCSL Jurisprudence on Acts of Terrorism “In Wartime”
14 Fleshing Out the Contours of the Crime of Attacks against United Nations Peacekeepers – The Contribution of the Special Co
II. Normative Foundations for UN Peacekeeping
III. International Law Prohibiting Attacks on UN Peacekeepers
IV. UNAMSIL as a Peacekeeping Mission
V. The Judgment of the Special Court in the RUF Case
Part IV Approach to Challenging Issues in International Criminal Law
15 The Lomé Amnesty Decision of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
I. The Conflict in Sierra Leone, Amnesty, and the Lomé Agreement
II. The Decision of the Special Court for Sierra Leone on the Effectiveness of the Amnesty Provisions of the Lomé Agreement
III. Universal Jurisdiction Crimes
IV. The SCSL as an International Court
V. The Legality of Amnesties for Jus Cogens Crimes under International Law
16 Piercing the Veil of Head-of-State Immunity: The Taylor Trial and Beyond
II. Head of State Immunity before International Criminal Courts: The State of the Art
III. The Enforcement of Arrest Warrants Issued against Third-State Officials by Treaty-Based International Criminal Tribunals
IV. The Arrest of Taylor by U.N. Forces: Paving the Road to Follow?
17 Unpunished Crimes: The Special Court for Sierra Leone and Children
II. Conscripting or Enlisting Children under the Age of 15 Years into Armed Forces or Groups or Using Them to Participate Activ
A. The Inclusion of the Crime in the Jurisdiction of the SCSL
B. Early Focus on Those Responsible
C. The Customary Nature of the Crime
D. Convictions and Precedent
E. Use of Children to Participate Actively in Hostilities
A. The Inclusion of Juvenile Offenders in the Mandate
B. The Use of Prosecutorial Discretion against the Prosecution of Juvenile Offenders: A Missed Opportunity?
IV. The Many Other Crimes Endured by Children in Sierra Leone
A. Additional Crimes Committed against “Child-Soldiers”
B. Forced Marriage and Sexual Crimes against Girls
C. Other Crimes against Other Children
18 After the Horror: Child Soldiers and the Special Court for Sierra Leone
19 The Sentencing Legacy of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
Part V Funding, Process, and Cooperation
20 Marketing Accountability at the Special Court for Sierra Leone
I. Introduction: On “Donors’ Justice”
II. Establishing the Court’s Voluntary Funding Structure
III. The Management Committee
IV. Donors’ Justice in Practice
V. SCSL Annual Reports: Narrating Budgetary Challenges
VI. Effects on Court Practice
21 Subpoena Ad Testificandum and Duces Tecum: An Examination of the Jurisprudence of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
B. Outline of the Chapter and Arguments
II. Legal Basis for Subpoenas in International Law
III. Conditions for the Issuance of Subpoenas
IV. The Question of Subpoenas before the Special Court for Sierra Leone
22 Witnessing History: Protective Measures at the Special Court for Sierra Leone
I. Introduction into Witness and Victim Protection and Support
II. The SCSL’s Goals Relate to Witness Protection Issues
B. Overarching Concerns for Security
C. Commitment to the Live Delivery of Testimony
III. The Structural Aspects of Witness Protection
B. The Prosecution and Defense Roles in Witness Protection and Support
D. Critical Concerns with regard to Location and Relocation
23 The Consequences of Witness Payments at the Special Court for Sierra Leone
A. Source of Payments: Structure, Funding, and Function of the OTPWMU
1. Structure: Location within the Investigative Arm of OTP
2. Function: Opacity of Investigative Procedures
B. Defense Allegations of False Testimony
1. Trial Chamber I: RUF Trial
2. Trial Chamber II: AFRC and Taylor Trials
III. Consequences for the SCSL’s Legacy
A. Importance of Transparency and Accountability
B. Demonstration Effects in the Local Context
24 SCSL Practice on Cooperation with the Host State and Third States: A Contribution to Africa and International Criminal Just
IV. Financial Cooperation
V. International Cooperation and the Provision of Administrative, Security, and Related Support
VI. International Cooperation and the Facilitation of Testimony before the Court
VII. Continuing and Future Cooperation
25 To Compete or to Complement? Assessing the Relationship between the Sierra Leone Special Court and the Truth and Reconciliat
II. Background to the Sierra Leone TRC
III. Relationship between the Sierra Leone TRC and the SCSL
IV. Legal Instruments of the SCSL and TRC: Who Had More Powers?
B. Operational Collaboration
D. Establishing a Formal Relationship
VI. Operational Relationship
B. Conflict between the TRC and the SCSL: TRC Access to SCSL Detainees
A. Collaboration on Investigations, Public Outreach, Use of Translators
B. Primacy/Exercise of Powers
D. Access to Detainees in Custody of the Court
F. Establishing an Institutional Relationship
Part VI Institutional Innovations in the Practice of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
26 How Special Is the Special Court’s Outreach Section?
II. A Brief History of the Outreach Section1
III. What Has the Outreach Section Done?
A. Methods and Accomplishments
D. The Effect of the Outreach Section on Other Tribunals
IV. How Innovative Was the Outreach Section?
V. Has the Outreach Section Been Successful?
B. Assessing the Outreach Section Using Empirical Evidence
1. Educating Sierra Leoneans about the SCSL
2. Communicating Information from Sierra Leoneans to the Court
3. Promoting the Rule of Law and Human Rights in Sierra Leone
27 The Defense Office of the Special Court for Sierra Leone: A Watershed in Realizing the Rights of Accused Persons in Intern
II. Brief Background on the Establishment of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
III. Establishment of the Defense Office
IV. Mandate and Functions of the Defense Office
A. Mandate of the SCSL Defense Office
B. The Functions and Roles of the Defense Office
V. Challenges That the SCSL Defense Office Faced
VI. Conclusion and Lessons Learned
28 The Naked Defense Office: How an Unclear Mandate, Poor Staffing, and Registry Disinterest Stripped the Office of the Princ
I. The Last-Minute Creation of the Defense Office
II. Developing the Form of the Defense Office: Justice Robertson’s “Public Defender” Model versus Registrar Vincent’s “Defens
III. An Acceptable Critique: The Inadequate Funding of the Special Court
IV. Privately Acknowledged, Publicly Omitted: Other Foundational Problems of the Defense Office
1. The Role of the Defense Office as Defined by Rule 45
2. The Limits of Its Independence: Fourth Pillar or Sub-Office?
1. Lack of Legal Research Facilities
2. Lack of Assistance in Securing Resources
3. Interference with Defense Counsel–Accused Relationship
4. Lack of Communication with Counsel
1. Failure to Adequately Fund the Defense Office
2. Failure to Supervise Defense Office in Order to Ensure Effective Use of Funds
29 Addressing the Democratic Deficit in International Criminal Law and Procedure: Defense Participation in Lawmaking
II. The Democratic Deficit and the Need for an Equal Defense Voice in the Lawmaking Process
A. Criminal Law for the Entire World: The Need for Civil Rights and Rights of the Defense in the Structure of International Cr
B. Democratic States versus International Organizations
III. Defense Voices in the Current Lawmaking Processes of ICC&Ts
A. Voices in Lawmaking in the ICTY, ICTR, and ICC: Structural Omission of the Defense, and Remedial Measures
1. The Lawmaking Documents
2. Who Makes and Changes This Law – Official Omission of the Defense and Counsel
3. Advisory Committees Including a Defense Voice – and a New Mechanism for Petitioning an IO
(a) Full Voice for the Representative of Counsel in the ICC’s Advisory Committee on Legal Texts
(b) “Suggestions” in the ACLT – Opening up to Petitions from the World’s Citizenry
B. Contribution of the SCSL and Further Advancement (and Retreat) in the STL
V. A Defense Organ, an Independent Bar, and Second-Best Options for the Future
Part VII Special Challenges Facing the Sierra Leone Tribunal
30 Prosecuting Those Bearing “Greatest Responsibility”: The Contributions of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
A. Greatest Responsibility Jurisdiction and Its Significance
B. Structure of the Chapter and Main Arguments
II. Personal Jurisdiction in International Criminal Law from Nuremberg to Freetown
A. The Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals Had Limited Personal Jurisdiction
B. Contemporary International Tribunals Also Have Only Limited Personal Jurisdiction
III. The Judicial Debate Regarding the Meaning of Greatest Responsibility in the Special Court for Sierra Leone
A. Approaches to Interpretation of Greatest Responsibility
B. Greatest Responsibility as a Jurisdictional Requirement
C. Greatest Responsibility as a Guideline for Exercise of Prosecutorial Discretion
D. The Appeals Chamber Weighs In
IV. Discerning the Actual Meaning of “Greatest Responsibility”
A. The Ordinary Meaning of “Persons Who Bear the Greatest Responsibility”
B. The Drafting History of “Persons Who Bear the Greatest Responsibility”
V. Conclusion: KEY Contributions of the SCSL
31 The Civil Defense Forces Trial: Limit to International Justice?
I. The Sierra Leone War 1991–2002
32 Lessons from the Trial of Charles Taylor at the Special Court for Sierra Leone
B. The Issuance of the Indictment
E. Verdict and Sentencing
III. The Conduct of the Taylor Trial
A. The Indictment: A Complicated Balance
1. Taylor’s Representation by Counsel
2. The Courtroom Calendar and Rulings on Motions
3. Delay in Decision on Pleading of Joint Criminal Enterprise (JCE)
4. Two Major Confrontations Stalled Court Proceedings
5. Witness Testimony: Largely Unlimited in Scope and Duration
6. Lengthy Presentation of Crime-Base Evidence
8. A Challenge for the Judges
2. Office of the Principal Defender
1. Management of Witnesses
2. Prosecution’s Provision of Funds to Potential Witnesses and Sources
Part VIII The Impact and Legacy of the Sierra Leone Tribunal
33 Legacies in the Making: Assessing the Institutionalized Legacy Endeavor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
II. Theorizing Legacy Construction
B. Social Construction of Legacies
III. Institutionalizing Legacy at the SCSL
A. Developing a Legacy Vision
B. Professionalizing Legacy
C. Implementing Legacy Projects
IV. The Making of Legacies
A. Legacy Actor Landscape
B. Legacies under Construction
C. Limits to the Control over Legacies
34 Delivering International Criminal Justice at the Special Court for Sierra Leone: How Much Is Enough?
II. Defining the Scope of SCSL’s Work
A. Origins of Its Mandate
B. Interpretation and Execution of the Court’s Mandate
C. Interpretation and Execution of the Court’s Mandate – Wider Expectations
D. Interpretation and Execution of the Court’s Mandate – Peace Expectations
E. Interpretation and Execution of the Court’s Mandate: Should Reparation Be a Legitimate Expectation?
F. Interpretation of the Court’s Mandate – The Role of the TRC, a Limiting Factor?
G. Interpretation of the Court’s Mandate – The July 1999 Lomé Peace Agreement, How Limiting?
III. Counting Success at the SCSL: Some Note of Achievement?
A. Core Mandate Successes
B. Achievements Outside the Mandate
IV. Case-Specific Legacy Activities and Their Impact
A. Professional Training, Knowledge, and Skills Transfer: Thinking behind the Concept
B. Professional Training, Knowledge, and Skills Transfer: How Adequate?
C. Sierra Leonean Staff Profile at the SCSL: Early Missteps and a Turnaround
D. Benefits to the National System – Justice Delivery Process
E. Developing Local Capacity: Some Challenges
V. Wider Impact of the Special Court’s Legacy
A. Developing a Culture of Compliance with International Legal Obligations
B. Regional, Continental, and Global Impact
35 International Judicial Trials, Truth Commissions, and Gacaca: Developing a Framework for Transitional Justice from the Expe
I. The Experience of Sierra Leone
A. The Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL)
B. Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
C. Commentary and Lessons
II. The Experience of Rwanda
C. Commentary and Lessons
III. Combinations of Processes: The Benefits and Factors to Consider
A. The Benefits of a Combination of Processes
B. Factors to Consider in Deciding on Processes
1. Studies and Guides on Post-Conflict Processes
2. Preliminary Efforts toward a Framework of Factors
36 Assessing the Special Court’s Contribution to Achieving Transitional Justice
I. Defining Transitional Justice: A Comprehensive and Purpose-Driven Approach
A. The Context: Transitional Justice in the Landscape of Peace-, Democracy- and Justice-Building Efforts in Post-Settlement So
B. A Comprehensive Definition of Transitional Justice
C. Defining the Four Goals of Transitional Justice
D. Mechanisms for Achieving Transitional Justice
II. Assessing the Special Court’s Contribution to Transitional Justice
A. The Assessment Framework
B. Assessing the Special Court’s Contribution to the Truth
1. Mode of Operation and Structure
C. Assessing the Special Court’s Contribution to Accountability
1. Mode of Operation and Structure
D. Assessing the Special Court’s Contribution to Reparations
1. Mode of Operation, Structure, and Jurisdiction
E. Assessing the Special Court’s Contribution to Reconciliation
1. Mode of Operation, Structure, and Jurisdiction