Index of Intervention Programs and General Intervention Strategies, with Descriptions of Purpose and Developmental Level
List of Specific Treatment Techniques for Depression and Anxiety, Grouped by Program Component
1. Understanding Internalizing Problems: Depression and Anxiety in Children and Adolescents
Introduction and Overview
What Are Internalizing Disorders?
Four Types of Internalizing Problems
Overlap of Internalizing Problems
Students with Internalizing Problems: Four Vignettes
2. How Internalizing Problems Develop and Are Maintained
Introduction and Overview
Development of Internalizing Problems
Do Specific Influences Require Specific Interventions?
The Course of Internalizing Problems: Stability and Persistence
Consequences of Internalizing Problems
Complications: Sorting Out Related Problems
3. Guidelines for Assessment and Intervention Planning
Introduction and Overview
What Are the Purposes of Assessment?
A Model for Designing Assessments
Recommended Assessment Methods
Linking Assessment to Intervention
From Assessment to Treatment Planning
Assessment, Intervention, and Systems: The “Triangle of Support”
4. Social and Emotional Learning: An Important Tool for Promoting Mental Health
Introduction and Overview
An Example of an SEL Curriculum: Strong Kids
Lesson Overview for Strong Kids: Grades 3–5
Practical Suggestions for Using SEL Programs in Schools
5. Comprehensive Intervention Programs for Depression
Introduction and Overview
Four Comprehensive Intervention Programs
Modifying or Designing Your Own Comprehensive Treatment Program for Depression
6. Changing Thoughts and Beliefs: Cognitive Therapy Interventions for Depression
Introduction and Overview
Cognitive Therapy for Depression: An Introduction
Step 1. Developing Awareness of Emotional Variability
Step 2. Detecting Automatic Thoughts and Identifying Beliefs
Step 3. Evaluating Automatic Thoughts and Beliefs
Step 4. Changing Negative Automatic Thoughts and Maladaptive Beliefs
7. Changing Thoughts and Beliefs: Rational-Emotive Therapy, Attribution Retraining, Learned Optimism, and Journal-Writing Strategies
Introduction and Overview
Disputing Irrational Thoughts: The RET Approach
Self-Monitoring and Self-Control Training
Attribution Retraining and Learning to Be Optimistic
Writing It Down: Journal Writing as an Intervention Tool
8. Other Strategies for Depression
Introduction and Overview
Behavioral Interventions for Depression
Interpersonal Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution Training
9. Behavioral Treatments for Anxiety: Systematic Desensitization and Other Techniques
Introduction and Overview
Overview of Systematic Desensitization
Other Behavioral Interventions
10. Skills Training and Other Treatments for Anxiety
Introduction and Overview
Self-Control Training for Anxiety
Self-Instructional Training for Anxiety
The “Coping Cat” Program and “C.A.T.” Project for Anxious Youth: An Innovative, Comprehensive Treatment Approach
The Transfer-of-Control Approach
11. Finding More Help: Referral Guidelines for Mental Health Counseling, Medications, and Alternative Treatments
Introduction and Overview
Making Referrals for Mental Health Counseling and Medications
Using Medications to Treat Children’s Social and Emotional Problems: Some Basic Issues and Concerns
Medications for Treatment of Depression
Medications for Anxiety-Related Problems
Alternative Interventions
Appendix: Reproducible Worksheets