Part 1 Genetic diversity and breeding
Chapter 1 Ensuring the genetic diversity of maize and its wild relatives
2 Global maize cultivation and yield trends
3 Domestication and global spread of maize
4 Genetic diversity in Zea: maize and its wild relatives
5 The importance of genetic diversity in improving maize productivity
6 Case studies of the use of maize genetic diversity in breeding
7 In situ diversity and conservation of maize genetic diversity
8 Ex situ conservation of maize diversity in genebanks
9 Critical issues facing maize genebank curators today and in the immediate future
Chapter 2 Key challenges in maize breeding in sub-Saharan Africa
2 Research facilities
4 Use of tropical germplasm for maize improvement
5 Heterosis, heterotic grouping and identification of testers in maize germplasm
6 Application of new plant breeding techniques
7 Participatory plant breeding
8 Conclusion and future trends
9 Where to look for further information
Chapter 3 Developing maize-breeding methods and cultivars to meet the challenge of climate change
2 Early developments in breeding
3 Hybrid breeding: heterosis
4 Inbred–hybrid breeding
5 Limitations in current breeding techniques
6 Exploiting genetic diversity
7 Breeding for marginal environments
8 High-throughput phenotyping
9 Case study: use of exotic germplasm
10 Case study: short-season quality maize hybrids
11 Case study: cold- and drought-resistant varieties
12 Summary and future trends
Chapter 4 Understanding and improving protein traits in maize
2 Storage proteins in maize seed
3 Regulation of storage protein genes
4 Synthesis and deposition of zein proteins
5 Improving protein quality in maize seed
6 Maintaining sulphur storage in maize seed
Chapter 5 Advances in mycotoxin-resistant maize varieties
2 Key challenges in developing new varieties
3 Techniques for developing new varieties
4 Case study: creating Aspergillus flavus
resistant maize breeding lines
7 Where to look for further information
Chapter 6 Advances in cold-tolerant maize varieties
2 The effect of temperature on maize growth
3 Factors affecting seed quality and germination
at low temperatures
5 Germplasm evaluation to improve cold tolerance through breeding
6 Inheritance of cold tolerance
7 Physiological background of chilling tolerance
8 Genetic markers for cold tolerance
10 Future trends in research
11 Where to look for further information
Part 2 Understanding and improving maize nutritional and sensory quality
Chapter 7 Nutritional and nutraceutical/functional properties of maize
3 Carbohydrate profile
5 Micronutrients in maize
7 Where to look for further information
Chapter 8 Biofortification of maize
2 Justification for maize biofortification
3 Suitability of maize for biofortification
4 Breeding of provitamin A biofortified maize
5 Target setting for provitamin A carotenoids
6 Delivering biofortified maize
7 Case study: the Zambia maize biofortification programme
8 Future trends
9 Where to look for further information
Chapter 9 Assessing and improving the nutritional quality of maize
1 Introduction: maize kernel composition
2 Overview of methods for improving the protein and starch content of maize kernels
3 Improving the protein content of maize using
mutant lines
4 Improving the starch content of maize using
mutant lines
5 Improving the digestibility of maize protein
and starch
6 Assessing and reducing the anti-nutritional properties of maize
8 Where to look for further information
Chapter 10 Analysing maize grain quality
2 The starch content of maize
3 The protein content of maize
4 Phenolic compounds in maize
5 Maize kernel hardness/texture
6 Mycotoxins in maize
7 Conclusions: current uses and future trends in maize grain analysis
8 Where to look for further information
Part 3 Translating research into practice: improving maize cultivation in the developing world
Chapter 11 Constraints in adopting improved technologies for maize cultivation: the case of Africa
2 Understanding farmers’ decisions on improved technology adoption: the adoption theory
3 Adoption of improved maize technologies
4 Constraining factors in the adoption of improved maize technologies: economic and institutional factors
5 Constraining factors in the adoption of improved maize technologies: the importance of farmers’ characteristics and perspectives
6 Strategies for improving the adoption of improved maize technologies
8 Where to look for further information
Chapter 12 Supporting smallholders in maize cultivation: using an agricultural innovation systems approach
1 Introduction: agricultural innovation systems
2 Entry points for change
3 Local experimentation
4 From new innovation to routine practice
5 Roles and capacities required from agricultural research
7 Where to look for further information
Chapter 13 Women and maize cultivation: increasing productivity through gender analysis
1 Introduction: the importance of considering the impact of gender in maize production
2 Men and women within farming households
3 Men and women in maize production systems
4 Gender divisions in labour and access to labour
for maize production
5 Post-harvest processing and storage
6 Crop and varietal choice
7 Women as urban consumers
8 Agricultural research to empower women
10 Where to look for further information