Since their inception, the Perspectives in Logic and Lecture Notes in Logic series have published seminal works by leading logicians. Many of the original books in the series have been unavailable for years, but they are now in print once again. This volume, the eleventh publication in the Lecture Notes in Logic series, collects the proceedings of the Annual European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, held in 1995. It includes papers in the core areas of set theory, model theory, proof theory and recursion theory, as well as the more recent topics of finite model theory and non-monotonic logic. It also includes a tutorial on interactive proofs, zero-knowledge and computationally sound proofs that reported on recent developments in theoretical computer science, and three plenary lectures dedicated to the foundational and technical evolution of set theory over the past 100 years.
2 Definitions and Examples
3 The requirements N[sub(1)]
5 The requirement P[sub())]
6.2 Upward and downward nonbounding
6.3 P[sub(upharpoonleft,\S)] and lowness requirements
Beyond Godel's Theorem:
Turing Nonrigidity Revisited
Types and Indiscernibles in Finite Models
3 Finitary Lowenheim-Skolem Properties
Noninterpretability of Infinite Linear Orders
2 Applications in recursion theory
Combinatorial Principles from Adding Cohen Reals
The combinatorial principles
3 Consistency of the principles in the Cohen model
Extensions of Models of PV
4 A Boolean-valued extension
5 A construction of a counter-example function
Convergence Laws for Random Graphs
2 Recursive Logics and Infinitary Logics
Towards a Categorical Foundation of
2. The universe and the language
4. Functions, categories and isomorphisms
5. A revision of category theory
6. 2-dimensional categories
7. Higher dimensional categories
11. In variance under L-equivalence
Strongly Minimal Sets and Geometry
1 Strongly minimal sets and pregeometries
2 Families of plane curves
5 The Mordell-Lang conjecture for function fields
Computationally-Sound Proofs
2 Prior Notions and New Goals
2.1 Prior Notions of a Proof
2.2 Complexity, Polynomial Time and Classical Proofs
2.3 New Goals For Efficient Proofs
3 Computationally-Sound Proofs
3.1 CS Proofs With A Random Oracle
3.2 CS Proofs with a Random String
3.3 Deterministic CS Proofs
Lambek Calculus and Formal Languages
2 Lambek grammars recognize context-free languages
3 L-completeness of the Lambek calculus
Zil'ber's Trichotomy and o-minimal Structures
The Higher Infinite in Proof Theory
2 Observations on ordinal analyses
3 Large cardinals and ordinal representation systems I
3.1 A brief history of ordinal representation systems up till the
early 1980s
3.2 Ordinal functions based on a weakly inaccessible cardinal
3.3 Ordinal functions based on a weakly Mahlo cardinal
3.4 Ordinal functions based on a weakly compact cardinal
4 Recursively large ordinals and ordinal representation
5 Large Cardinals and ordinal representation systems II
6 Large sets in constructive set theory
There May Be No Nowhere Dense Ultrafilter
Towards Recursive Model Theory
2.2 Tennenbaum's Theorem and generalizations
3 Classical Theorems in Recursive Models
4 Failure of Lyndon's Lemma
4.1 Positive preservation and pebble games
4.3 Monotone separation of rotated grids
Accessible Segments of the Fast Growing
2 Ordinal Presentations and Scales
3 Recognition by Descent Functionals
4 Recognition by Minimum Scales