Chapter 1: Introduction to Modern Web Application Development
Modern full-stack web development
Web architecture patterns
Monolithic web architecture
Microservice architecture
Choosing the right pattern
When to choose a monolithic architecture
When to choose a microservice architecture
Chapter 2: Getting Started with JHipster
Goal and adoption of JHipster
Introduction to technologies available
Introduction to database options
Chapter 3: Building Monolithic Web Applications with JHipster
Step 1 – preparing the workspace
Step 2 – generating code using JHipster
Internationalization options
Chapter 4: Entity Modeling with JHipster Domain Language
DTO, service, and pagination options
Use case entity model with explanation
Entity generation with JHipster
Generated code walkthrough
Domain class for the entity
Repository interface for the entity
Service class for the entity
Resource class for the entity
TypeScript model class for the entity
Angular services for the entity
Angular components of the entity
Angular route for the entity
Angular module for the entity
Chapter 5: Customization and Further Development
Live reload for development
Webpack dev server and BrowserSync
Setting up live reload for an application
Customizing the Angular frontend for an entity
Editing an entity using the JHipster entity sub-generator
Changing the look and feel of the application
Adding a new i18n language
Authorization with Spring Security
Limiting access to entities
Limiting access to create/edit/delete entities
Limiting access to data of other users
Chapter 6: Testing and Continuous Integration
Creating a Jenkins pipeline using JHipster
The Jenkinsfile and its stages
Setting up the Jenkinsfile in a Jenkins server
Chapter 7: Going into Production
An Introduction to Docker
Starting the production database with Docker
An introduction to Spring profiles
Packaging the application for local deployment
Building and deploying using Docker
Building and deploying an executable archive
Upgrading to the newest version of JHipster
An introduction to deployment options supported by JHipster
Production deployment to Heroku cloud
Chapter 8: Introduction to Microservice Server-Side Technologies
Microservice applications versus monoliths
Building blocks of a microservice architecture
Dynamic routing and resiliency
Fault tolerance and failover
Spring cloud config server
Chapter 9: Building Microservices with JHipster
Gateway application generation
Converting a monolithic application to a microservice gateway
Microservice application - Invoice Service with MySQL database
Microservice configuration
Microservice application - notification service with NoSQL database
Microservice configuration
Chapter 10: Working with Microservices
Setting up JHipster Registry locally
Using a pre-packaged WAR file
Running a generated application locally
Gateway application pages
Running invoice and notification applications locally
Entity generation on microservices
Explaining the generated code
Explaining the generated pages
Chapter 11: Deploying with Docker Compose
Introducing microservice deployment options
A short introduction to Docker Compose
Generated Docker Compose files
Walking through the generated files
Building and deploying everything to Docker locally
Generating docker-compose files for microservices
Features of the deployed application
Scaling up with Docker Swarm
Chapter 12: Deploying to the Cloud with Kubernetes
Generating Kubernetes configuration files with JHipster
Walking through the generated files
Deploying the application to Google Cloud with Kubernetes
Chapter 13: Using React for the Client-Side
Generating an application with React client side
Technical stack and source code
State management with Redux and friends
Routing with React Router
HTTP requests using Axios
Bootstrap components using Reactstrap
Generating an entity with React client side
Chapter 14: Best Practices with JHipster
Adding a shopping cart for the application
Improving end-to-end tests
Improving the CI/CD pipeline
Building a JHipster module
Best practices to keep in mind
Choosing a client-side framework
Choosing a database option
Architecture considerations
Deployment and maintenance
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