Abstracts: Ferrous Alloys: Pure Iron; Simple Alloys; Carbon Steels; Cast Iron; Low-Alloy Steel; High-Alloy Steel
Abstracts: Oxides: Simple Oxides; Spinels, Garnets, and other Complex Oxides
Abstracts: Carbon and Carbides
Abstracts: General References: Brittle Fracture: Test Apparatus and Specimens; Experimental Techniques; Data Analysis; Fracture Surface Characterization; Fracture Criteria; Crack Propagation Models; Fracture Toughness Prediction
Abstracts: Ductile Fracture: Crack Nucleation and Growth; Necking Phenomena; Void Nucleation and Growth
Abstracts: Elastic Constants
Abstracts: Elastic Deformation and Yield Point
Abstracts: Environmental Effects; Corrosion Fatigue; Hydrogen Embrittlement; Stress Corrosion Cracking
Abstracts: Fatigue; Crack Propagation; Persisten Slip Bands
Abstracts: Plastic Deformation and UTS; Experimental Methods; General Material Classes; Specific Material Classes; Texture Formation and Effects