Chapter 2 - High-yield maize–soybean cropping systems in the US Corn Belt
3 - Productivity and resource-use efficiency
3.1 - Resource requirements for high yields
3.2 - Time trends in yields and input-use efficiency
3.3 - Drivers for higher yields and efficiencies
4 - Challenges to higher yields and efficiencies
Chapter 3 - Farming systems in China: Innovations for sustainable crop production
2 - The abiotic environments for crop production
2.1 - Climatic conditions and historical changes
2.2 - Soil conditions, land use and historical changes
3 - Farming system diversity and spatial distribution
3.2 - Grain-based cropping systems
4 - Yield enhancement via genetic improvement and agronomic innovation
4.1 - Trends in grain production
4.2 - Contribution of genetic improvement
4.3 - Contribution of agronomic innovation
4.3.2 - Cropping season optimization
4.3.3 - Rice cropping technique innovation
5 - Attempts to improve resource-use efficiency
5.1 - Conservation agriculture for high water-use efficiency
5.2 - Innovations for improving nitrogen fertilizer-use efficiency
6 - Cropping responses and adaptations to warming
6.1 - Crop phenology responses
6.2 - Crop yield responses
6.3 - Adaptations of cropping systems to warming in northeast China
Chapter 4 - Improving farming systems in northern Europe
1 - Special features of northern European conditions for crop production
1.2 - Short and intensive growing seasons
1.3 - Early summer drought and uneven distribution of precipitation
2 - Adaptation: a matter of crop responses when coping with northern conditions
2.1 - Development and growth: the need to hurry
2.1.2 - Role of main yield-determining components and compensation between them
2.1.3 - Dynamics of tillering
2.1.4 - Adaptation to over-wintering
3 - Gaps between potential and actual yields
3.1 - Changes in yield trends in northern growing areas
3.1.1 - Steady increases in genetic gains
3.1.2 - Periodic fluctuation in realization of existing genetic yield potential
4 - Challenges and practices in attempting to improve sustainability
4.2 - Maintenance of soil fertility and production
4.3 - Reductions in soil tillage
4.4 - Crops for nutrient uptake and soil coverage
4.5 - Multiple and versatile cropping
4.6 - Improving resource-use efficiency
5 - The future and climate change
Chapter 5 - Raising productivity of maize-based cropping systems in eastern and southern Africa: Step-wise intensification options
2 - Maize-based farming systems in eastern and southern Africa
2.1 - Maize cropping systems
2.3 - Maize management and crop performance
3 - Sustainable intensification of sub-Saharan agriculture
3.1 - A stepping-stone approach for adoption of complex technological packages
3.1.1 - Step 1: Improving agronomic practice
3.1.2 - Step 2: Increasing farmers’ investment
3.1.3 - Step 3: Identifying and supporting transformational changes and engagement with markets
4.1 - Participatory approaches to identify relevant and actionable interventions in stepping stone approaches: Case studies...
4.2 - Scaling-out stepping-stone approaches for the sustainable intensification of agriculture across contrasting environme...
5.2 - Farmers’ performance and stepping-stone approaches for the sustainable intensification of agriculture
5.3 - Scaling out the stepping-stone approach for the sustainable intensification of agriculture across contrasting agroeco...
5.3.1 - Maize yield responses across rainfall environments
6 - Discussion and conclusions
Chapter 6 - Cropping systems in environments with high yield potential of southern Chile
1.1 - Food production in Chile, a national aim
1.2 - National production and yield trends of key annual crops of southern Chile: temperate cereals and potato
2 - Environmental and agricultural features of southern Chile
2.1 - Climate and soils. High diversity in a narrow piece of land
2.3 - Cereal, potato, lupin and oilseed crops
3 - Cereal-based cropping systems at high yield potential conditions
3.1 - Temperate cereals in southern Chile
3.2 - Environmental and crop characteristics accounting for the high potential yield of temperate cereals
3.3 - Considerations for spring cereals in cropping systems
3.4 - Main features of cereal-based crop rotations and production
4 - The potato-based cropping systems; Between subsistence agriculture and high input production
4.2 - Bridging the gap between actual and potential yields
5 - Rapeseed and lupin in current farming systems
6 - Challenges and opportunities for cropping systems of southern Chile
6.1 - Yield potential improvement of wheat for the advance of southern cropping systems
6.2 - The need to link breeding and physiology for potato improvement
6.3 - Lupin improvement is a key to consolidate this crop in southern cropping systems
6.4 - The challenge of herbicide-resistant weeds
6.5 - Scenarios of global change
Chapter 7 - Cereal yield in Mediterranean-type environments: challenging the paradigms on terminal drought, the adaptability of...
3 - Does barley out-yield wheat under severe water deficit?
4 - Does nitrogen fertilization reduce yield in low-rainfall conditions?
4.1 - Cereal yield and nitrogen in the Mediterranean Basin
4.1.1 - Cereal responses to nitrogen in Northern Spain
4.1.2 - Cereal responses to nitrogen in the Mediterranean basin
4.2 - Wheat yield and nitrogen in Australia
Part II - Carbon, water and nutrient economies of crops
Chapter 8 - Quantifying crop responses to nitrogen and avenues to improve nitrogen-use efficiency
2 - Crop N demand: its regulation at plant and crop levels
2.1 - N dilution and N-uptake dynamics
2.1.1 - Empirical approach
2.1.2 - Physiological principles
2.2 - Co-regulation of N uptake by both N soil availability and plant growth rate potential
2.3 - Diagnostic of plant N status in crops
2.3.1 - Nitrogen nutrition index
2.3.2 - Assessment of crop N status in field experiments: a prerequisite for interpretation of agronomic data
2.3.3 - Simplified methods for evaluating nitrogen nutrition index
2.4 - Intra- and inter-specific interactions within plant stands
3 - Response of plants and crops to N deficiency
3.1 - Crop life cycle and plant N economy
3.2 - Effects of N deficiency on crop mass accumulation
3.2.1 - Radiation-use efficiency and PAR interception
3.2.2 - Effect of N deficiency on canopy size and radiation interception
3.2.3 - Effect of N deficiency on leaf photosynthesis
3.2.4 - Integrating from leaf to canopy photosynthesis
3.2.5 - Trade-off between light capture and radiation-use efficiency
3.3 - N deficiency effects on C and N allocation within plants and canopies
3.3.1 - C and N allocation to roots
3.3.2 - C and N allocation to stems
3.3.3 - N allocation within canopies
3.4 - Harvest index and components of grain yield
3.5 - Interactions of nitrogen deficit with other resources and stresses
3.5.1 - Co-limitation of N and other resources
3.5.2 - N deficiency–water deficit interactions
3.5.3 - N × P × S interactions
4 - Nitrogen-Use Efficiency
4.1 - N-uptake efficiency
4.2 - Nitrogen-utilization efficiency
4.3 - Harvest index and protein concentration in grain
4.4 - Breeding for Nitrogen-Use Efficiency?
Chapter 9 - A Darwinian perspective on improving nitrogen-fixation efficiency of legume crops and forages
1 - Nitrogen fixation’s role in agriculture
2 - A Darwinian perspective on improving N2 fixation
3 - Rationale for focus on efficiency of N2 fixation rather than rate
3.1 - Increasing N2-fixation efficiency of current rhizobial strains
3.2 - Increasing nodule occupancy by the most efficient strains
Chapter 10 - Senescence and crop performance
2 - Senescence and development
2.1 - Anatomical development through localized senescence
2.4 - Senescence of reproductive structures
3 - Senescence and crop adaptability
3.1 - Seasonal influences on plant senescence
3.2 - Senescence in response to unpredictable abiotic stresses
3.3 - Diseases and plant senescence
4 - Senescence and crop production
4.1 - The carbon capture phase of crop development
4.2 - Supply and demand during growth and senescence
4.3 - Sugar sensing and source–sink communication
4.4 - Autophagy, a universal integrative cell senescence mechanism
4.5 - Hormonal regulation of sources and sinks
4.6 - Leaves as storage organs
4.8 - Genetic manipulation of the transition from carbon capture to nitrogen mobilization
5 - Conclusion: senescence and its implications for crop improvement
Chapter 11 - Improving water transport for carbon gain in crops
2 - Water transport and carbon gain
2.1 - Water transport as a limitation
2.2 - Link between water transport and photosynthesis
3 - Determinants of water transport
3.1 - Maximum efficiency in leaves
3.1.1 - Vein density – a key determinant of leaf hydraulic efficiency
3.2 - Maximum efficiency in roots
3.2.1 - Root hydraulic conductivity
4 - Maintenance and regulation of water transport
4.1 - Hydraulic regulation in roots
4.2 - Hydraulic regulation in leaves
4.3 - Water stress and cavitation
4.3.1 - Xylem vulnerability in crops
4.3.2 - Embolism repair/root pressure
Part III - Genetic improvement and agronomy
Chapter 12 - Genetic and environmental effects on crop development determining adaptation and yield
2.1 - Major developmental stages or phases
3 - Developmental responses to environmental factors
4 - Genetic control of development
4.1 - Genes affecting development in wheat and related species
4.1.1 - Vernalization response genes
4.1.2 - Photoperiod response genes
4.1.3 - Earliness per se genes
4.2 - Genes affecting development in soybean
4.2.1 - Photoperiod response genes
4.2.2 - Long-juvenile genes
4.2.3 - Growth habit genes
5 - Can we improve crop adaptation and yield potential through fine-tuning developmental rates?
5.1 - Crop development and adaptation
5.2 - Crop development and yield potential
Chapter 13 - Characterizing the crop environment – nature, significance and applications
2 - Characterization of the target population of environments (TPE) – a better understanding of the nature, distribution an...
2.1 - Importance of characterizing the TPE
2.2 - Different types of environment classification
2.2.1 - Yield-based characterization
Trial-based characterization – Capturing G × E interactions
Modelling-based characterization – Simulation of a wide range of environments
2.2.2 - Pedo-climatic characterization
2.2.3 - Specific-stress characterization
2.3 - Comparison of environments (regions), genotypes and management practices to assist site and management selection, ger...
2.3.1 - Breeding-trial locations and management practices
2.3.2 - Exchange of germplasm
2.3.3 - Adaptation to future climates
3 - Trial characterization – Adding value to field data through improved understanding of the genotypic variability
3.1 - Environment characterization at the trial level
3.2 - Genotype–environment interpretation
3.3 - Trial representativeness and weighted selection
4 - Managed environments – Increasing the relevance of phenotyping environments
4.1 - Managed environments to target specific stresses in the field
4.2 - Phenotyping platforms in artificial environments
5 - Crop plasticity and environment types – Identification of key traits for potential adaptation
5.1 - Which traits for which environment types?
5.2 - Design and evaluation of breeding strategies
6 - Concluding remarks – Perspective
Chapter 14 - Model-assisted phenotyping and ideotype design
2 - The ideotype concept: its usefulness and limitations for breeding and varietal choice
3 - How to deal with genetic control in ecophysiological models?
3.1 - Required level of complexity
3.2 - Integration of QTL/genes in ecophysiological models
3.3 - Ecophysiological modeling to support trait assessment in multienvironments
3.4 - Robust simulation of genotype × environment interactions
3.5 - New technologies and their potential for gene-to-phenotype modeling
3.6 - Deciphering QTL × environment interactions
4 - Tools for optimizing trait combinations and model-based ideotyping
4.1 - Optimization of cultural practices
4.2 - Optimization of genetic parameters
4.3 Optimization of allelic combinations
4.4 Towards virtual breeding
Chapter 15 - Crop phenotyping for physiological breeding in grain crops: A case study for maize
2 - Trait dissection of the general physiological model of grain yield determination in maize crops
4 - Breeding effects on the physiological determinants of maize yield
5 - Field-based phenotyping of physiological traits
6 - Genetic structure of maize physiological traits
Chapter 16 - Breeding challenge: improving yield potential
1 - Rationale for raising yield potential
2 - Relationship between yield potential and yield under abiotic stress
3 - Current rates of progress in yield potential and associated traits
3.1 - Current rates of yield progress
3.2 - Traits associated with yield progress
4 - Opportunities for future gains in yield potential
4.1 - Optimize rooting traits
4.2 - Increase radiation-use efficiency
4.2.1 - Radiation-use efficiency at the canopy level
4.2.2 - Increase leaf photosynthetic rate
4.2.3 - Decrease respiration
4.3 - Increase ear/panicle DM partitioning and fruiting efficiency
4.4 - Strategies to optimize potential grain size
Chapter 17 - Improving grain quality: ecophysiological and modeling tools to develop management and breeding strategies
2 - Environmental and genetic effects on grain composition
2.3 - Oil tocopherol and phytosterol concentration
2.4 - Protein concentration
2.5 - Protein composition
3 - Integration of quality traits into crop simulation models
3.1 - Modeling oil concentration and composition in sunflower
3.2 - Modeling grain protein concentration and composition in wheat
4 - Applying crop physiology to obtain a specific quality and high yields
4.1 - Sunflower yield and oil composition
4.2 - Wheat yield and protein concentration
4.3 - Management strategies for obtaining a target grain and oil composition
4.3.1 - Grain oil concentration
4.3.2 - Oil fatty acid composition
4.3.3 - Grain protein concentration
4.4 - Strategies for genetic improvement of quality traits
4.4.1 - Grain oil concentration
4.4.2 - Oil fatty acid composition
4.4.3 - Oil tocopherol concentration
4.4.4 - Grain protein concentration
Chapter 18 - Integrated views in plant breeding: from the perspective of biotechnology
2 - Modern views in plant breeding
3 - Pre-breeding: a link between genetic resources and crop improvement
4 - DNA technologies boost new knowledge to understand plant diversity
5 - Allele mining: explore plant diversity by sequencing
7 - Beyond GM plants: the new breeding techniques
Chapter 19 - Integration of biotechnology, plant breeding and crop physiology. Dealing with complex interactions from a physiolo...
2 - Contributions of crop physiology to plant breeding and biotechnology
2.1 - Analysis of past achievements of plant breeding
2.2 - Identification of traits for high yield potential and adaptation to the target environments
2.2.1 - The top-down approach
2.2.2 - The bottom-up approach
2.3 - Disentangling complex interactions
2.3.1 - Interactions at the trait level
2.3.2 - Interactions at the QTL or gene level
2.4 - Other contributions of crop physiology to plant breeding
3 - Contributions of biotechnology to plant breeding and crop physiology
3.1 - Biotechnology facilitates the use of key traits in plant breeding
3.2 - Contributions of biotechnology to crop physiology
Chapter 20 - Crop modeling for climate change impact and adaptation
3 - Crop response to climate change
3.1 - Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations
3.3 - Rainfall and rainfall variability
3.6 - Combined impact of climate change
4 - Crop models for climate change
4.1 - Modeling CO2 effect
4.2 - Modeling temperature effect
4.3 - Modeling rainfall and rainfall variability effect
4.4 - Modeling solar radiation effect
4.5 - Modeling ozone effect
5 - Impacts of climate change on crop production
6 - Adaptation to climate change
6.2 - Use of seasonal climate forecasting
7 - Concluding remarks and knowledge gaps