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CEB Library collected around 3500 textbook and reference books published by CENGAGE. These books are widely used around the world and adopted by many famous US universities.


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法律 Law

Criminal Evidence 刑事证据:原理与案例

Thomas J. Gardner;Terry M. Anderson

Criminal Justice in America 美国刑事司法

George F. Cole;Christopher E. Smith;Christina DeJong

Criminology 犯罪学

Larry J. Siegel

Corrections Today 今天的修正法

Larry J. Siegel;Clemens Bartollas

Introduction to Criminal Justice 刑事司法导论

Larry J. Siegel;John L. Worrall

Business Ethics 商业伦理

Marianne M. Jennings

Juvenile Delinquency 青少年犯罪

Larry J. Siegel;Brandon C. Welsh

Criminal Law and Procedure 刑法与刑事诉讼法

Ronald J. Bacigal;Mary Kelly Tate

Smith and Roberson's Business Law 商法

Richard A. Mann;Barry S. Roberts

International Business Law and Its Environment 国际商法及其环境

Richard Schaffer;Filiberto Agusti;Beverley Earle;Lucien J. Dhooge

管理学 Management

Principles of Supply Chain Management 供应链管理原理

Joel D. Wisner;Keah-Choon Tan;G. Keong Leong

Management 管理学

Richard L. Daft

Leadership 领导力

Robert N. Lussier;Christopher F. Achua

Managing Human Resources 人力资源管理

Scott A. Snell;George W. Bohlander;Shad S. Morris

Purchasing and Supply Chain Management 采购与供应链管理

Robert M. Monczka;Robert B. Handfield;Larry C. Giunipero;James L. Patterson

Introduction to Global Business 全球商务介绍:了解国际环境和全球商务功能

James W. Kolari;L. Murphy Smith;Julian E. Gaspar;Antonio Arreola-Risa;Leonard Bierman;Richard T. Hise

Management Skills 管理技能:评估与发展

Ricky Griffin;David Van Fleet

Strategic Management 战略管理:综合方法

Charles W. L. Hill;Gareth R. Jones

会计学 Accounting

Advanced Accounting 高级会计学

Paul M. Fischer;Rita H. Cheng;William J. Taylor

Financial and Managerial Accounting 财务管理会计

Carl S. Warren;James M. Reeve;Jonathan Duchac

Principles of Cost Accounting 成本会计学原理

Maria R. Mitchell;Edward J. Vanderbeck

Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting 管理会计的基石

Maryanne M. Mowen;Don R. Hansen;Dan L. Heitger

Century 21 Accounting Advanced 21世纪会计学

Claudia Bienias Gilbertson;Mark W. Lehman;Daniel Passalacqua

Managerial Accounting 管理会计

Belverd E. Needles;Susan V. Crosson

Fundamentals of Accounting 会计学基础

Claudia B. Gilbertson;Mark W. Lehman;Debra Harmon-Gentene

College Accounting,Chapters 1–15 大学会计学

James A. Heintz;Robert W. Parry

Cost Accounting 成本会计

Michael R. Kinney;Cecily A. Raiborn

Intermediate Accounting 中级会计学:报告与分析

James M. Wahlen;Jefferson P. Jones;Donald P. Pagach

经济学 Economics

Macroeconomics 宏观经济学:原理与政策

William J. Baumol;Alan S. Blinder

Microeconomics 微观经济学

William J. Baumol;Alan S. Blinder

Economics 经济学

Roger A. Arnold

Managerial Economics 管理经济学

Luke M. Froeb;Brian T. McCann;Michael R. Ward;Mike Shor

Macroeconomics 宏观经济学

Michael Melvin;William Boyes

Fundamentals of Labor Economics 劳动经济学基础

Robert Thornton;Geraint Johnes;Thomas Hyclak

市场营销 Marketing

Exploring Marketing Research 市场研究探索

William G. Zikmund;Barry J. Babin

Essentials of Marketing Research 市场调研精要

William G. Zikmund;Barry J. Babin

Contemporary Marketing 当代市场营销

Louise E. Boone;David L. Kurtz

Basic Marketing Research 营销调研基础

Gilbert A. Churchill;Tom J. Brown;Tracy A. Suter

Internet Marketing 网络营销

Debra Zahay;Mary Lou Roberts

Contemporary Marketing 当代市场营销

Louis E. Boone;David L. Kurtz

Foundations of Marketing 市场营销基础

William M. Pride;O. C. Ferrell

Essentials of Marketing 营销要点

Charles W. Lamb;Joe F. Hair;Carl McDaniel

Services Marketing 服务营销:概念、策略与案例

K. Douglas Hoffman;John E.G. Bateson

Retailing 零售业

Patrick M. Dunne;Robert F. Lusch;James R. Carver

Essentials of Marketing Research 市场调研精要

William G. Zikmund;Barry J. Babin

英语 English Language

Fusion 英语集中阅读与写作,卷1

Dave Kemper;Verne Meyer;John Van Rys;Patrick Sebranek

Grammar to Go 英语语法:理解与运用

Barbara Goldstein;Jack Waugh;Karen Linsky

Fusion 英语集中阅读与写作,卷2

Dave Kemper;Verne Meyer;John Van Rys;Patrick Sebranek

Grammar and Usage, Naturally 英语语法与应用

Christine Sandoval;Larry Barkley

At a Glance 一览:文章写作及其他

Lee Brandon;Kelly Brandon

Writing, Reading, and Research 写作、阅读与研究

Richard Veit;Christopher Gould;Kathleen Gould

心理学 Psychology

A History of Modern Psychology 现代心理学史

Duane P. Schultz;Sydney Ellen Schultz

Understanding Abnormal Behavior 了解异常行为

David Sue;Derald Wing Sue;Stanley Sue;Diane M. Sue

Psychology 心理学

Douglas A. Bernstein

Discovering Psychology 探索心理学

John Cacioppo;Laura A. Freberg

Behavior Modification 行为矫正

Raymond G. Miltenberger

Experimental Psychology 实验心理学

Barry H. Kantowitz;Henry L. Roediger III;David G. Elmes

Health Psychology 健康心理学:行为与健康导论

Linda Brannon;Jess Feist;John A. Updegraff

政治 Politics

Classics of Organization Theory 组织理论经典

Jay Shafritz;J. Steven Ott;Yong Suk Jang

Gateways to Democracy 通向民主

John G. Geer;Wendy J. Schiller;Jeffrey A. Segal;Dana K. Glencross;Richard Herrera

Introduction to Comparative Politics 比较政治学导论

Mark Kesselman;Joel Krieger;William A. Joseph

Theories of Public Organization 公共组织理论

Robert B. Denhardt;Thomas J. Catlaw

The Democratic Debate 民主的辩论

Bruce Miroff;Raymond Seidelman;Todd Swanstrom;Tom De Luca

State and Local Politics Institutions and Reform 国家与地方政治

Todd Donovan;Daniel A. Smith;Christopher Z. Mooney;Tracy Osborn

Public Administration 公共管理

Robert B. Denhardt;Janet V. Denhardt;Tara A. Blanc