A7 Biography of Marx...
A8 Study of Marxism-...
A811 Marx and Engels...
B Philosophy and Rel...
B0 Philosophical The...
B017 epistemology
B019.12 metaphysical...
B081.1 metaphysics
B083 Voluntarism, li...
B1 World Philosophy
B12 Ancient Philosop...
B15 Modern Philosoph...
B2 Chinese Philosoph...
B222 Confucian
B222.5 Mencius (Menc...
B222.6 Hsun - kuang,...
B223 Taoist
B223.5 Chuang Tzu (Z...
B228 Political Strat...
B234.5 Dong Zhongshu...
B249 philosophy in t...
B3 Asian philosophy
B5 European philosop...
B503.21 Thomas Thoma...
B503.3 mysticism
B503.91 Humanism
B516.59 Other
B712.6 21st Century ...
B80 Noetic Sciences
B804 thinking mode
B82 Ethics ( Moral P...
B82-057 moral scienc...
B821 philosophy, phi...
B825 self - cultivat...
B83 Aesthetics
B84 Psychology
B84-06 schools of ps...
B84-063 Behaviorism ...
B84-065 psychoanalys...
B84-069 Other
B842 psychological p...
B842.1 cognitive
B842.6 Mood and Emot...
B844 human developme...
B844.5 female psycho...
B845 physiological p...
B845.1 mental nerve
B846 Abnormal psycho...
B848 personality psy...
B848.4 belief, will ...
B849 Applied Psychol...
B9 Religion
B91 The analysis and...
B911 Religion and po...
B92 Overview and the...
B920 theory of relig...
B929 religion, the h...
B933 primitive relig...
B94 Buddhism
B945 , 仪注
B947 Buddhist organi...
B95 Taoism
B96 Islam (Muslims)
B966 sectarian
B969 Islamic history...
B97 Christian
B971 Bible
B971.1 Old Testament
B971.2 New Testament
B982 Brahmanism, Hin...
B985 Judaism (Hebrew...
B99 Occultism, super...
Biological Sciences
C Pandect of Social ...
C0 Social Science Th...
C2 Organizations, Gr...
C3 Social Science Re...
C5 Books , Collected...
C53 Proceedings of t...
C62 manuals, directo...
C8 Statistics
C91 Sociology
C912 Social structur...
C912.1 personal soci...
C912.4 cultural anth...
C912.63 public opini...
C912.81 Urban Sociol...
C912.82 rural sociol...
C913 Social Life and...
C913.13 marriage
C913.14 gender issue...
C913.3 The Lives and...
C913.5 adolescent pr...
C913.6 in the elderl...
C913.68 Women's Issu...
C913.69 Disability i...
C913.7 Social welfar...
C915 social investig...
C916 social work, so...
C93 Management
C93-09 Management hi...
C932 Consultation Sc...
C936 Histological ma...
C95 Ethnology
C955 culture, the na...
C97 Labor Science
D Political and Leg...
D0 Political Theory
D03 State Theory
D034 State instituti...
D035 State administr...
D035.36 Fire managem...
D05 party theories
D08 Other political ...
D09 in the history o...
D2 Communist Party o...
D261.42 mee -
D262.2 Party's organ...
D267 grass - roots p...
D4 Workers, Peasants...
D412.6 Trade Union W...
D432.62 ideological ...
D44 the women's orga...
D5 World Politics
D501 developing coun...
D52 The world politi...
D523.8 emigrant
D523.91 Refugees in ...
D526 intelligence ag...
D6 Chinese Politics
D602 punditocracy
D61 Chinese revoluti...
D613 the revolutiona...
D616 Chinese charact...
D630.9 Supervision
D634.3 oversea Chine...
D663 Class, Stratum
D665.3 China Associa...
D669.1 Love, family,...
D669.3 Living, livin...
D669.69 disabled per...
D67 local politics
D691 Qing Qing, form...
D691.42 Bureaucratic
D691.9 Social Life a...
D73/77 National Poli...
D77 American politic...
D8 Diplomacy, Intern...
D802.2 diplomatic et...
D81 international re...
D813 International o...
D822.3 relationship ...
D829.10 Policy
D9 Law
D90 theory of law (j...
D90-05 the relations...
D908 comparative jur...
D909 law history, Le...
D909.9 History of Le...
D91 Legal department...
D913 civil law
D916 Administration ...
D917 Criminology
D919 forensic medici...
D92 in accordance wi...
D920.0 theory
D921 National law, c...
D922.1 Administrativ...
D922.16 , culture, e...
D922.22 Tax Law
D922.28 Financial La...
D922.285 Act on the ...
D922.291 Act of nati...
D922.291.92 Insolven...
D922.3 Land
D922.32 Agricultural...
D922.4 Agricultural ...
D922.5 The Labor Law...
D923 civil law
D923.4 intellectual ...
D926.22 Local people...
D926.5 Lawyer System
D926.7 the prison sy...
D927 Besides, the lo...
D929 Chinese history...
D99 international la...
D993.8 Treaties
D996.2 International...
E Military
E0 Military Theory
E09 military history...
E1 The World's Milit...
E19 military history
E251.3 academies, co...
E291 Ancient history...
E8 Study of Strategy...
E9 Military Technolo...
E92 weapons, militar...
E922.1 firearms
E923.1 tanks and arm...
E925.6 various ships...
E927 rocket, guided ...
E932 ammunition
E932.4 blasting equi...
E933.1 Observing Equ...
F Economic
F0 Economics
F0-0 Marxism's Pluto...
F01 - economics
F014.39 Capital and ...
F015 Macro - economi...
F016 Microeconomics
F019.6 theory of eco...
F06 A branch of econ...
F062.9 industrial ec...
F1 The World Economi...
F11 the world econom...
F123.16 macroeconomi...
F127 local economy
F2 Economic Planning...
F224-39 computer app...
F230 Accounting
F231 accounting book...
F234 Various Acco...
F24 labour economy
F241.34 retirement s...
F246 labor relations
F249.26 labor relati...
F252 Material
F27 Enterprise Econo...
F270 Economic theory...
F272.9 Enterprise Ad...
F272.92 Personnel Ma...
F273 Enterprise Prod...
F274 Management of E...
F275 Enterprise Fina...
F275.2 enterprise ac...
F276.3 small and med...
F279.23 enterprise m...
F29 City and municip...
F293.3 real estate e...
F299.2 China
F299.23 Urban econom...
F299.27 Local urban ...
F3 Agricultural Econ...
F301.2 land manageme...
F321.1 Land issues
F323.211 Land, arabl...
F4 Industrial Econom...
F406 Organization an...
F407.2 the energy in...
F407.4 Metalworking,...
F407.47 transportati...
F407.67 automation t...
F407.82 food
F416.2 the energy in...
F416.67 automation t...
F416.82 food
F416.86 Clothing ind...
F425 industrial ente...
F5 Transportation Ec...
F59 Tourism Economy
F591 a globe
F592 China tourism
F6 Posts and Telecom...
F7 Trade Economy
F713.3 merchandising
F713.36 Electronic t...
F713.5 market
F713.50 Marketing
F713.55 Commercial p...
F713.7 display arran...
F713.8 Advertising
F715.4 commercial ne...
F724.6 Electronic tr...
F729 Trade History
F74 international tr...
F740.41 trade negoti...
F762.7 native produc...
F764 Industrial prod...
F8 Finances
F810.42 tax
F812 China's financi...
F812.7 local finance
F82 currency
F83 financial, banks
F830 Financial, bank...
F830.33 Commercial B...
F830.59 Investment
F830.9 financial mar...
F830.91 Securities M...
F832.33 (People's Re...
F832.35 rural financ...
F832.5 financial mar...
F84 insurance
G Culture, Science ,...
G0 Cultural Theory
G1 The World Culture...
G2 Dissemination of ...
G206.2 Media
G216.3 professional ...
G219.29 Journalism H...
G22 Broadcast and te...
G23 Publishing
G239.2 China
G249.27 Local cultur...
G25 Library Science
G250 Library Science
G251.6 Library worke...
G252.7 Document Retr...
G26 Museum career.
G262 Collection of t...
G302 knowledge learn...
G316 scientific work...
G4 Education
G4 Educion
G40 pedagogy
G40-01 education the...
G40-011.8 educationa...
G40-012 all - round ...
G40-09 history, educ...
G421 teaching proces...
G423 Theory of curri...
G424 teaching method...
G44 educational psyc...
G442 learning psycho...
G444 psychology of s...
G449.4 Intelligence ...
G47 school managemen...
G479 health educatio...
G5 the world of educ...
G510 Education polic...
G521 Education Refor...
G522.3 compulsory ed...
G61 preschool educat...
G613 special didacti...
G613.2 language, lit...
G613.4 arithmetic me...
G613.6 Art
G62 Primary educatio...
G624 Textbook, textb...
G632.3 Course
G633 Special didacti...
G633.7 physical
G634 teaching materi...
G639.28 school profi...
G64 Higher Education
G640 higher educatio...
G645 teachers and st...
G647 school manageme...
G648.1 comprehensive...
G649 world education...
G649.28 school profi...
G649.299 College
G719.28 school profi...
G725 spare - time fa...
G76 special educatio...
G760 Special Educati...
G78 family education
G785 governess
G8 P.E
G80 Sports theory
G804.3 sports health...
G804.8 sport psychol...
G806 physical exerci...
G812.9 Chinese sport...
G831 fundamental gym...
G831.3 Aerobics
G85 Wushu sport and ...
G852.11 Taijiquan
G86 Water, ice and s...
G886.9 Other
G89 recreational act...
G891 chess
G891.3 weiqi
G892 playing cards
G893 billiard, snook...
G894 private collect...
G897 fishing
G898.2 mental game
H Language and Lingu...
H0 Linguistics
H01 phonetics
H019 method of recit...
H03 semantics, pragm...
H04 grammar
H041 Word - building
H042 part of speech
H05 Writing and Rhet...
H059 translatology
H08 applied linguist...
H09 Chinese teaching
H1 Chinese Language
H12 philology
H125.4 phonetic read...
H136.3 Idiom
H15 Writing, Rhetori...
H172.2 the northwest...
H176 Hakka dialects
H177.2 Fujian
H19 Chinese teaching
H194.1 Ancient Chine...
H194.5 Intermediate ...
H195.4 Textbook, tex...
H211.3 Turkic
H3 Common Foreign La...
H31 English
H310.42 China
H313 semantic, lexic...
H315 Writing, Rhetor...
H319.3 Teaching Meth...
H319.4 Reading
H319.6 exercises, qu...
H32 French
H33 German
H34 Spanish
H36 Japanese
H5 Altaic(Turkic - M...
H62 South India Lang...
H7 Indo-European Lan...
H772 Italian
H773 Portuguese
History and Geograph...
I Literature
I0 Literary Theory
I02 Basic issues of ...
I05 Literary and lit...
I052 Poetry
I053.5 screenplays, ...
I054 Novels
I056 prose, miscella...
I057 Folk Literature
I058 children litera...
I06 Literature, Lite...
I1 World Literature
I106 the classics an...
I106.2 Poetry
I106.3 dramatic lite...
I106.35 screenplays,...
I106.4 Novels
I106.8 Children's Li...
I109.3 Middle Ages (...
I11 Portfolio
I12 Lied
I14 veracular
I15 报告文学集
I16 collection of es...
I17 folk - collectio...
I18 Reading
I2 Chinese Literatur...
I206 literary critic...
I206.2 ancient (~ 18...
I206.6 Modern litera...
I206.7 Contemporary ...
I207.2 Poetry, verse
I207.22 Poetry
I207.23 word
I207.3 dramatic lite...
I207.4 Novels
I207.41 Ancient Nove...
I207.419 Other ancie...
I207.42 novel rose
I207.62 ancient (~ 1...
I207.8 children lite...
I209 history, litera...
I21 Portfolio
I210.97 work study
I211 integrated work...
I218 Comprehensive c...
I22 Poetry, verse
I222 ancient to the ...
I222.2 The Book of S...
I222.7 ancient - sty...
I222.8 word
I227 Contemporary wo...
I235.2 TV
I236.42 local operas...
I237.2 Legend
I24 Novels
I242.1 sketchbook
I246.8 story
I247 Contemporary wo...
I247.5 The lengthy n...
I247.7 The short sto...
I247.8 story, the Mi...
I25 Reportage
I251 memoir
I253 communication, ...
I253.3 economic
I253.6 science and e...
I26 Prose
I266 Modern works (1...
I267 Contemporary wo...
I287.2 poetry and rh...
I287.45 Novel or nov...
I287.5 story
I287.6 Prose
I287.7 fairy tale, f...
I287.8 Picture Story
J Art
J0 Art Theory
J03 Artists
J1 Overview of World...
J110.9 Art, Art Hist...
J120.9 Art, Art Hist...
J121 comprehensive c...
J19 religious art
J2 Drawing
J21 painting techniq...
J211.27 Still life, ...
J212 Techniques of C...
J212.1 The basic ski...
J212.2 various paint...
J214 drawing, sketch...
J215 ink, watercolor...
J216 pastel crayon t...
J218.2 comics
J219 Other painting ...
J22 Chinese painting...
J221 integrated work...
J222.7 in modern tim...
J228 various paintin...
J29 Calligraphy, Sea...
J292 Chinese calligr...
J292.1 Calligraphy
J3 Sculpturing Art
J329 Other
J4 Photographing Art
J40 theory of photog...
J41 various photogra...
J412.9 advertising p...
J414 landscape photo...
J42 China's photogra...
J421 photography wor...
J5 Industrial Art
J51 pattern learning
J524.4 trademark
J525 decorative art
J527 Ceramics, lacqu...
J528.1 paper cutting...
J528.4 dough modelin...
J6 Music
J60 music theory
J609 Music History
J609.9 music genre a...
J618 Dance music the...
J619 Music technolog...
J642 songs
J647.7 electronic mu...
J65 national music
J655 dance music
J7 Dancing
J8 Dramatic
J821.2 Performing Ar...
J825 Local drama art
J83 national theatre
J9 Movies, TV
J91 Film, TV Art and...
K History and Geogra...
K0 Historical Theory
K1 World History
K101 Revolutionary H...
K105 historical even...
K106 Historical Mate...
K109 popular edition...
K12 Ancient history ...
K14 in the United St...
K15 contemporary his...
K152 World War II (1...
K18 National Shi
K2 Chinese History
K20 History
K203 Cultural Histor...
K204.2 Ji
K209 popular edition...
K22 Slave society in...
K239.1 Southern Dyna...
K241 In the Sui (581...
K242 Tang Dynasty (6...
K246.3 Western Xia (...
K249 Early Qing Dyna...
K250.6 Historical Ma...
K253 and after the F...
K256.7 Boxers patrio...
K257.1 before the re...
K26 New - Democratic...
K28 National Shi
K289 Ancient ethnic ...
K29 local annals
K3 Asian History
K312 North Korea
K313 Japan
K313.0 History
K4 African History
K5 European History
K561 UK
K6 Oceania History
K7 Americas History
K81 Biography
K811 World Biographi...
K82 China
K820 total figures: ...
K820.8 character tra...
K825.1 philosophy an...
K825.3 economic
K825.31 Economics
K825.46 Education
K825.6 Literature
K825.81 history
K826.1 Natural Scien...
K826.16 engineering ...
K827 social politica...
K828 Figures from ot...
K828.1 Workers, farm...
K828.5 Women
K85 Archaeology
K854.1 investigation...
K86 World Cultural R...
K87 Chinese Cultural...
K871.3 Chalcolithic
K872 Area of Cultura...
K873 Archaeological ...
K875.2 life utensils
K876.3 Its pottery, ...
K876.7 lacquerware
K877.4 stone carving...
K877.42 stele inscri...
K878.2 Monument, For...
K878.6 religious sit...
K878.8 mausoleums, t...
K879.42 Castle Rock
K89 Custom
K892 Chinese customs...
K892.1 holiday seaso...
K892.25 diet, living
K892.26 Etiquette n.
K892.4 Leading membe...
K9 Geography
K901 human geography
K901.4 Political geo...
K901.9 historical ge...
K903 natural geograp...
K917 Monuments and S...
K919 Travel, Travel
K92 Chinese geograph...
K928.3 Mountain
K928.4 water
K928.6 historical ge...
K928.71 ancient arch...
K928.75 temples, anc...
K928.9 Travel, Trave...
L No classification
Mathematical Science...
Medicine and Health
N Pandect of Natural...
N0 Theory and Method...
N09 History
N19 innovation, adva...
N3 Natural Science R...
N4 Disseminate and S...
N49 popular editions
N5 Books , Collected...
N8 Investigation and...
N91 Nature Study , N...
N94 Systems Science
O Mathematical Scien...
O1 Mathematics
O1-0 mathematical th...
O15 algebra, number ...
O18 geometric topolo...
O211 probability (pr...
O224 mathematical op...
O225 Game (Game)
O29 applied mathemat...
O35 hydrodynamics
O4 Physics
O411.1 Mathematical ...
O412 relativity theo...
O413 quantum theory
O414 Thermodynamics ...
O43 Optics
O441 electromagnetic...
O441.1 electrical
O469 Condensed Matte...
O56 molecular physic...
O57 Nuclear physics,...
O6 Chemistry
O6-0 chemical princi...
O61 Inorganic Chemis...
O62 Organic Chemistr...
O629.1 carbohydrate,...
O631 polymer physics...
O646 electrochemical...
O65 Analytical Chemi...
O7 Crystallography
P Astronomy and Eart...
P1 Astronomy
P1-092 China
P1-49 popular editio...
P112 Observatory (ob...
P13 theoretical astr...
P14 astrophysics
P15 stellar astronom...
P159 cosmology
P159.4 observational...
P18 solar system
P183 Earth
P185.7 asteroid
P19 time, calendar
P193 Seasonal, Seaso...
P194.9 Other Calenda...
P237 remote sensing ...
P3 Geophysics
P315 seismology
P4 Atmospheric scien...
P44 synoptic
P46 climatology
P5 Geology
P57 mineralogy
P62 Geological and M...
P642 engineering geo...
P694 hazard geology
P7 Oceanography
P735 marine biology
P9 Natural Geography
P941 world natural g...
P96 natural resource...
Philosophy and Relig...
Q Biological Science...
Q-3 Research Methods...
Q1 General Biology
Q11 biological evolu...
Q14 Biological Ecolo...
Q178.53 marine organ...
Q189 Neurobiology
Q2 Cytobiology
Q3 Genetics
Q4 Physiology
Q5 Biochemistry
Q6 Biophysics
Q693 space biology (...
Q7 Molecular Biology
Q81 Bioengineering (...
Q811.4 biological in...
Q91 Paleontology
Q915 paleozoology
Q93 Microbiology
Q939.1 bacteria of t...
Q939.4 Virus (viral)
Q94 Botany
Q949.32 Eumycota, My...
Q95 Zoology
Q954 animal morpholo...
Q959.4 Pisces
Q959.7 Aves
Q959.8 Mammalia
Q983 physique anthro...
Q988 human ecology
R Medicine and Healt...
R-0 General Theory
R-09 the history of ...
R-1 Current Situatio...
R-4 Disseminate and ...
R-6 Reference Books ...
R1 Preventive Medici...
R151.3 Food Nutritio...
R161 General Health
R169.1 Health Educat...
R18 Epidemiology and...
R194 health standard...
R2 Chinese Medicine
R211 Prevention, hea...
R212 health preservi...
R221 Neijing
R222 typhoid, Golden...
R241.25 Tongue
R244.1 Massage, mass...
R245 acupuncture and...
R247.1 nourishment, ...
R248.2 surgical nurs...
R248.4 pediatric nur...
R281.3 synthetic mat...
R281.5 Herbal food
R289.3 generations o...
R289.4 Pharmacology ...
R29 medicine of Chin...
R3 Basic Medical
R32 human body morph...
R321 胎生学 (human huma...
R322.3 respiratory s...
R33 Human Physiology
R36 Pathology
R373 human virology ...
R392 medical immunol...
R394 medical genetic...
R4 Clinical Medicine
R44 diagnostics
R45 Therapeutics
R454 Physical therap...
R459.7 emergency fir...
R47 Nursing
R472.2 nursing aid
R473.2 community nur...
R473.71 gynecologica...
R473.73 Oncology Nur...
R473.74 Neurological...
R5 Internal Medicine
R51 infectious disea...
R512.91 AIDS Acquire...
R53 parasitosis
R54 in cardiac and v...
R55 Blood and lympha...
R56 Respiratory and ...
R57 digestive system...
R58 Endocrine diseas...
R587.1 diabetes mell...
R589.7 (The) purine ...
R592 geriatrics
R6 Surgery
R605.97 emergency su...
R608 Surgical instru...
R614 Anesthesiology
R644 Burn and scald ...
R69 urological (geni...
R71 Obstetrics and G...
R711 Gynecology
R714 Obstetrics
R715.3 Health care i...
R72 Pediatrics
R723.14 obesity
R729 Other diseases ...
R73 Oncology
R74 Neurology and Ps...
R741 Neurology
R749.055 psychologic...
R75 Dermatology and ...
R76 Ear, Nose & Thro...
R77 Ophthalmology
R78 Oral Sciences
R8 Special Medical
R81 radiology
R89 forensic medicin...
R9 Pharmacy
R96 Pharmacology
R97 Drug
R99 Toxicology (Toxi...
S Agricultural Scien...
S-0 General Theory
S1 Basic Agriculture...
S15 pedology
S2 Agricultural Engi...
S219.07 Operation an...
S3 Agriculture ( Agr...
S4 Plant Protection
S43 Disease and Pest...
S5 Cultivation of Cr...
S513 maize (Zea mays...
S565 oil crop
S571 beverage crop
S6 Gardening
S63 olericulture
S66 fruit tree horti...
S68 ornamental (flow...
S688.1 Bonsai 和椿景
S7 Forestry
S759.99 World Reserv...
S8 Livestock, Animal...
S839 Other
S85 veterinary medic...
S853.63 Chiropractic
S9 Aquaculture, Fish...
S966.24 cultivation ...
T Industrial Technol...
T-0 Theory of Indust...
T-9 Industrial Econo...
TB General Industria...
TB Technology: gener...
TB114.1 Application ...
TB3 Engineering Mate...
TB32 Nonmetallic Mat...
TB324 high polymer m...
TB47 Industrial Desi...
TB472 Product Design
TB8 photographic tec...
TD Industrial chemis...
TE Oil and Gas Indus...
TF Metallurgical Ind...
TH Energy technology...
TH Machinery and Ins...
TH113 mechanical dyn...
TH742 Microscope
TJ861 satellite weap...
TK Energy and Power ...
TL Nuclear Technolo...