& nbsp
s governments at va...
schools of study
translation, extern...
A1 Works of Marx and...
A123 First Internati...
A75 Comrade Mao Tse ...
A76 Deng Xiao - ping
A8 Study of Marxism-...
A81 Marxism - learni...
A811.2 exercise book
B Philosophy and Rel...
B-4 Philosophical Ed...
B-49 with the popula...
B0 Philosophical The...
B0-0 Marxist philoso...
B014 the object of p...
B017 epistemology
B019.12 metaphysical...
B023 epistemology, t...
B026 Methodology
B03 materialist conc...
B081.1 metaphysics
B089 from the others
B089.1 Western Marxi...
B1 World Philosophy
B12 Ancient Philosop...
B15 Modern Philosoph...
B2 Chinese Philosoph...
B21 Ancient Philosop...
B22 Pre - Qin philos...
B221 learners philos...
B222 Confucian
B222.1 Four Books
B222.2 Confucius (Ko...
B223 Taoist
B223.1 Laozi (Li Er)
B223.5 Chuang Tzu (Z...
B228 Political Strat...
B234.99 Other
B244.2 Zhou Dunyi of...
B244.5 Wang Anshi (1...
B244.7 Zhu Xi (1130 ...
B244.99 Other
B248 Philosophy of t...
B249 philosophy in t...
B25 Modern philosoph...
B259.2 Zhang Binglin...
B26 Modern philosoph...
B261 twentieth centu...
B27 The spread and d...
B3 Asian philosophy
B5 European philosop...
B502.233 Aristotle (...
B503 medieval philos...
B516.34 Schelling (S...
B516.35 Hegel, G. W....
B516.5 Twentieth - c...
B516.59 Other
B804 thinking mode
B81 Logic(Theory Sci...
B81-06 Logic
B82 Ethics ( Moral P...
B82-051 moral and po...
B82-09 history of mo...
B821 philosophy, phi...
B822.9 work ethic (m...
B823.1 family ethics
B825 self - cultivat...
B83 Aesthetics
B83-09 history of ae...
B834.3 life aestheti...
B84 Psychology
B84-065 psychoanalys...
B842.3 Learning and ...
B842.6 Mood and Emot...
B844 human developme...
B844.2 adolescent ps...
B844.3 adult psychol...
B844.5 female psycho...
B845.67 Disasters, a...
B848 personality psy...
B848.1 Type and Temp...
B848.2 capabilities ...
B848.4 belief, will ...
B848.5 Where does sh...
B848.6 personality
B9 Religion
B916 The analysis an...
B920 theory of relig...
B928 all over the wo...
B929 religion, the h...
B933 primitive relig...
B94 Buddhism
B945 , 仪注
B946.5 Zen Buddha He...
B946.6 Tantric relig...
B946.9 Other
B948 Analysis and st...
B949 Buddhism
B949.9 biography
B959 Taoist history
B967 Church organiza...
B969 Islamic history...
B97 Christian
B971 Bible
B979 History of Chri...
B992 China
B992.4 Fengshui (geo...
Biological Sciences
C Pandect of Social ...
C0 Social Science Th...
C09 Social Science H...
C1 Current Situation...
C2 Organizations, Gr...
C23 Social groups
C34 Analysis, resear...
C5 Books , Collected...
C52 collections, ant...
C53 Proceedings of t...
C7 Reference Books o...
C829.2 China
C91 Sociology
C912.1 personal soci...
C912.3 Social relati...
C912.4 cultural anth...
C912.6 Social psycho...
C912.81 Urban Sociol...
C912.82 rural sociol...
C913 Social Life and...
C913.1 Love, family,...
C913.11 A household ...
C913.13 marriage
C913.2 Occupational
C913.5 adolescent pr...
C913.6 in the elderl...
C913.69 Disability i...
C913.9 Other social ...
C915 social investig...
C916 social work, so...
C92 Demographic
C922 population geog...
C924.2 Chinese popul...
C924.24 The populati...
C924.25 demographic ...
C93 Management
C93-09 Management hi...
C931.4 office work
C931.46 paperwork
C931.47 meeting of t...
C932.8 Consulting in...
C933 the theory of l...
C933.2 leading metho...
C934 Decision Theory
C936 Histological ma...
C95 Ethnology
C955 culture, the na...
C962 Talent Manageme...
D Political and Leg...
D0 Political Theory
D0-0 Scientific soci...
D03 State Theory
D033 Its political s...
D033.3 capitalist co...
D035 State administr...
D09 in the history o...
D091.5 Modern (1917 ...
D092 Political Ideas...
D2 Communist Party o...
D21 party constituti...
D219 Constitution Le...
D23 Party History
D231 New - Democrati...
D235 Local Organizat...
D25 Leadership of th...
D26 Party - building
D261 Ideological Con...
D261.3 The party's
D261.42 mee -
D262 construction or...
D262.2 Party's organ...
D262.3 the party s c...
D262.6 discipline in...
D267.6 , culture, ed...
D292 mission of the ...
D412 China's labor m...
D412.6 Trade Union W...
D412.67 financial wo...
D412.7 the living co...
D422 China's Peasant...
D422.6 Farmers work
D422.62 ideological ...
D422.64 life
D432.62 ideological ...
D432.7 youth, studen...
D5 World Politics
D51 International po...
D52 The world politi...
D523 administrative ...
D523.8 emigrant
D523.91 Refugees in ...
D6 Chinese Politics
D60 Policy, politics
D601 principles and ...
D61 Chinese revoluti...
D613 the revolutiona...
D614 General line or...
D616 Chinese charact...
D618 the special pro...
D619 the socialist r...
D62 Political system...
D621 political syste...
D621.5 Citizens' rig...
D622 People's Congre...
D624 People's Republ...
D625 The local peopl...
D625 The local peopl...
D63 State administra...
D630 State organ wor...
D630.1 state affairs
D630.3 Personnel Man...
D631 Public Security...
D631.15 Education, t...
D632.1 The Ministry ...
D632.5 disaster reli...
D633 Work.
D633.1 Ethnic Proble...
D633.2 Regional Auto...
D634.3 oversea Chine...
D638 work autonomy
D64 ideological and ...
D647 education in in...
D648 moral education
D648.3 social morali...
D659 Other
D66 social class str...
D665 the democratic ...
D665.5 Peasants and ...
D668 social investig...
D669 Social Life and...
D669.1 Love, family,...
D669.2 Occupational
D669.3 Living, livin...
D669.6 in that elder...
D669.68 Women
D669.69 disabled per...
D669.8 Social pathol...
D67 local politics
D69 Histoire des reg...
D691 Qing Qing, form...
D691.2 political sys...
D691.4 Personnel (Of...
D691.42 Bureaucratic
D691.46 Examination
D691.49 Supervision
D691.5 Zhengshu
D691.71 Each class s...
D691.9 Social Life a...
D693.61 central admi...
D693.71 Each class s...
D693.9 Social Life a...
D73 Asian political
D74 African politics
D75 European politic...
D8 Diplomacy, Intern...
D81 international re...
D813 International o...
D813.2 The United Na...
D815 international p...
D82 China's diplomac...
D822.2 people around...
D822.3 relationship ...
D829 China's diploma...
D829.12 External rel...
D9 Law
D90 theory of law (j...
D90-05 the relations...
D90-051 law logic
D909 law history, Le...
D909.1 World
D909.2 China
D91 Legal department...
D911 National law, c...
D912.1 Administrativ...
D912.2 Fiscal law
D912.28 Financial La...
D913 civil law
D914 Criminal Law
D915.13 evidence sys...
D915.7 Arbitration
D917 Criminology
D918 criminalistics ...
D92 in accordance wi...
D920.0 theory
D920.4 learning, res...
D920.5 explain, Case
D920.9 L.O.
D921 National law, c...
D921.1 National orga...
D921.11 Organic Law ...
D921.2 electoral law
D922.1 Administrativ...
D922.11 administrati...
D922.12 Government I...
D922.14 Police Admin...
D922.16 , culture, e...
D922.17 Management o...
D922.181 Public Serv...
D922.182 Home and Ma...
D922.182.3 Social Se...
D922.183 Adolescents
D922.19 Other statut...
D922.2 Fiscal law
D922.21 the budget l...
D922.22 Tax Law
D922.221 tax law
D922.222 Regulations...
D922.26 Financial Ma...
D922.28 Financial La...
D922.281 Banking
D922.282 Trust and C...
D922.284 Insurance o...
D922.287 Securities ...
D922.29 Economic Law
D922.291.91 Enterpri...
D922.291.92 Insolven...
D922.292 Economic La...
D922.294 Business Ma...
D922.295 Foreign Eco...
D922.296 Transport E...
D922.297 Capital Man...
D922.299 SEZ Economi...
D922.3 Land
D922.32 Agricultural...
D922.33 management a...
D922.39 State law
D922.4 Agricultural ...
D922.5 The Labor Law...
D922.52 Labor Contra...
D922.54 Labor Protec...
D922.591 Handling of...
D922.6 Natural Resou...
D922.62 mineral law
D922.64 grassland la...
D922.65 Aquaculture ...
D922.66 Waterworks),...
D922.67 The Energy A...
D922.68 Environmenta...
D923 civil law
D923.1 General Provi...
D923.2 real right
D923.3 claims
D923.4 intellectual ...
D923.41 Copyright La...
D923.42 Patent Law o...
D923.43 Trademark La...
D923.49 Other
D923.5 Succession
D923.6 Contract Law ...
D923.8 Other civil a...
D923.9 Marriage Law ...
D923.99 commercial l...
D924 Criminal Law
D924.11 Crime
D924.13 application ...
D924.33 crime of dis...
D924.399 Other
D925 Procedure
D925.1 Civil Procedu...
D925.2 Criminal Proc...
D925.3 Administrativ...
D925.7 Arbitration
D926 Administration ...
D926.1 the administr...
D926.13 judicial adm...
D926.17 the judiciar...
D926.2 Inter - Ameri...
D926.21 People's Rep...
D926.3 Office of the...
D926.5 Lawyer System
D926.6 notary system
D926.7 the prison sy...
D927 Besides, the lo...
D929 Chinese history...
D99 international la...
D992 National
D993.5 Law of the Se...
D996.1 International...
D996.2 International...
D997 Private Interna...
D997.4 International...
DF8 Administration o...
E Military
E0 Military Theory
E09 military history...
E1 The World's Milit...
E19 military history
E2 Chinese Military
E263 cadre system, p...
E266 military discip...
E29 History, Shi Jia...
E291 Ancient history...
E297.2 During the Ag...
E8 Study of Strategy...
E81 Beijing 100094
E892 China
E9 Military Technolo...
E92 weapons, militar...
E922 infantry weapon...
E923.1 tanks and arm...
E925.6 various ships...
E926.3 Various milit...
E932.2 cannonball
E992 military mappin...
F Economic
F0 Economics
F0-0 Marxism's Pluto...
F01 - economics
F015 Macro - economi...
F062.1 resources eco...
F092.2 Ancient
F1 The World Economi...
F113.4 World economi...
F119.9 world economi...
F12 China's economy
F120 and its stated ...
F120.2 China's socia...
F120.3 Economic deve...
F121 socio - economi...
F121.3 Industrial St...
F123 national econom...
F123.15 State - ente...
F123.16 macroeconomi...
F123.17 State - owne...
F123.2 Vision
F123.7 State - owned...
F123.9 Market with r...
F124 economic constr...
F124.1 National econ...
F124.3 Technical dev...
F124.7 national inco...
F125 External econom...
F125.4 External econ...
F125.5 economic rela...
F126.1 standards of ...
F126.2 People with h...
F127 local economy
F127.8 The minority ...
F127.9 Special Econo...
F129 Chinese Economi...
F2 Economic Planning...
F20 national economy...
F22 economic calcula...
F224.5 CBA (Cost - B...
F23 Accounting
F230 Accounting
F232 accounting devi...
F233 Organizations a...
F234.4 Financial Acc...
F239.22 China
F239.221 System
F249.2 China
F249.21 labour
F252 Material
F259.22 Material
F27 Enterprise Econo...
F270 Economic theory...
F270.7 enterprise ma...
F271 enterprise syst...
F272 Enterprise plan...
F272.2 plan
F272.3 operating dec...
F272.9 Enterprise Ad...
F272.91 enterprise l...
F272.92 Personnel Ma...
F273.2 product manag...
F274 Management of E...
F275.2 enterprise ac...
F275.3 enterprise co...
F276.3 small and med...
F276.4 Joint enterpr...
F276.5 private enter...
F276.6 Company
F279 Enterprises in ...
F279.1 World
F279.2 China
F279.21 Enterprises ...
F279.23 enterprise m...
F279.24 various ente...
F279.27 Local enterp...
F284 capital constru...
F29 City and municip...
F293.35 real estate ...
F299.2 China
F299.21 Urban develo...
F299.23 Urban econom...
F299.24 infrastructu...
F299.27 Local urban ...
F3 Agricultural Econ...
F316.21 Economic Ove...
F32 China's agricult...
F320.2 The rural eco...
F321.1 Land issues
F323 Construction an...
F323.6 agricultural ...
F323.8 agricultural ...
F323.89 rural social...
F325 Rural productio...
F326.1 Planting
F326.11 food crops
F326.12 cash crops
F326.27 Local forest...
F326.5 farm sideline...
F327 Local agricultu...
F329.0 each era of h...
F329.9 China's agric...
F4 Industrial Econom...
F402 Industrial Plan...
F42 Chinese industri...
F424 Industry Constr...
F425 industrial ente...
F426 economy of indu...
F49 Information Indu...
F5 Transportation Ec...
F512.3 Transportatio...
F59 Tourism Economy
F590.63 Travel Servi...
F592 China tourism
F592.0 And its state...
F592.3 Construction ...
F592.7 local tourism
F592.99 tourism econ...
F7 Trade Economy
F71 domestic economy
F713.3 merchandising
F713.36 Electronic t...
F713.50 Marketing
F713.55 Commercial p...
F713.8 Advertising
F715 business enterp...
F715.4 commercial ne...
F717.5 professional ...
F717.6 supermarkets,...
F719 Service Industr...
F719.2 Hotel and Gue...
F719.3 Restaurants
F719.9 Other
F72 China's domestic...
F721.7 supermarkets,...
F724 commodity circu...
F724.2 Retail trade
F724.6 Electronic tr...
F724.7 Various merch...
F727 regional econom...
F74 international tr...
F740.41 trade negoti...
F741.2 Free trade an...
F75 States foreign t...
F752 China's foreign...
F752.59 Customs, tar...
F752.62 export trade
F752.67 Technology i...
F752.68 special trad...
F752.7 Trade relatio...
F752.9 History of Fo...
F760.2 commodity cla...
F763 medical supplie...
F8 Finances
F81 Finance, Nationa...
F810.45 fiscal expen...
F810.6 Government ac...
F812 China's financi...
F812.0 And its state...
F812.2 in respect of...
F812.3 budget and fi...
F812.42 tax
F812.45 fiscal expen...
F812.7 local finance
F822 China's currenc...
F822.1 monetary syst...
F822.5 Inflation
F822.9 monetary hist...
F83 financial, banks
F830 Financial, bank...
F830.2 Financial, ba...
F830.3 financial org...
F830.45 funds manage...
F830.53 long - term ...
F830.59 Investment
F830.9 financial mar...
F830.91 Securities M...
F831 The world finan...
F831.1 banking syste...
F831.2 Financial and...
F831.5 financial mar...
F832 China's financi...
F832.1 Financial, ba...
F832.2 banking busin...
F832.21 funds manage...
F832.3 financial org...
F832.31 People's Ban...
F832.33 (People's Re...
F832.35 rural financ...
F832.39 Other financ...
F832.4 Credit
F832.48 Investment
F832.49 Trust
F832.5 financial mar...
F832.6 & nbsp
F832.7 local finance
F832.9 Financial his...
F84 insurance
F842 Insurance Indus...
F842.3 Insurance Org...
F842.6 various types...
G Culture, Science ,...
G0 Cultural Theory
G04 Culture -
G1 The World Culture...
G12 China
G122 cultural studie...
G124 Cultural indust...
G125 Cultural exchan...
G127 local cultures ...
G2 Dissemination of ...
G202 information pro...
G206 Communication T...
G206.2 Media
G21 journalism
G210 Journalism
G210.9 journalism hi...
G214 Journalists
G219 the world of jo...
G219.1 World
G219.19 Journalism H...
G219.2 China
G219.29 Journalism H...
G222.3 program produ...
G229.2 China
G229.23 broadcast te...
G230.7 Publishing wo...
G239.2 China
G239.20 and its stat...
G239.22 Press
G239.27 local publis...
G239.29 publishing h...
G25 Library Science
G250.76 electronic l...
G250.9 Library Scien...
G252 work for reader...
G252.17 VentureOne
G254 Indexing and ca...
G254.3 Document Cata...
G255.1 Rare, ancient...
G255.2 Periodical
G255.75 electronic p...
G256.1 book learning
G259.29 librarianshi...
G26 Museum career.
G264.2 custody
G268.3 Museum of His...
G269.2 China
G275.3 technical arc...
G279.29 history of a...
G3 Science , Scienti...
G302 knowledge learn...
G306.3 Institutions ...
G307 Study on the Te...
G311 Organization an...
G316 scientific work...
G353.1 Analysis and ...
G4 Education
G4 Educion
G40 pedagogy
G40-03 educational s...
G40-056 educational ...
G40-057 Educational ...
G40-09 history, educ...
G41 ideological and ...
G421 teaching proces...
G424.74 exam
G434 computerized te...
G44 educational psyc...
G442 learning psycho...
G443 teacher psychol...
G444 psychology of s...
G445 adolescent psyc...
G449.4 Intelligence ...
G451.1 teacher asses...
G451.2 The structure...
G474 General work
G479 health educatio...
G5 the world of educ...
G519 history of educ...
G52 Chinese educatio...
G520 policy and its ...
G529 history of educ...
G61 preschool educat...
G610 preschool educa...
G613 special didacti...
G613.2 language, lit...
G613.3 common sense,...
G613.4 arithmetic me...
G613.7 Sports, games
G617 The Kindergarte...
G621 ideological and...
G622.0 Teaching refo...
G622.3 Course
G623 Special didacti...
G623.1 political
G624 Textbook, textb...
G625.5 Students
G63 Secondary educat...
G631 ideological and...
G632.0 Research in t...
G632.3 Course
G632.42 Teaching org...
G632.46 Coaching and...
G633 Special didacti...
G633.41 English
G633.51 history
G633.53 Chinese hist...
G633.57 Chinese geog...
G633.62 Algebra
G633.63 Geometry
G634 teaching materi...
G635.1 Teacher, teac...
G635.5 Students
G637 school manageme...
G639.2 China
G639.28 school profi...
G64 Higher Education
G641 ideological and...
G642.0 Research in t...
G643 postgraduate ed...
G644 scientific rese...
G645 teachers and st...
G647 school manageme...
G649 world education...
G649.2 China
G649.21 Education Re...
G649.28 school profi...
G655 teachers and st...
G71 Vocational and T...
G710 Vocational Educ...
G712 teaching theory...
G717 school manageme...
G718.2 in a secondar...
G718.3 Secondary Spe...
G718.5 Higher vocati...
G719.1 World
G719.2 China
G729 spare - time ed...
G769 Survey in each ...
G775 adolescent educ...
G779 world social pr...
G78 family education
G792 reading method
G8 P.E
G80-05 Physical rela...
G804.8 sport psychol...
G81 sports of countr...
G812.4 The mass spor...
G812.9 Chinese sport...
G84 ball games
G843 Football
G846 Table Tennis
G852 Chinese Wushu
G852.9 Other nationa...
G861 Watersports
G87 Other sports
G872.3 exercise bike
G882.3 polo
G886.2 Wrestling
G888.1 triathlon
G89-6 sports book
G891.3 weiqi
G894 private collect...
G895 travel
G898.2 mental game
H Language and Lingu...
H0 Linguistics
H0-05 Language and o...
H01 phonetics
H019 method of recit...
H03 semantics, pragm...
H033 Idiom
H042 part of speech
H05 Writing and Rhet...
H059 translatology
H09 Chinese teaching
H1 Chinese Language
H12 philology
H125.4 phonetic read...
H13 semantic, lexica...
H136.3 Idiom
H136.4 vulgarism
H152 stylistics
H152.3 Practical
H159 Translation
H194 Chinese reading
H194.1 Ancient Chine...
H194.5 Intermediate ...
H2 Chinese Minority ...
H276 Maonan
H3 Common Foreign La...
H31 English
H310.42 China
H314 syntax
H315 Writing, Rhetor...
H315.9 Translation
H319.3 Teaching Meth...
H319.4 Reading
H319.6 exercises, qu...
H319.9 session
H32 French
H33 German
H35 Russian
H36 Japanese
H4 Sino-Tibetan
H55 Korean
I Literature
I0 Literary Theory
I0-03 methodology of...
I045 literary langua...
I052 Poetry
I053.5 screenplays, ...
I054 Novels
I057 Folk Literature
I058 children litera...
I06 Literature, Lite...
I1 World Literature
I106 the classics an...
I106.2 Poetry
I106.4 Novels
I106.5 Reportage
I106.7 Folk Literatu...
I106.8 Children's Li...
I106.99 Religious li...
I11 Portfolio
I12 Lied
I14 veracular
I15 报告文学集
I16 collection of es...
I17 folk - collectio...
I18 Reading
I199 The religious l...
I2 Chinese Literatur...
I206 literary critic...
I206.09 history of l...
I206.2 ancient (~ 18...
I206.6 Modern litera...
I206.7 Contemporary ...
I207 Literary critic...
I207.2 Poetry, verse
I207.209 poetry
I207.22 Poetry
I207.23 word
I207.25 New Poetry
I207.3 dramatic lite...
I207.39 Quyi
I207.4 Novels
I207.409 Fiction
I207.41 Ancient Nove...
I207.42 novel rose
I207.427 short story
I207.6 prose, miscel...
I207.62 ancient (~ 1...
I207.7 Folk Literatu...
I207.8 children lite...
I207.9 Ethnic Minori...
I209 history, litera...
I209.9 local literat...
I21 Portfolio
I210.4 Essays, Prose
I210.91 History Book...
I211 integrated work...
I218 Comprehensive c...
I22 Poetry, verse
I222 ancient to the ...
I222.2 The Book of S...
I222.7 ancient - sty...
I226 Modern works (1...
I227 Contemporary wo...
I23 dramatic literat...
I237.1 Zaju
I237.2 Legend
I239 Quyi
I24 Novels
I242 ancient to the ...
I242.1 sketchbook
I242.4 Novels
I246.4 Novels
I246.5 The lengthy n...
I246.7 The short sto...
I246.8 story
I247 Contemporary wo...
I247.5 The lengthy n...
I247.7 The short sto...
I247.8 story, the Mi...
I25 Reportage
I253 communication, ...
I253.3 economic
I253.4 culture, educ...
I253.7 Social Life a...
I26 Prose
I266 Modern works (1...
I266.1 essay, the es...
I267 Contemporary wo...
I269 miscellany
I27 Folk Literature
I276.8 riddles, joke...
I277.3 folktales, fo...
I277.4 fable
I277.5 Myth
I277.7 Proverbs
I277.8 riddles, joke...
I286.2 poetry, nurse...
I286.6 prose
I286.7 fairy tale, f...
I287 Contemporary wo...
I287.2 poetry and rh...
I287.45 Novel or nov...
I287.47 short storie...
I287.5 story
I287.7 fairy tale, f...
I287.8 Picture Story
I3/7 national litera...
J Art
J0 Art Theory
J01 Art Aesthetics
J05 Art criticism an...
J06 plastic theory
J063 chromatics
J1 Overview of World...
J110.9 Art, Art Hist...
J12 Chinese art
J120.9 Art, Art Hist...
J121 comprehensive c...
J19 religious art
J2 Drawing
J20 theory of painti...
J201 Painting Aesthe...
J206.3 chromatics
J209 Art History
J21 painting techniq...
J211.26 landscape sc...
J212 Techniques of C...
J212.2 various paint...
J213 oil painting te...
J214 drawing, sketch...
J215 ink, watercolor...
J218.1 posters
J218.2 comics
J218.7 animated (car...
J219 Other painting ...
J22 Chinese painting...
J221 integrated work...
J221.8 painting coll...
J222 Chinese paintin...
J222.7 in modern tim...
J223 oil painting
J224 Sketch, sketch
J228 various paintin...
J229 Other paintings
J231 integrated work...
J238 various paintin...
J29 Calligraphy, Sea...
J292.1 Calligraphy
J292.11 calligraphy
J292.13 artistic cal...
J292.2 Inscription, ...
J292.21 Inscription ...
J292.22 Qin, Han cal...
J292.23 Wei, Jin, So...
J292.24 Sui Dynasty,...
J292.25 Song and Yua...
J292.26 During the M...
J292.27 Modern Calli...
J292.28 Modern Calli...
J292.3 Work: accordi...
J292.31 calligraphy ...
J292.32 calligraphy ...
J292.4 Seal - cuttin...
J292.41 Seal - cutti...
J292.42 A collection...
J292.47 A collection...
J3 Sculpturing Art
J305 sculpture comme...
J309 sculpture art h...
J327 clay figurine
J4 Photographing Art
J40 theory of photog...
J414 landscape photo...
J416 body photograph...
J42 China's photogra...
J421 photography wor...
J5 Industrial Art
J506 arts and crafts...
J52 Chinese arts and...
J521 arts and crafts...
J522 set pattern
J522.1 O.J.
J522.3 plant
J523.2 Dyeing
J525.2 window
J527 Ceramics, lacqu...
J528 folk arts and c...
J528.1 paper cutting...
J53 States Industria...
J6 Music
J60 music theory
J603 Music journalis...
J605 music comment a...
J609.1 World
J609.9 music genre a...
J616 Vocal music the...
J616.2 singing metho...
J618 Dance music the...
J621.1 Flute, piccol...
J624.1 piano
J642.22 Leading memb...
J643.5 local drama m...
J647.7 electronic mu...
J652 songs
J655 dance music
J7 Dancing
J70-05 Dance and oth...
J8 Dramatic
J805 Theatre,
J809 Drama history
J82 China Drama Art
J824 Modern Drama Ar...
J825 Local drama art
J828 acrobatic art
J83 national theatre
J838 acrobatic art
J9 Movies, TV
J905 Movie, tv telev...
J909 Film, TV Art
J952 newsreel film)
J954 Cartoons
J961 the silent and ...
J992 China