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10Result(s)for '" Altman S.A."'
Resource list
By Altman S.A. Zastawny T.H. Randers-Eichhorn L. Cacciuttolo M.A. Akman S.A. Dizdaroglu M. Rao G. in Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Access to resources Favorite 6.9048567
By Zastawny T.H. Altman S.A. Randers-Eichhorn L. Madurawe R. Lumpkin J.A. Dizdaroglu M. Rao G. in Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Access to resources Favorite 6.9048567
By Reichel A. Mehrez A. Altman S. in Tourism Management
Access to resources Favorite 4.6170816
By Li Y. Altman S. in Nucleic Acids Research
Oxford University Press(2002)
Access to resources Favorite 4.6170816
By Lazarev D. Paul R. Altman S. in Nucleic Acids Research
Oxford University Press(2001)
Access to resources Favorite 3.4628112
By Westhof E. Wesolowski D. Altman S. in Journal of Molecular Biology
Academic Press(1996)
Access to resources Favorite 3.4628112
By Gopalan V. Baxevanis A.D. Landsman D. Altman S. in Journal of Molecular Biology
Academic Press(1997)
Access to resources Favorite 2.885676
By Gopalan V. Golbik R. Schreiber G. Fersht A.R. Altman S. in Journal of Molecular Biology
Academic Press(1997)
Access to resources Favorite 2.3085408
By Nashimoto Masayuki Wesemann Duane R. Geary Susanna Tamura Masato Kaspar Roger L. Sprague K.U. Westaway S.K. Altman S. Deutscher M.P. Zasloff M. Thomann H.-U. Nashimoto M. Nashimoto M. Frendewey D. Levinger L. Solari A. Engelke D.R. Garber R.L. Castano J.G. O’Connor J.P. Nashimoto M. Nashimoto M. Nashimoto M. Nashimoto M. Vnencak-Jones Nashimoto M. Guo Q. in Nucleic Acids Research
Oxford University Press(1999)
Access to resources Favorite 1.0099866
By Eenennaam Hans van Pruijn Ger J. M. Venrooij Walther J. van Eichler D.C. Tollervey D. Bachellerie J.P. Peculis B. Chamberlain J.R. Tollervey D. Chang D.D. Chang D.D. Reimer G. Chu S. Lygerou Z. Lygerou Z. Schmitt M.E. Topper J.N. Chang D.D. Yuan Y. Dairaghi D.J. Bennett J.L. Schmitt M.E. Kiss T. Altman S. Chamberlain J.R. Forster A.C. Schmitt M.E. Morrissey J.P. Reilly T.H. Gold H.A. Gold H.A. Hashimoto C. Reddy R. Hardin J.A. Chamberlain J.R. Dichtl B. Chu S. Stolc V. Schmitt M.E. Eder P.S. Jarrous N. Stolc V. Lygerou Z. Pluk H. Altschul S.F. Sillekens P.T. Kreis T.E. Pluk H. Frangioni J.V. Harlow E. Verheijen R. Krupp G. Jarrous N. Girard J.P. Schmidt Zachmann M.S. Yan C. Li K. Bertrand E. in Nucleic Acids Research
Oxford University Press(1999)
Access to resources Favorite 0.721419