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10Result(s)for '" Arnold L.E."'
Resource list
By Arnold L.E. Bozzolo D.R. Hodgkins P. McKay M. Beckett-Thurman L. Greenbaum M. Bukstein O. Patel A. in Current Medical Research and Opinion
Informa Healthcare(2010)
Access to resources Favorite 6.522595
By Salvatore M.F. Hudspeth O. Arnold L.E. Wilson P.E. Stanford J.A. MacTutus C.F. Booze R.M. Gerhardt G.A. in Neuroscience
Access to resources Favorite 5.542207
By Epstein J.N. Conners C.K. Erhardt e. Arnold L.E. Hechtman L. Hinshaw S.P. Hoza B. Newcorn J.H. Swanson J.M. Vitiello B. in Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Springer Publishing Company (2000)
Access to resources Favorite 5.542207
By Hoza B. Owens J.S. Pelham Jr. W.E. Swanson J.M. Conners C.K. Hinshaw S.P. Arnold L.E. Kraemer H.C. in Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Springer Publishing Company (2000)
Access to resources Favorite 5.542207
By March J.S. Swanson J.M. Arnold L.E. Hoza B. Conners C.K. Hinshaw S.P. Hechtman L. Kraemer H.C. Greenhill L.L. Abikoff H.B. Elliott L.G. Jensen P.S. Newcorn J.H. Vitiello B. Severe J. Wells K.C. Pelham W.E. in Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Springer Publishing Company (2000)
Access to resources Favorite 3.9215531
By Wells K.C. Epstein J.N. Hinshaw S.P. Conners C.K. Klaric J. Abikoff H.B. Abramowitz A. Arnold L.E. Elliott G. Greenhill L.L. Hechtman L. Hoza B. Jensen P.S. March J.S. Pelham Jr. W. Pfiffner L. Severe J. Swanson J.M. Vitiello B. Wigal T. in Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Springer Publishing Company (2000)
Access to resources Favorite 3.7514915
By Wells K.C. Pelham Jr. W.E. Kotkin R.A. Hoza B. Abikoff H.B. Abramowitz A. Arnold L.E. Cantwell D.P. Conners C.K. del Carmen R. Elliott G. Greenhill L.L. Hechtman L. Hibbs E. Hinshaw S.P. Jensen P.S. March J.S. Swanson J.M. Schiller E. in Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Springer Publishing Company (2000)
Access to resources Favorite 3.7514915
By Hinshaw S.P. Owens E.B. Wells K.C. Kraemer H.C. Abikoff H.B. Arnold L.E. Conners C.K. Elliott G. Greenhill L.L. Hechtman L. Hoza B. Jensen P.S. March J.S. Newcorn J.H. Pelham W.E. Swanson J.M. Vitiello B. Wigal T. in Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Springer Publishing Company (2000)
Access to resources Favorite 3.7514915
By Swanson J.M. Arnold L.E. Vitiello B. Abikoff H.B. Wells K.C. Pelham W.E. March J.S. Hinshaw S.P. Hoza B. Epstein J.N. Elliott G.R. Greenhill L.L. Hechtman L. Jensen P.S. Kraemer H.C. Kotkin R. Molina B. Newcorn J.H. Owens E.B. Severe J. Hoagwood K. Simpson S. Wigal T. Hanley T. in Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Springer Publishing Company (2002)
Access to resources Favorite 3.58143
By Rolfe G. L. Akhtar M. A. Arnold L. E. in Forest Science
Society of American Foresters(1978)
Access to resources Favorite 3.201326