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3Result(s)for '" Billone M.C."'
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By Sze D.-K. Billone M.C. Hua T.Q. Tillack M. Najmabadi F. Wang X. Malang S. El-Guebaly L.A. Sviatoslavsky I.N. Blanchard J.P. Crowell J.A. Khater H.Y. Mogahed E.A. Waganer L.M. Lee D. Cole D. in Fusion Engineering and Design
Access to resources Favorite 5.400176
By Najmabadi F. The Aries Team Bathke C.G. Billone M.C. Blanchard J.P. Bromberg L. Chin E. Cole F.R. Crowell J.A. Ehst D.A. El-Guebaly L.A. Herring J.S. Hua T.Q. Jardin S.C. Kessel C.E. Khater H. Lee V.D. Malang S. Mau T.-K. Miller R.L. Mogahed E.A. Petrie T.W. Reis E.E. Schultz J. Sidorov M. Steiner D. Sviatoslavsky I.N. Sze D.-K. Thayer R. Tillack M.S. Titus P. Wagner L.M. Wang X. Wong C.P.C. in Fusion Engineering and Design
Access to resources Favorite 3.2860355
By Molecke M. A. Gregson M. W. Sorenson K. B. Billone M. C. Tsai H. Koch W. Nolte O. Pretzsch G. Lange F. Autrusson B. Loiseau O. Thompson N. Slater Hibbs R. S. Young F. I. Mo T. in Packaging, Transport, Storage and Security of Radioactive Material
Maney Publishing(2004)
Access to resources Favorite 1.7814924