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8Result(s)for '" Cecconello M."'
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By Bradley J.W. Cecconello M. in Vacuum
Access to resources Favorite 10.177281
By Klimek I. Cecconello M. Gorelenkova M. Keeling D. Meakins A. Jones O. Akers R. Lupelli I. Turnyanskiy M. Ericsson G. Klimek I. in Nuclear Fusion
IOP Publishing(2015)
Access to resources Favorite 4.3045225
By Keeling D.L. Barrett T.R. Cecconello M. Challis C.D. Hawkes N. Jones O.M. Klimek I. McClements K.G. Meakins A. Milnes J. Turnyanskiy M. Keeling D.L. in Nuclear Fusion
IOP Publishing(2015)
Access to resources Favorite 3.5204034
By Chapman I.T. Adamek J. Akers R.J. Allan S. Appel L. Asunta O. Barnes M. Ayed N. Ben Bigelow T. Boeglin W. Bradley J. Brünner J. Cahyna P. Carr M. Caughman J. Cecconello M. Challis C. Chapman S. Chorley J. Colyer G. Conway N. Cooper W.A. Cox M. Crocker N. Crowley B. Cunningham G. Danilov A. Darrow D. Dendy R. Diallo A. Dickinson D. Diem S. Dorland W. Dudson B. Dunai D. Easy L. Elmore S. Field A. Fishpool G. Fox M. Fredrickson E. Freethy S. Garzotti L. Ghim Y.C. Gibson K. Graves J. Gurl C. Guttenfelder W. Ham C. Harrison J. Harting D. Havlickova E. Hawke J. Hawkes N. Hender T. Henderson S. Highcock E. Hillesheim J. Hnat B. Holgate J. Horacek J. Howard J. Huang B. Imada K. Jones O. Kaye S. Keeling D. Kirk A. Klimek I. Kocan M. Leggate H. Lilley M. Lipschultz B. Lisgo S. Liu Y.Q. Lloyd B. Lomanowski B. Lupelli I. Maddison G. Mailloux J. Martin R. McArdle G. McClements K. McMillan B. Meakins A. Meyer H. Michael C. Militello F. Milnes J. Morris A.W. Motojima G. Muir D. Nardon E. Naulin V. Na in Nuclear Fusion
IOP Publishing(2015)
Access to resources Favorite 1.4681897
By Eriksson J Hellesen C Sundén E Andersson Cecconello M Conroy S Ericsson G Johnson M Gatu Pinches S D Sharapov S E Weiszflog M in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
IOP Publishing(2013)
Access to resources Favorite 1.1517887
By McClements K G Akers R J Boeglin W U Cecconello M Keeling D Jones O M Kirk A Klimek I Perez R V Shinohara K Tani K in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
IOP Publishing(2015)
Access to resources Favorite 1.1517887
By McClements K G Akers R J Boeglin W U Cecconello M Keeling D Jones O M Kirk A Klimek I Perez R V Shinohara K Tani K in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
IOP Publishing(2015)
Access to resources Favorite 1.1517887
By Jones O M Cecconello M McClements K G Klimek I Akers R J Boeglin W U Keeling D L Meakins A J Perez R V Sharapov S E Turnyanskiy M Jones O M in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
IOP Publishing(2015)
Access to resources Favorite 0.95982385