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11Result(s)for '" Chadwick L."'
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By Bjorklund A. Chadwick L. in Economics Letters
Access to resources Favorite 10.174179
By CHADWICK L. E. in Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Entomological Society of America(1959)
Access to resources Favorite 10.174179
By KRYSAN J. L. NORRIS J. T. CHADWICK L. E. in Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Entomological Society of America(1973)
Access to resources Favorite 6.097438
By Wiley R.H.A.V.E.N. Steadman L. Chadwick L. Wollerman L. in Animal Behaviour
Access to resources Favorite 5.435656
By Sailer R. I. Hatch M. H. Rozeboom L. E. Adams J. A. Chadwick L. E. Arant F. S. Chambers E. L. Metcalf R. L. Howell D. E. Bohart G. E. Russell Louise M. Sabrosky C. W. Deay H. O. Chadwick L. E. Quarterman K. D. Cushman Helene G. Porter B. A. Muesebeck C. F. W. Apple J. W. Jones M. P. McDuffie W. C. Steinweden J. B. Alexander C. C. in Entomological Society of America. Bulletin
Entomological Society of America(1958)
Access to resources Favorite 3.116667
By Chadwick L. E. Sailer R. I. Hatch M. H. Spieth H. T. West A. S. Howell D. E. Bohart G. E. Arant F. S. Chambers E. L. Metcalf R. L. Morrill A. W. Alexander C. C. Steinweden J. B. Jones M. P. Apple James W. in Entomological Society of America. Bulletin
Entomological Society of America(1956)
Access to resources Favorite 2.5435448
By Chadwick L. E. Hatch M. H. Sailor R. I. Rozeboom L. E. Speith H. T. Bohart G. E. Arant F. S. Chambers E. L. Metcalf R. L. Howell D. E. Deay H. O. Sabrosky C. W. Rusell Louis M. Quarterman K. D. Ludvig Daniel Alexander C. C. Apple J. W. Jones M. P. Steinweden J. B. Morell A. W. in Entomological Society of America. Bulletin
Entomological Society of America(1957)
Access to resources Favorite 2.3692617
By Pratt J. J. Adams J. A. Rozeboom L. E. Hatch M. H. Sailer R. I. Sabrosky C. W. Deay H. O. Chadwick L. E. Dalmat H. T. Russell Louise M. Apple J. W. Jones M. P. Roth Roger W. McDuffie W. C. Steinweden John B. Haeussler G. J. Howell D. E. Metcalf R. L. Chambers E. L. Arant F. W. Cushman Helene G. Porter B. A. Muesebeck C. F. W. in Entomological Society of America. Bulletin
Entomological Society of America(1959)
Access to resources Favorite 2.2038164
By Poos F. W. Young Frank N. Pratt John J. Adams Alfred J. Roseboom Lloyd E. Hatch Melville H. Busbey Ruth L. Haeusuller G. J. Metcalf R. L. Howell D. E. Chambers E. L. Knight K. L. Smith Ray F. Turner Neely Sailer R. I. Pepper B. B. Apple J. W. Harper R. W. Mcduffie W. C. Roth R. W. Jones M. P. James M. T. Dalmat H. T. Chadwick L. E. Deay H. O. Sabrosky C. W. Connell W. A. Mcduffie W. C. Muesebeck C. F. W. in Entomological Society of America. Bulletin
Entomological Society of America(1960)
Access to resources Favorite 1.8640878
By Chadwick L.H. McCandless S.E. Silverman G.L. Schwartz S. Westaway D. Nadeau J.H. in Genomics
Access to resources Favorite 1.1581177