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8Result(s)for '" Cunningham G."'
Resource list
By Smith R. Cunningham G. Kivlighn S. in Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs
Informa Healthcare(1998)
Access to resources Favorite 6.980231
By Goun E. Cunningham G. Chu D. Nguyen C. Miles D. in Fitoterapia
Access to resources Favorite 5.7080517
By Goun E. Cunningham G. Solodnikov S. Krasnykch O. Miles H. in Fitoterapia
Access to resources Favorite 5.7080517
By Yinghua L. Cunningham G.A. Coggeshall S.V. in Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Access to resources Favorite 1.8580012
By Kirk A Liu Yueqiang Martin R Cunningham G Howell D Kirk A in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
IOP Publishing(2014)
Access to resources Favorite 1.2386675
By Chapman I.T. Adamek J. Akers R.J. Allan S. Appel L. Asunta O. Barnes M. Ayed N. Ben Bigelow T. Boeglin W. Bradley J. Brünner J. Cahyna P. Carr M. Caughman J. Cecconello M. Challis C. Chapman S. Chorley J. Colyer G. Conway N. Cooper W.A. Cox M. Crocker N. Crowley B. Cunningham G. Danilov A. Darrow D. Dendy R. Diallo A. Dickinson D. Diem S. Dorland W. Dudson B. Dunai D. Easy L. Elmore S. Field A. Fishpool G. Fox M. Fredrickson E. Freethy S. Garzotti L. Ghim Y.C. Gibson K. Graves J. Gurl C. Guttenfelder W. Ham C. Harrison J. Harting D. Havlickova E. Hawke J. Hawkes N. Hender T. Henderson S. Highcock E. Hillesheim J. Hnat B. Holgate J. Horacek J. Howard J. Huang B. Imada K. Jones O. Kaye S. Keeling D. Kirk A. Klimek I. Kocan M. Leggate H. Lilley M. Lipschultz B. Lisgo S. Liu Y.Q. Lloyd B. Lomanowski B. Lupelli I. Maddison G. Mailloux J. Martin R. McArdle G. McClements K. McMillan B. Meakins A. Meyer H. Michael C. Militello F. Milnes J. Morris A.W. Motojima G. Muir D. Nardon E. Naulin V. Na in Nuclear Fusion
IOP Publishing(2015)
Access to resources Favorite 1.1905737
By Valovič M Cunningham G Garzotti L Gurl C Kirk A Naylor G Patel A Scannell R Thornton A J in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
IOP Publishing(2013)
Access to resources Favorite 1.083834
By Chapman I T Holgate J T Ayed N Ben Cunningham G Ham C J Harrison J R Kirk A McArdle G Patel A Scannell R in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
IOP Publishing(2014)
Access to resources Favorite 0.9290006