- AOAC Interna... [1]
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- EPP Publicat... [2]
- Edp Sciences [95]
- Elsevier [1020]
- Elsevier Hea... [1]
- Elsevier Sci... [18]
- Emerald Grou... [60]
- Entomologica... [90]
- Faculty of A... [2]
- Field House ... [1]
- G. S. Marden [1]
- Govi-Verlag [1]
- Haworth Pres... [2]
- Hellenic Vet... [1]
- Humana Press... [5]
- IGI Global [1]
- IOP Publishi... [53]
- IP Publishin... [3]
- Inderscience... [29]
- Informa Heal... [112]
- Institute of... [25]
- IntechOpen [13]
- Internationa... [5]
- Internationa... [5]
- Internationa... [9]
- Ios Press [1]
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- Johnson Matt... [1]
- Joint Commis... [1]
- Kiddy World ... [2]
- Kluwer Law I... [1]
- MAIK Nauka/I... [54]
- MDPI [23]
- Maney Publis... [97]
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- Mineralogica... [6]
- Mycotaxon [21]
- NRC Research... [19]
- Nationaal He... [9]
- Nevin Scrims... [2]
- OceanSide Pu... [2]
- Oxford Unive... [74]
- Palgrave Mac... [1]
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- Physics Essa... [2]
- Project Gute... [6]
- R S C Public... [1]
- Routledge Lt... [29]
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- Seltzer Book... [1]
- Society for ... [9]
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- Society of A... [21]
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- Springer Pub... [300]
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- VIJ Books (I... [1]
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- Westburn Pub... [1]
- Write & Prin... [1]
- 南开大学出版社 [1]
- 开放图书馆 [2]
- B Philosophy and Rel... [3]
- B82 Ethics ( Moral P... [1]
- B84 Psychology [29]
- B9 Religion [7]
- B985 Judaism (Hebrew... [2]
- B99 Occultism, super... [1]
- C Pandect of Social ... [2]
- C Pandect of Social ... [5]
- C8 Statistics [1]
- C91 Sociology [4]
- C93 Management [2]
- D Political and Leg... [4]
- D0 Political Theory [3]
- D822 External relati... [1]
- D9 Law [7]
- D999.1 the Law of Ou... [1]
- F Economic [28]
- F0 Economics [3]
- F2 Economic Planning... [40]
- F224.0 Quantitative ... [2]
- F3 Agricultural Econ... [9]
- F7 Trade Economy [15]
- F8 Finances [1]
- G Culture, Science ,... [17]
- G1 The World Culture... [1]
- G2 Dissemination of ... [1]
- G647 school manageme... [1]
- G8 P.E [1]
- H Language and Lingu... [4]
- I Literature [3]
- I106 the classics an... [3]
- K History and Geogra... [2]
- K1 World History [2]
- K10 History [1]
- K13 the history of t... [1]
- K5 European History [1]
- K85 Archaeology [1]
- K9 Geography [2]
- L No classification [7]
- O Mathematical Scien... [192]
- O1 Mathematics [17]
- O141 (mathematical l... [4]
- O18 geometric topolo... [1]
- O29 applied mathemat... [2]
- O3 Mechanics [9]
- O4 Physics [245]
- O413 quantum theory [1]
- O414 Thermodynamics ... [1]
- O431.2 quantum optic... [1]
- O6 Chemistry [195]
- O631 polymer physics... [1]
- O643.2 combustion ex... [1]
- O643.32 catalytic re... [1]
- O646 electrochemical... [1]
- P Astronomy and Eart... [5]
- P1 Astronomy [49]
- P159 cosmology [1]
- P3 Geophysics [16]
- P4 Atmospheric scien... [5]
- P5 Geology [29]
- P534.62 Neogene (tra... [1]
- P628 mathematical ex... [1]
- P7 Oceanography [16]
- P736.3 seabed minera... [1]
- P9 Natural Geography [9]
- Q Biological Science... [50]
- Q1 General Biology [101]
- Q2 Cytobiology [4]
- Q3 Genetics [8]
- Q4 Physiology [13]
- Q5 Biochemistry [151]
- Q786 gene expression [1]
- Q81 Bioengineering (... [12]
- Q93 Microbiology [38]
- Q94 Botany [105]
- Q94-33 Experiments i... [1]
- Q95 Zoology [18]
- Q96 Entomology [95]
- Q98 Anthropology [1]
- R Medicine and Healt... [37]
- R1 Preventive Medici... [78]
- R2 Chinese Medicine [3]
- R3 Basic Medical [88]
- R392 medical immunol... [1]
- R394 medical genetic... [1]
- R4 Clinical Medicine [7]
- R5 Internal Medicine [80]
- R6 Surgery [91]
- R71 Obstetrics and G... [31]
- R72 Pediatrics [10]
- R73 Oncology [60]
- R74 Neurology and Ps... [47]
- R741 Neurology [2]
- R76 Ear, Nose & Thro... [8]
- R77 Ophthalmology [15]
- R78 Oral Sciences [1]
- R8 Special Medical [14]
- R9 Pharmacy [64]
- R96 Pharmacology [8]
- S Agricultural Scien... [7]
- S1 Basic Agriculture... [9]
- S15 pedology [1]
- S152 soil physics [1]
- S2 Agricultural Engi... [2]
- S3 Agriculture ( Agr... [14]
- S33 Crop Genetics an... [1]
- S43 Disease and Pest... [1]
- S432.1 plant patholo... [1]
- S7 Forestry [33]
- S8 Livestock, Animal... [31]
- S823 Bovine [1]
- S9 Aquaculture, Fish... [4]
- T Industrial Technol... [69]
- T-1 Technology Statu... [6]
- TB General Industria... [63]
- TB3 Engineering Mate... [1]
- TB32 Nonmetallic Mat... [1]
- TD Industrial chemis... [1]
- TD Mining Engineerin... [6]
- TE Oil and Gas Indus... [3]
- TF Metallurgical Ind... [61]
- TF0 general problems [1]
- TF046.4 sintering [1]
- TG Metallurgy and Me... [1]
- TG156.8 chemical hea... [1]
- TH Energy technology... [2]
- TH Machinery and Ins... [4]
- TK Energy and Power ... [12]
- TL Nuclear Technolo... [11]
- TM Electrotechnical [6]
- TN Radio Electronics... [19]
- TN4 microelectronics... [1]
- TP Automation Techno... [48]
- TP3 Computers [2]
- TP309 confidentialit... [1]
- TP393 computer netwo... [1]
- TQ Chemical Industry [35]
- TQ174 Ceramic Indust... [1]
- TS Light industry ,H... [29]
- TU Architectural Sci... [8]
- TU Architectural Sci... [1]
- TU3 building structu... [1]
- TV Hydraulic Enginee... [1]
- U Transportation [2]
- U6 Waterway Transpor... [7]
- V Aviation, Aerospac... [7]
- X Environmental Scie... [183]
- X17 Environmental Bi... [1]
- X9 Safety Science [1]
- Z Comprehensive Arti... [2]
Publication date
- 2018[6]
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2944Result(s)for '" G.S."',Display only a keyword before 1000 resources
Resource list
By Dhingra G.S. Priyanka G.S. in Mycotaxon
Access to resources Favorite 10.669397
By Lakhina G.S. in Surveys in Geophysics
Springer Publishing Company (1999)
Access to resources Favorite 10.415401
By Rao G.S. in Veterinary Research Communications
Springer Publishing Company (2001)
Access to resources Favorite 10.415401
By Logsdon G.S. in Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
Springer Publishing Company (2000)
Access to resources Favorite 10.415401
By Poletaev G.S. in Ukrainian Mathematical Journal
Springer Publishing Company (2002)
Access to resources Favorite 10.415401
By Khanyan G.S. in Measurement Techniques
Springer Publishing Company (2003)
Access to resources Favorite 10.415401
By Vlasov G.S. in Measurement Techniques
Springer Publishing Company (2003)
Access to resources Favorite 10.415401
By Jackson G.S. in Trends in Microbiology
Access to resources Favorite 10.415401
By Dhingra G.S. in Mycotaxon
Access to resources Favorite 10.415401
By Rushbrooke G.S. in Molecular Physics
Taylor & Francis Ltd(1979)
Access to resources Favorite 10.415401