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1Result(s)for '" Khee Poh Lam Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics"'
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By Jie Zhao Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics School of Architecture Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA USACenter for Building Performance and Diagnostics School of Architecture Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA USA Khee Poh Lam Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics School of Architecture Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA USACenter for Building Performance and Diagnostics School of Architecture Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA USA Tajin Biswas School of ArchitectureCarnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburgh PA USASchool of Architecture Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA USA Haopeng Wang Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics School of Architecture Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA USACenter for Building Performance and Diagnostics School of Architecture Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA USA in Construction Innovation
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd(2015)
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