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4Result(s)for '" New York City"'
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Consumers' Cooperative Societies in New York State
By Consumers League of New York City
Project Gutenberg(2004)
Access to resources Favorite 20.624935
Memories of Jane Cunningham Croly, "Jenny June"
By Womans Press Club of New York City
Project Gutenberg(2004)
Access to resources Favorite 17.678516
By KolstadCeciliaPrivate practice New York City N.Y. USA ZavrasAthanasiosDepartment of Pediatric Dentistry School of Dental Medicine Boston University Boston Mass. USA YoonRichard K.Advanced Specialty Education in Pediatric Dentistry Columbia University Medical Center New York City N.Y. USA. in Pediatric Dentistry
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry(2015)
Access to resources Favorite 8.333732
International Accounting: A User Perspective Fourth Edition
By Mark S. Klein is a partner atn Hodgson Russ LLP. Mr. Klein concentrates in New York State and New York City tax matters. He has over 25 years of experience with federal multistate state and local taxation. He may be best known for his public speaking on tax topics. Mr. Klein splits his time between the firm's Buffalo and New York City offices. Mr. Klein has lectured extensively throughout the United States and Canada and teaches courses on state taxation and tax practice and procedure at the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Management Tax Certificate Program. His articles have appeared in The CPA Journal the Journal of Multistate Taxation and Incentives and in other publications devoted to multistate tax issues. He is a member of The CPA Journal Editorial Review Board. Mr. Klein has written numerous books articles and treatises on the subject of multistate taxation. He ...
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