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21Result(s)for '" ScanlanPatricia"'
Resource list
By PoloChristine ScanlanPatricia LongDavid WestfallAndy BurchettBobby MarshallSteven GodlewskiVic in Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation
Water Environment Federation(2014)
Access to resources Favorite 10.559759
By Scanlan Patricia Smith in The Journal of American History
Oxford University Press(2012)
Access to resources Favorite 8.152333
By Shimp Gary F. Santha Hari Scanlan Patricia in Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation
Water Environment Federation(2010)
Access to resources Favorite 6.11425
By Fillmore Lauren Stone Lori Scanlan Patricia in Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation
Water Environment Federation(2010)
Access to resources Favorite 6.11425
By Scanlan Patricia Hong Mon Olson Scott in Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation
Water Environment Federation(2010)
Access to resources Favorite 6.11425
By De León Carlos Wimmer Bob Scanlan Patricia in Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation
Water Environment Federation(2010)
Access to resources Favorite 6.11425
By Scanlan Patricia Klamm Jeannette Fitzpatrick James in Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation
Water Environment Federation(2008)
Access to resources Favorite 6.11425
By Phillips Heather M. Scanlan Patricia Kobylinski Ed in Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation
Water Environment Federation(2006)
Access to resources Favorite 6.11425
By Santha Hari Scanlan Patricia Rowan James in Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation
Water Environment Federation(2008)
Access to resources Favorite 6.11425
By Scanlan Patricia Naylor Lew Bunn Don in Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation
Water Environment Federation(2002)
Access to resources Favorite 6.11425