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17Result(s)for '" Schott W."'
Resource list
By Pohl R. Hänsch T.W. Hartmann F.J. Hauser P. Kottmann F. Llosá G. Petitjean C. Schott W. Taqqu D. in Hyperfine Interactions
Springer Publishing Company (1999)
Access to resources Favorite 4.396844
By Mühlbauer M. Daniel H. Hartmann F.J. Hauser P. Kottmann F. Petitjean C. Schott W. Taqqu D. Wojciechowski P. in Hyperfine Interactions
Springer Publishing Company (1999)
Access to resources Favorite 4.396844
By Pohl R. Daniel H. Hartmann F. Hauser P. Liu Y. Kottmann F. Maierl C. Markushin V. Mühlbauer M. Petitjean C. Schott W. Taqqu D. in Hyperfine Interactions
Springer Publishing Company (2001)
Access to resources Favorite 4.038823
By Kottmann F. Daniel H. Hartmann F.J. Hauser P. Maierl C. Markushin V.E. Mühlbauer M. Petitjean C. Pohl R. Schott W. Taqqu D. in Hyperfine Interactions
Springer Publishing Company (1999)
Access to resources Favorite 4.038823
By Gubernatis G. Oldhafer K. Rohwer K. Fieguth H.-G. Korner M.M. Vogelsang F. Schott W. Haverich A. Korfer R. Pichlmayr R. in Transplantation Proceedings
Access to resources Favorite 4.038823
By Taqqu D. Biraben F. Conde C.A.N. Hänsch T.W. Hartmann F.J. Hauser P. Indelicato P. Knowles P. Kottmann F. Mulhauser F. Petitjean C. Pohl R. Rabinowitz P. Rosenfelder R. Santos J.M.F. Schott W. Simons L.M. Veloso J.F.C.A. in Hyperfine Interactions
Springer Publishing Company (1999)
Access to resources Favorite 2.9446425
By Kottmann F. Amir W. Biraben F. Conde C. Dhawan S. Hänsch T. Hartmann F. Hughes V. Huot O. Indelicato P. Julien L. Knowles P. Kazamias S. Liu Y.-W. Mulhauser F. Nez F. Pohl R. Rabinowitz P. dos Santos J. Schaller L. Schneuwly H. Schott W. Taqqu D. Veloso J. in Hyperfine Interactions
Springer Publishing Company (2001)
Access to resources Favorite 2.7555723
By Case T. Balin D.V. Breunlich W.H. Crowe K.M. Daniel H. Gartner B. Hartmann F.J. Kammel P. Lauss B. Maev E.M. Markushin V.E. Mühlbauer M. Petitjean C. Petrov G.E. Prymas W. Schapkin G.N. Schott W. Semenchuk G.G. Smirenin Yu.V. Vasiliev A.A. Vorobyov A.A. Voropaev N.I. Zmeskal J. in Hyperfine Interactions
Springer Publishing Company (1999)
Access to resources Favorite 2.7555723
By Maev E.M. Balin D.V. Case T. Crowe K.M. Del Rosso A. Ganzha V.A. Hartmann F.J. Kozlov S.M. Lauss B. Maev O.E. Mühlbauer M. Mulhauser F. Petitjean C. Petrov G.E. Sadetsky S.M. Schapkin G.N. Schott W. Semenchuk G.G. Smirenin Yu.V. Soroka M.A. Vasiliev A.A. Vorobyov A.A. Voropaev N.I. Zmeskal J. in Hyperfine Interactions
Springer Publishing Company (1999)
Access to resources Favorite 2.7555723
By Semenchuk G.G. Balin D.V. Case T. Crowe K.M. Ganzha V.A. Hartmann F.J. Kozlov S.M. Lauss B. Maev E.M. Mühlbauer M. Petitjean C. Petrov G.E. Sadetsky S.M. Schapkin G.N. Schott W. Smirenin Yu.V. Soroka M.A. Vasiliev A.A. Vorobyov A.A. Voropaev N.I. Zmeskal J. in Hyperfine Interactions
Springer Publishing Company (1999)
Access to resources Favorite 2.7555723