- AMSUS - Asso... [1]
- Academic Pre... [9]
- American Aca... [1]
- Berghahn Jou... [1]
- Bloomsbury J... [1]
- Brill [1]
- Cambridge Sc... [1]
- Cambridge Un... [7]
- Casemate [1]
- Elsevier [14]
- Elsevier Sci... [3]
- Emerald Grou... [13]
- Entomologica... [6]
- Future Medic... [1]
- Gibb Memoria... [1]
- Humana Press... [2]
- IOP Publishi... [2]
- Informa Heal... [9]
- John Wiley &... [2]
- MDPI [2]
- Manchester U... [2]
- Maney Publis... [7]
- McGill-Queen... [1]
- NRC Research... [1]
- Oxford Unive... [6]
- Project Gute... [6]
- Routledge Lt... [32]
- Society of A... [2]
- Springer Pub... [36]
- Taylor & Fra... [21]
- The Royal Co... [1]
- University O... [1]
- University o... [2]
- B502.32 Stoicism (ar... [1]
- B84 Psychology [6]
- B9 Religion [3]
- B971.2 New Testament [1]
- C Pandect of Social ... [1]
- C Pandect of Social ... [5]
- C91 Sociology [4]
- C93 Management [1]
- D Political and Leg... [2]
- D4 Workers, Peasants... [2]
- D8 Diplomacy, Intern... [3]
- D9 Law [2]
- F Economic [5]
- F0-0 Marxism's Pluto... [1]
- F06 A branch of econ... [1]
- F061.5 regional econ... [1]
- F114 International e... [1]
- F2 Economic Planning... [4]
- F279.11 Developing c... [1]
- F7 Trade Economy [10]
- F831.59 financial cr... [1]
- G Culture, Science ,... [4]
- G3 Science , Scienti... [1]
- G4 Educion [1]
- H Language and Lingu... [1]
- H3 Common Foreign La... [1]
- I04 On Literary Crea... [1]
- K History and Geogra... [4]
- K373.3 medieval hist... [1]
- K5 European History [2]
- K81 Biography [1]
- K85 Archaeology [7]
- K9 Geography [1]
- L No classification [6]
- O Mathematical Scien... [4]
- O4 Physics [23]
- O413.1 quantum mecha... [1]
- O6 Chemistry [1]
- O65 Analytical Chemi... [1]
- P Astronomy and Eart... [1]
- P1 Astronomy [1]
- Q Biological Science... [5]
- Q3 Genetics [1]
- Q4 Physiology [1]
- Q5 Biochemistry [4]
- Q81 Bioengineering (... [1]
- Q93 Microbiology [1]
- Q94 Botany [2]
- Q96 Entomology [7]
- Q98 Anthropology [1]
- R Medicine and Healt... [2]
- R1 Preventive Medici... [1]
- R5 Internal Medicine [7]
- R6 Surgery [2]
- R72 Pediatrics [1]
- R73 Oncology [3]
- R74 Neurology and Ps... [2]
- R76 Ear, Nose & Thro... [1]
- R8 Special Medical [1]
- R9 Pharmacy [4]
- R96 Pharmacology [2]
- S3 Agriculture ( Agr... [3]
- S432.1 plant patholo... [1]
- S7 Forestry [7]
- S9 Aquaculture, Fish... [1]
- TB General Industria... [2]
- TH Machinery and Ins... [1]
- TS Light industry ,H... [10]
- TU Architectural Sci... [2]
- TU Architectural Sci... [1]
- X Environmental Scie... [6]
Publication date
- 2016[2]
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196Result(s)for '" Strange A."'
Resource list
By Raghuram P. Strange A. in Geoforum
Access to resources Favorite 8.9421425
By Bennett R. Phipps R. Strange A. in Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Routledge Ltd(2006)
Access to resources Favorite 6.9320664
By Strange John in Palestine Exploration Quarterly
Maney Publishing(1985)
Access to resources Favorite 2.1187518
By Strange Gerard in New Political Economy
Routledge Ltd(2002)
Access to resources Favorite 2.1187518
By Strange Charlie in COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Informa Healthcare(2013)
Access to resources Favorite 2.1187518
By Strange Roger in International Marketing Review
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd(2006)
Access to resources Favorite 2.1187518
By Strange James in Biological Invasions
Springer Publishing Company (2011)
Access to resources Favorite 2.1187518
By Strange Thomas in American Nineteenth Century History
Routledge Ltd(2009)
Access to resources Favorite 2.1187518
By Strange Carolyn in History Workshop Journal
Oxford University Press(2006)
Access to resources Favorite 2.1187518
By Strange Richard in Food Security
Springer Publishing Company (2011)
Access to resources Favorite 2.1187518