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2Result(s)for '" University of Piraeus"'
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By PsomasEvangelosDepartment of Food and Agriculutral Products School of Business Administration University of Patras Agrinio Greece Angelos Pantouvakis Department of Maritime Studies University of Piraeus Piraeus GreeceDepartment of Maritime Studies University of Piraeus Piraeus Greece in The TQM Journal
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd(2015)
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By Alexandros Bousdekis Information Management Unit Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS) National Technical University of Athens Athens GreeceInformation Management Unit Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS) National Technical University of Athens Athens Greece Babis Magoutas Information Management Unit Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS) National Technical University of Athens Athens GreeceInformation Management Unit Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS) National Technical University of Athens Athens Greece ApostolouDimitrisDepartment of Informatics University of Piraeus Piraeus Greece MentzasGregorisInformation Management Unit Institute of Communications and Computer Systems National Technical University of Athens Athens Greece in Industrial Management & Data Systems
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd(2015)
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