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4Result(s)for '"ALÍA I"'
Resource list
By FRUTOS F ALÍA I ESTEBAN A in Clinical Intensive Care
Ashgate Publishing Ltd(1998)
Access to resources Favorite 10.199406
By Farias J. Frutos F. Esteban A. Flores J. Retta A. Baltodano A. Alía I. Hatzis T. Olazarri F. Petros A. Johnson M. in Intensive Care Medicine
Springer Publishing Company (2004)
Access to resources Favorite 1.5119388
By Farias J. Alía I. Retta A. Olazarri F. Fernández A. Esteban A. Palacios K. Di Nunzio L. Fernández G. Bordón A. Berrondo C. Sheehan G. in Intensive Care Medicine
Springer Publishing Company (2002)
Access to resources Favorite 1.5119388
By Tokmakçi Mahmut Ekmekçioğlu Oğuz Alçi Mustafa in Journal of Medical Systems
Springer Publishing Company (2005)
Access to resources Favorite 0.89819735