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By ARRINGTON MICHAEL IRVIN in Journal of Loss and Trauma
Routledge Ltd(2004)
Access to resources Favorite 20.625301
By ARRINGTON MICHAEL IRVIN in Journal of Loss and Trauma
Routledge Ltd(2004)
Access to resources Favorite 20.625301
By Arrington Michael Irvin in Sexuality & Culture
Springer Publishing Company (2003)
Access to resources Favorite 20.625301
By Goodman Sara Wallace Labrador Roderick Nicolini Assunta Shanafelt Robert Koser Khalid Pero Davide Arrington Michael Irvin Lavelle Kristen de Sousa Leone Campos in Ethnic and Racial Studies
Routledge Ltd(2010)
Access to resources Favorite 7.7344885
By Messina Anthony Ewing Katherine Pratt Light Ivan Bankston Carl Jeffers Syd Waldinger Roger Ho Calvin Nagel Caroline Law Ian Wilton Shauna Hampshire James Ho Wing-Chung Aptekar Sofya Reed Holly Arrington Michael Irvin Kivisto Peter McNeil Daniel in Ethnic and Racial Studies
Routledge Ltd(2011)
Access to resources Favorite 6.445407
By Giulianotti Richard Aptekar Sofya Alegre Miquel Angel Nuno Luis Chevannes Barry Arrington Michael Irvin Janmaat Jan Germen Bentz Anne-Sophie Vallejo Jody Agius Small Stephen Ivanescu Carolina Winant Howard Russell Lani Guimaraes Antonio Sergio Banks Patricia in Ethnic and Racial Studies
Routledge Ltd(2011)
Access to resources Favorite 6.445407
By Slooter Luuk Hedegard Danielle Clammer John Bhopal Kalwant Fernandez Raul Ali Suki Chilosi David Arrington Michael Irvin Lin Ken-Hou Literte Patricia Davies Christie Vickerman Milton Picca Leslie Bankston Carl Hughey Matthew Briggs Daniel Atkin Karl Lazaridis Gabriella Ling Peter Ivanescu Carolina Brewer John Honegger Manuela Kivisto Peter in Ethnic and Racial Studies
Routledge Ltd(2010)
Access to resources Favorite 5.1563253