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130Result(s)for '"Barrington A."'
Resource list
By Wee S. L. Suckling D. M. Burnip G. M. Hackett J. Barrington A. Pedley R. in Journal of Economic Entomology
Entomological Society of America(2005)
Access to resources Favorite 4.2080107
By Suckling D. M. Charles J. Allan D. Chaggan A. Barrington A. Burnip G. M. El-Sayed A. M. in Journal of Economic Entomology
Entomological Society of America(2005)
Access to resources Favorite 3.9864955
By Moore Barrington in Journal of Forestry
Society of American Foresters(1910)
Access to resources Favorite 2.2151508
By Barrington Ernie in Teaching in Higher Education
Routledge Ltd(2004)
Access to resources Favorite 2.2151508
By Moore Barrington in Social Justice Research
Springer Publishing Company (2004)
Access to resources Favorite 2.2151508
By Barrett Barrington in International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
Routledge Ltd(2005)
Access to resources Favorite 2.2151508
By Barrington R. in Health Policy
Access to resources Favorite 2.2151508
By Jones Barrington in Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy
Access to resources Favorite 2.2151508
By Moore Barrington in Journal of Forestry
Society of American Foresters(1912)
Access to resources Favorite 2.2151508
By Moore Barrington in Journal of Forestry
Society of American Foresters(1914)
Access to resources Favorite 2.2151508