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5Result(s)for '"Coppin Kristen"'
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By De Breuck Carlos Williams Rebecca J. Swinbank Mark Caselli Paola Coppin Kristen Davis Timothy A. Maiolino Roberto Nagao Tohru Smail Ian Walter Fabian Weiß Axel Zwaan Martin A. in Astronomy & Astrophysics
Edp Sciences(2014)
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By Penner Kyle Pope Alexandra Chapin Edward L. Greve Thomas R. Bertoldi Frank Brodwin Mark Chary Ranga-Ram Conselice Christopher J. Coppin Kristen Giavalisco Mauro Hughes David H. Ivison Rob J. Perera Thushara Scott Douglas Scott Kimberly Wilson Grant in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2011)
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By Chapin Edward L. Chapman Scott C. Coppin Kristen E. Devlin Mark J. Dunlop James S. Greve Thomas R. Halpern Mark Hasselfield Matthew F. Hughes David H. Ivison Rob J. Marsden Gaelen Moncelsi Lorenzo Netterfield Calvin B. Pascale Enzo Scott Douglas Smail Ian Viero Marco Walter Fabian Weiss Axel Werf Paul van der in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2011)
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By Mackenzie Todd Braglia Filiberto G. Gibb Andy G. Scott Douglas Jenness Tim Serjeant Stephen Thompson Mark Berry David Brunt Christopher M. Chapin Edward Chrysostomou Antonio Clements Dave Coppin Kristen Economou Frossie Evans A. Friberg Per Greaves Jane Hill T. Holland Wayne Ivison R. J. Knapen Johan H. Jackson Neal Joncas Gilles Morgan Larry Mortier Angela Pearson Chris Pestalozzi Michele Pope Alexandra Richer John Urquhart J. S. Vaccari Mattia Weferling Bernd White Glenn Zhu Ming in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2011)
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By Ivison R. J. Alexander David M. Biggs Andy D. Brandt W. N. Chapin Edward L. Coppin Kristen E. K. Devlin Mark J. Dickinson Mark Dunlop James Dye Simon Eales Stephen A. Frayer David T. Halpern Mark Hughes David H. Ibar Edo Kovács A. Marsden Gaelen Moncelsi L. Netterfield Calvin B. Pascale Enzo Patanchon Guillaume Rafferty D. A. Rex Marie Schinnerer Eva Scott Douglas Semisch C. Smail Ian Swinbank A. M. Truch Matthew D. P. Tucker Gregory S. Viero Marco P. Walter Fabian Weiß Axel Wiebe Donald V. Xue Y. Q. in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2010)
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