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By Sanchez-Gonzalez A Barillot T R Squibb R J Kolorenč P Agaker M Averbukh V Bearpark M J Bostedt C Bozek J D Bruce S Montero S Carron Coffee R N Cooper B Cryan J P Dong M Eland J H D Fang L Fukuzawa H Guehr M Ilchen M Johnsson A S Liekhus-S C Marinelli A Maxwell T Motomura K Mucke M Natan A Osipov T Östlin C Pernpointner M Petrovic V S Robb M A Sathe C Simpson E R Underwood J G Vacher M Walke D J Wolf T J A Zhaunerchyk V Rubensson J-E Berrah N Bucksbaum P H Ueda K Feifel R Frasinski L J Marangos J P in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
IOP Publishing(2015)
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