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10Result(s)for '"Dunne C."'
Resource list
By Dunne C. in Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Springer Publishing Company (1999)
Access to resources Favorite 12.237522
By Shearer B. Crane C. Cochrane J. Dunne C. in Australasian Plant Pathology
Springer Publishing Company (2013)
Access to resources Favorite 6.118761
By Kalchayanand N. Sikes A. Dunne C. P. Ray B. in Journal of Food Protection
International Association for Food Protection(1998)
Access to resources Favorite 6.118761
By Healy D. Naqvi S. Meagher D. Cullen W. Dunne C. in Irish Journal of Medical Science
Springer Publishing Company (2013)
Access to resources Favorite 6.118761
By Raghubeer Errol V. Dunne C. Patrick Farkas Daniel F. Ting Edmund Y. in Journal of Food Protection
International Association for Food Protection(2000)
Access to resources Favorite 5.456377
By Shearer Adrienne E. H. Dunne C. Patrick Sikes Anthony Hoover Dallas G. in Journal of Food Protection
International Association for Food Protection(2000)
Access to resources Favorite 5.456377
By Mattila-Sandholm T. Blum S. Collins J.K. Crittenden R. de Vos W. Dunne C. Fonden R. Grenov G. Isolauri E. Kiely B. Marteau P. Morelli L. Ouwehand A. Reniero R. Saarela M. Salminen S. Saxelin M. Schiffrin E. Shanahan F. Vaughan E. von Wright A. in Trends in Food Science and Technology
Access to resources Favorite 2.552761
By Kalchayanand N. Sikes A. Dunne C.P. Ray B. in Food Microbiology
Access to resources Favorite 1.6559602
By Yeom H.W. Zhang Q.H. Dunne C.P. in Food Chemistry
Access to resources Favorite 1.6559602
By Rice F.L. Albers K.M. Davis B.M. Silos-Santiago I. Wilkinson G.A. LeMaster A.M. Ernfors P. Smeyne R.J. Aldskogius H. Phillips H.S. Barbacid M. deChiara T.M. Yancopoulos G.D. Dunne C.E. Fundin B.T. in Developmental Biology
Academic Press(1998)
Access to resources Favorite 0.6623841