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13Result(s)for '"Frank I."'
Resource list
By Frank I. Basin D. in Theoretical Computer Science
Access to resources Favorite 7.9248333
By Frank I. Zincke H. in Der Urologe A
Springer Publishing Company (2004)
Access to resources Favorite 7.9248333
By Frank I. E.;Todeschini Roberto
Elsevier Science(1994)
Access to resources Favorite 7.372904
By Orvos H. Hoffmann I. Frank I. Katona M. Pal A. Kovacs L. in European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
Access to resources Favorite 4.254866
By Tarshish Yael Huang Lin Jackson Frank I. Edwards Julianne Fligor Brian Wilkins Abigail Uluer Ahmet Sawicki Gregory Kenna Margaret in Journal of the American Academy of Audiology
American Academy of Audiology(2016)
Access to resources Favorite 3.9789011
By Hart Gerald W. Kreppel Lisa K. Comer Frank I. Arnold C.Shane Snow Doris M. Ye Zhengyi Cheng Xiaogang DellaManna Debbie Caine Drury S. Earles Betty J. Akimoto Yoshihiro Cole Robert N. Hayes Bradley K. in Glycobiology
Oxford University Press(1996)
Access to resources Favorite 2.5496228
By Torti C. Prosperi M. Motta D. Digiambenedetto S. Maggiolo F. Paraninfo G. Ripamonti D. Cologni G. Fabbiani M. Caputo S. L. Sighinolfi L. Ladisa N. El-Hamad I. Quiros-Roldan E. Frank I. in Clinical Microbiology & Infection
Blackwell Publishing(2012)
Access to resources Favorite 2.5496228
By Ojini Frank I Coker Adenike in African Journal of AIDS Research
Routledge Ltd(2007)
Access to resources Favorite 1.9317553
By Tarazi Frank I Neill Jo C in Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery
Informa Healthcare(2013)
Access to resources Favorite 1.6557902