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12Result(s)for '"Hatch M."'
Resource list
By demorest A. Crits-Christoph P. Hatch M. Luborsky L. in Journal of Research in Personality
Academic Press(1999)
Access to resources Favorite 6.0102177
By Biederman J. Faraone S.V. Hatch M. Mennin D. Taylor A. George P. Cabral L.M.B. Mello A.S. in Economics Letters
Access to resources Favorite 4.344326
By Crowley P.H. Cottrell T. Garcia T. Hatch M. Sargent R.C. Stokes B.J. White J.M. in Journal of Theoretical Biology
Academic Press(1998)
Access to resources Favorite 4.344326
By Romanenko A. Hatch M. Zablotska L. Bebeshko V. Bazyka D. Finch S. Gudzenko N. Dyagil I. Reiss R. Bouville A. Chumak V. Masnyk I. Bakhanova O. in Radioprotection
Edp Sciences(2008)
Access to resources Favorite 3.6747172
By Chadwick L. E. Sailer R. I. Hatch M. H. Spieth H. T. West A. S. Howell D. E. Bohart G. E. Arant F. S. Chambers E. L. Metcalf R. L. Morrill A. W. Alexander C. C. Steinweden J. B. Jones M. P. Apple James W. in Entomological Society of America. Bulletin
Entomological Society of America(1956)
Access to resources Favorite 2.506967
By Chadwick L. E. Hatch M. H. Sailor R. I. Rozeboom L. E. Speith H. T. Bohart G. E. Arant F. S. Chambers E. L. Metcalf R. L. Howell D. E. Deay H. O. Sabrosky C. W. Rusell Louis M. Quarterman K. D. Ludvig Daniel Alexander C. C. Apple J. W. Jones M. P. Steinweden J. B. Morell A. W. in Entomological Society of America. Bulletin
Entomological Society of America(1957)
Access to resources Favorite 2.3355002
By Pratt J. J. Adams J. A. Rozeboom L. E. Hatch M. H. Sailer R. I. Sabrosky C. W. Deay H. O. Chadwick L. E. Dalmat H. T. Russell Louise M. Apple J. W. Jones M. P. Roth Roger W. McDuffie W. C. Steinweden John B. Haeussler G. J. Howell D. E. Metcalf R. L. Chambers E. L. Arant F. W. Cushman Helene G. Porter B. A. Muesebeck C. F. W. in Entomological Society of America. Bulletin
Entomological Society of America(1959)
Access to resources Favorite 2.172163
By Sailer R. I. Hatch M. H. Rozeboom L. E. Adams J. A. Chadwick L. E. Arant F. S. Chambers E. L. Metcalf R. L. Howell D. E. Bohart G. E. Russell Louise M. Sabrosky C. W. Deay H. O. Chadwick L. E. Quarterman K. D. Cushman Helene G. Porter B. A. Muesebeck C. F. W. Apple J. W. Jones M. P. McDuffie W. C. Steinweden J. B. Alexander C. C. in Entomological Society of America. Bulletin
Entomological Society of America(1958)
Access to resources Favorite 2.172163