- 2Leaf Press [1]
- AHS Internat... [3]
- AMSUS - Asso... [3]
- AOAC Interna... [1]
- Abela Publis... [1]
- Academic Pre... [1328]
- Adis Interna... [42]
- Aerospace Me... [4]
- Akademiai Ki... [2]
- American Aca... [3]
- American Ass... [1]
- American Eco... [1]
- American Mat... [10]
- American Soc... [7]
- American Soc... [2]
- Ashgate Publ... [20]
- Berghahn Boo... [1]
- Berghahn Jou... [1]
- Blackwell Pu... [53]
- Booklassic [1]
- Brill [93]
- British Herp... [1]
- British Inst... [18]
- CABI Publish... [12]
- Cambridge Un... [8]
- Canadian Vet... [1]
- Casemate [1]
- Charles Rive... [3]
- Cognizant Co... [1]
- College of O... [1]
- Commonwealth... [1]
- Cryoletters [1]
- Depaul Unive... [1]
- E. Schweizer... [5]
- Edinburgh Un... [9]
- Edp Sciences [798]
- Elsevier [4360]
- Elsevier Hea... [1]
- Elsevier Sci... [74]
- Emerald Grou... [81]
- Entomologica... [566]
- European Ass... [1]
- Faculty of A... [6]
- Field House ... [14]
- Fundaci&oacu... [2]
- Gordon and B... [3]
- Grivante Pre... [1]
- Hart Publish... [1]
- Haworth Pres... [4]
- Hellenic Vet... [3]
- Hodder Arnol... [1]
- Humana Press... [25]
- IMA - Intern... [1]
- IOP Publishi... [151]
- IP Publishin... [4]
- Imprint Acad... [1]
- Inderscience... [47]
- Informa Heal... [348]
- Institute of... [91]
- IntechOpen [33]
- Internationa... [31]
- Internationa... [31]
- Internationa... [2]
- Internationa... [1]
- Ios Press [8]
- Irish Journa... [1]
- J. L Ryan [12]
- J. L. Defoe [1]
- J.L. Ryan [3]
- J.l. Defoe [2]
- JEAN Louis F... [1]
- John Benjami... [15]
- John Wiley &... [9]
- Johnson Matt... [1]
- MAIK Nauka/I... [4]
- MDPI [34]
- Maney Publis... [268]
- McGill Schoo... [1]
- McGill-Queen... [3]
- Medical Jour... [4]
- Mineralogica... [22]
- Mycotaxon [1]
- NISC Pty Ltd [2]
- NRC Research... [84]
- Nationaal He... [6]
- Nova Science... [6]
- OceanSide Pu... [3]
- Open Road In... [2]
- Oxford Unive... [352]
- Palgrave Mac... [1]
- Pharmaceutic... [1]
- Physics Essa... [1]
- Princeton Un... [1]
- Project Gute... [20]
- Psychology P... [1]
- Radcliffe Pr... [1]
- Rodopi [1]
- Romance Worl... [11]
- Routledge Lt... [114]
- Royal Botani... [1]
- Royal Colleg... [1]
- Royal Societ... [2]
- S. Hirzel Ve... [56]
- S. Karger AG [5]
- Science Hist... [1]
- Science Revi... [1]
- Sears Founda... [5]
- Society for ... [75]
- Society for ... [3]
- Society for ... [1]
- Society for ... [1]
- Society of A... [45]
- Society of G... [21]
- Society of L... [3]
- Society of N... [2]
- Southeastern... [2]
- Springer Pub... [971]
- Taylor & Fra... [738]
- The British ... [11]
- The Clifford... [1]
- The Institut... [1]
- Trans Tech P... [3]
- Triskell Edi... [1]
- Ulpius Barát... [1]
- Universities... [14]
- University O... [1]
- University o... [14]
- University o... [1]
- Urban & Fisc... [1]
- Water Enviro... [28]
- Whurr Publis... [1]
- World Gold C... [1]
- Zimbabwe Vet... [1]
- 光谱学与光谱分析编辑部 [1]
- 开放图书馆 [6]
- B Philosophy and Rel... [28]
- B0 Philosophical The... [1]
- B84 Psychology [111]
- B842.1 cognitive [1]
- B9 Religion [21]
- C Pandect of Social ... [12]
- C Pandect of Social ... [15]
- C0 Social Science Th... [1]
- C8 Statistics [13]
- C91 Sociology [26]
- C92 Demographic [1]
- C93 Management [7]
- D Political and Leg... [8]
- D0 Political Theory [6]
- D8 Diplomacy, Intern... [5]
- D9 Law [32]
- E19 military history [2]
- E3/7 States military [1]
- F Economic [74]
- F0 Economics [19]
- F2 Economic Planning... [45]
- F270 Economic theory... [1]
- F3 Agricultural Econ... [2]
- F304.6 using agricul... [1]
- F4 Industrial Econom... [1]
- F406 Organization an... [1]
- F59 Tourism Economy [8]
- F7 Trade Economy [24]
- F8 Finances [1]
- F840.66 Agricultural... [1]
- G Culture, Science ,... [30]
- G1 The World Culture... [4]
- G2 Dissemination of ... [4]
- G25 Library Science [1]
- G8 P.E [1]
- H Language and Lingu... [24]
- H0 Linguistics [9]
- H08 applied linguist... [1]
- H1 Chinese Language [1]
- I Literature [29]
- I06 Literature, Lite... [1]
- I1 World Literature [28]
- I106.2 Poetry [1]
- I106.3 dramatic lite... [1]
- I106.4 Novels [8]
- I109.3 Middle Ages (... [1]
- J Art [10]
- J523.1 textile [5]
- J6 Music [1]
- J8 Dramatic [1]
- K History and Geogra... [7]
- K1 World History [1]
- K7 Americas History [2]
- K81 Biography [2]
- K82 China [1]
- K85 Archaeology [34]
- K9 Geography [4]
- L No classification [24]
- N Pandect of Natural... [1]
- N3 Natural Science R... [1]
- N33 the experiment m... [1]
- N4 Disseminate and S... [2]
- N6 Reference Books o... [1]
- O Mathematical Scien... [637]
- O1 Mathematics [46]
- O15 algebra, number ... [1]
- O152 group theory [1]
- O152.5 Lie group [1]
- O172 Calculus [1]
- O173 theory of infin... [1]
- O174 function theory [1]
- O174.12 (signed) [1]
- O174.42 On Interpola... [1]
- O175.1 Ordinary Diff... [1]
- O175.2 Partial Diffe... [1]
- O175.24 Mathematical... [1]
- O175.8 Boundary Valu... [1]
- O176 variational met... [1]
- O177 functional anal... [2]
- O178 Inequality and ... [1]
- O189.3 analytical to... [1]
- O211 probability (pr... [1]
- O241 Numerical analy... [3]
- O241.8 Differential ... [1]
- O29 applied mathemat... [1]
- O3 Mechanics [19]
- O35 hydrodynamics [1]
- O4 Physics [1118]
- O411 Mathematical Me... [1]
- O413 quantum theory [2]
- O413.3 of the quantu... [1]
- O441.2 magnetics [1]
- O461.1 the basic phy... [1]
- O471.4 semiconductor... [1]
- O562 atomic physics [1]
- O6 Chemistry [681]
- O6-0 chemical princi... [1]
- O62 Organic Chemistr... [1]
- O626.32 aza - pyridi... [1]
- O631.6 Analysis and ... [1]
- O64 (physical chemis... [2]
- O643.36 catalyst [1]
- O65 Analytical Chemi... [1]
- O652 job analysis me... [1]
- O72 X - ray crystall... [1]
- P Astronomy and Eart... [41]
- P1 Astronomy [202]
- P121 spherical astro... [1]
- P283.7 automated map... [1]
- P3 Geophysics [37]
- P4 Atmospheric scien... [16]
- P5 Geology [147]
- P512.2 denudation, t... [1]
- P57 mineralogy [1]
- P7 Oceanography [61]
- P9 Natural Geography [25]
- Q Biological Science... [187]
- Q1 General Biology [431]
- Q2 Cytobiology [25]
- Q3 Genetics [43]
- Q4 Physiology [40]
- Q5 Biochemistry [759]
- Q7 Molecular Biology [1]
- Q81 Bioengineering (... [40]
- Q811.4 biological in... [1]
- Q91 Paleontology [6]
- Q93 Microbiology [181]
- Q932 microbial cytol... [1]
- Q94 Botany [146]
- Q95 Zoology [152]
- Q959.226 Arachnida [1]
- Q959.7 Aves [1]
- Q96 Entomology [603]
- Q98 Anthropology [24]
- Q981 paleoanthropolo... [1]
- R Medicine and Healt... [209]
- R-3 Research Method... [1]
- R1 Preventive Medici... [284]
- R18 Epidemiology and... [1]
- R2 Chinese Medicine [9]
- R3 Basic Medical [321]
- R322.8 neuroradiolog... [1]
- R392 medical immunol... [3]
- R392.11 immune biolo... [2]
- R394 medical genetic... [2]
- R4 Clinical Medicine [28]
- R445 image diagnosti... [1]
- R473.71 gynecologica... [1]
- R5 Internal Medicine [306]
- R51 infectious disea... [1]
- R54 in cardiac and v... [3]
- R55 Blood and lympha... [1]
- R6 Surgery [247]
- R62 The orthopedic s... [1]
- R692.5 renal failure [1]
- R71 Obstetrics and G... [159]
- R72 Pediatrics [16]
- R73 Oncology [317]
- R730.55 radiotherapy [1]
- R74 Neurology and Ps... [265]
- R741 Neurology [1]
- R749.4 affective psy... [1]
- R75 Dermatology and ... [8]
- R76 Ear, Nose & Thro... [31]
- R77 Ophthalmology [41]
- R779.65 corneal tran... [1]
- R779.66 cataract ext... [1]
- R78 Oral Sciences [4]
- R8 Special Medical [65]
- R9 Pharmacy [361]
- R96 Pharmacology [19]
- R995 inorganic toxic... [1]
- S Agricultural Scien... [12]
- S-0 General Theory [1]
- S1 Basic Agriculture... [57]
- S15 pedology [2]
- S162.5 Climate and C... [1]
- S2 Agricultural Engi... [13]
- S3 Agriculture ( Agr... [45]
- S4 Plant Protection [9]
- S432.4 invaded (biog... [1]
- S433 plant pest and ... [1]
- S5 Cultivation of Cr... [1]
- S6 Gardening [3]
- S7 Forestry [93]
- S718.5 forest ecolog... [1]
- S718.51 Forests and ... [1]
- S75 forest managemen... [1]
- S8 Livestock, Animal... [141]
- S85 veterinary medic... [1]
- S859 veterinary phar... [1]
- S9 Aquaculture, Fish... [39]
- T Industrial Technol... [130]
- T-1 Technology Statu... [12]
- T-1 Technology Statu... [1]
- TB General Industria... [171]
- TB Technology: gener... [2]
- TB3 Engineering Mate... [7]
- TB302 engineering ma... [1]
- TB32 Nonmetallic Mat... [1]
- TB47 Industrial Desi... [1]
- TD Mining Engineerin... [2]
- TF Metallurgical Ind... [119]
- TF124.5 sintering pr... [1]
- TG Metallurgy and Me... [5]
- TH Machinery and Ins... [14]
- TK Energy and Power ... [47]
- TL Nuclear Technolo... [29]
- TM Electrotechnical [22]
- TN Radio Electronics... [39]
- TN315 diode: Based o... [1]
- TN4 microelectronics... [5]
- TP Automation Techno... [129]
- TP1 Basic automation [1]
- TP11 automation syst... [1]
- TP3 Computers [6]
- TP301.6 algorithm th... [1]
- TP31 computer softwa... [1]
- TP317.4 Image proces... [1]
- TP39 computer applic... [2]
- TQ Chemical Industry [141]
- TQ174 Ceramic Indust... [1]
- TQ925 enzyme (enzyme... [1]
- TS Light industry ,H... [52]
- TS1 the textile indu... [1]
- TS2 food industry [1]
- TS201.4 food nutriol... [1]
- TS94 in the clothing... [1]
- TS971 gastronomy [1]
- TU Architectural Sci... [38]
- TU Architectural Sci... [8]
- TU3 building structu... [1]
- TU362 brick structur... [1]
- TU982 regional plann... [1]
- TU984 Urban Planning [1]
- TV Agriculture & far... [1]
- U Transportation [30]
- U27 Vehicle Engineer... [1]
- U4 Road Transport [2]
- U6 Waterway Transpor... [9]
- V Aviation, Aerospac... [21]
- V412 flight mechanic... [1]
- X Environmental Scie... [760]
- X7 Processing and Co... [1]
- X9 Safety Science [3]
- Z Comprehensive Arti... [6]
Publication date
- 2018[71]
- 2017[72]
- 2016[117]
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- 2009[132]
- 2008[154]
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- 2006[194]
- 2005[174]
- 2004[492]
- 2003[1075]
- 2002[891]
- 2001[805]
- 2000[858]
- 1999[913]
- 1998[877]
- 1997[894]
- 1996[593]
- 1995[378]
- 1994[43]
- 1993[67]
- 1992[27]
- 1991[36]
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11341Result(s)for '"J.L."',Display only a keyword before 1000 resources
Resource list
By Coleman J.L. Benach J.L. in Methods
Academic Press(2000)
Access to resources Favorite 9.59818
By Hart J.L. Helms J.L. in Aggression and Violent Behavior
Access to resources Favorite 9.59818
By Hall J.L. in Journal of Documentation
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd(2011)
Access to resources Favorite 9.348372
By Ericksen J.L. in Journal of Elasticity
Springer Publishing Company (2003)
Access to resources Favorite 9.348372
By Kantrowitz J.L. in Psychoanalytic Inquiry
Routledge Ltd(2001)
Access to resources Favorite 9.348372
By Martin J.L. in Theory and Society
Springer Publishing Company (1999)
Access to resources Favorite 9.348372
By Campbell J.L. in Theory and Society
Springer Publishing Company (1998)
Access to resources Favorite 9.348372
By Parker J.L. in Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
Springer Publishing Company (2002)
Access to resources Favorite 9.348372
By Campbell J.L. in Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
Springer Publishing Company (2000)
Access to resources Favorite 9.348372
By Pierce J.L. in Journal of Cultural Economics
Springer Publishing Company (2000)
Access to resources Favorite 9.348372