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140Result(s)for '"King R A"'
Resource list
By King R B Ray J M Stanford K M in Canadian Journal of Zoology
NRC Research Press(2006)
Access to resources Favorite 5.487447
By Agnew C E King R B Hounsell A R McGarry C K in Physics in Medicine and Biology
IOP Publishing(2012)
Access to resources Favorite 4.3899574
By Travers C O'Neill SM King R Battistutta D Khoo SK in Climacteric
Informa Healthcare(2005)
Access to resources Favorite 4.3899574
By Arockiasamy A German Randall M Heaney D F Wang P T Horstemeyer M F King R L Adcock B in Powder Metallurgy
Maney Publishing(2011)
Access to resources Favorite 3.8412127
By King R. in Journal of Historical Geography
Academic Press(2001)
Access to resources Favorite 2.7694023
By King R. B. in International Journal of Remote Sensing
Taylor & Francis Ltd(2002)
Access to resources Favorite 2.2155218
By Hamel A. King R. in Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
Springer Publishing Company (2005)
Access to resources Favorite 2.2155218
By King R.W.P. in Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications
Taylor & Francis Ltd(1995)
Access to resources Favorite 2.2155218
By King R. B. in Molecular Physics
Taylor & Francis Ltd(1997)
Access to resources Favorite 2.2155218