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28Result(s)for '"Lincourt A."'
Resource list
By Zemlyak A. Colavita P. Augenstein V. Walters A. Lincourt A. Sing R. Heniford B. in Surgical Endoscopy
Springer Publishing Company (2014)
Access to resources Favorite 5.086997
By Harold K.L. Goldstein S.L. Nelms C.D. Matthews B.D. Sing R.F. Kercher K.W. Lincourt A. Heniford B.T. in The American Journal of Surgery
Access to resources Favorite 3.7061481
By Stanford Richard H. Gilsenan Alicia W. Ziemiecki Ryan Zhou Xiaolei Lincourt William R. Ortega Hector in Journal of Asthma
Informa Healthcare(2010)
Access to resources Favorite 1.016106
By Newcomb William Lincourt Amy Hope William Schmelzer Thomas Sing Ronald Kercher Kent Heniford B. Todd in The American Surgeon
Southeastern Surgical Congress(2007)
Access to resources Favorite 1.016106
By Paton B. Lauren Mostafa Gamal Lincourt Amy E. Kercher Kent W. Heniford B. Todd in The American Surgeon
Southeastern Surgical Congress(2008)
Access to resources Favorite 1.016106
By Colavita Paul Tsirline Victor Walters Amanda Lincourt Amy Belyansky Igor Heniford B. in Surgical Endoscopy
Springer Publishing Company (2013)
Access to resources Favorite 1.016106
By Zerey Marc Paton B. Khan Philip Lincourt Amy Kercher Kent Greene Frederick Heniford B. in Surgical Endoscopy
Springer Publishing Company (2007)
Access to resources Favorite 1.016106
By Pyne Jeffrey Asch Steven Lincourt Katherine Kilbourne Amy Bowman Candice Atkinson Hamp Gifford Allen in AIDS Care
Routledge Ltd(2008)
Access to resources Favorite 1.016106
By Colavita Paul Tsirline Victor Belyansky Igor Swan Ryan Walters Amanda Lincourt Amy Iannitti David Heniford B. in Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
Springer Publishing Company (2014)
Access to resources Favorite 1.016106