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5Result(s)for '"Mohlke Karen"'
Resource list
By Marvelle Amanda Lange Leslie Qin Li Wang Yunfei Lange Ethan Adair Linda Mohlke Karen in Journal of Human Genetics
Springer Publishing Company (2007)
Access to resources Favorite 8.006752
By Fogarty Marie P. Xiao Rui Prokunina-Olsson Ludmila Scott Laura J. Mohlke Karen L. in Human Molecular Genetics
Oxford University Press(2010)
Access to resources Favorite 7.5062647
By Lange Leslie A. Croteau-Chonka Damien C. Marvelle Amanda F. Qin Li Gaulton Kyle J. Kuzawa Christopher W. McDade Thomas W. Wang Yunfei Li Yun Levy Shawn Borja Judith B. Lange Ethan M. Adair Linda S. Mohlke Karen L. in Human Molecular Genetics
Oxford University Press(2010)
Access to resources Favorite 4.5037327
By Wu Ying Li Yun Lange Ethan M. Croteau-Chonka Damien C. Kuzawa Christopher W. McDade Thomas W. Qin Li Curocichin Ghenadie Borja Judith B. Lange Leslie A. Adair Linda S. Mohlke Karen L. in Human Molecular Genetics
Oxford University Press(2010)
Access to resources Favorite 4.5037327
By Croteau-Chonka Damien C. Wu Ying Li Yun Fogarty Marie P. Lange Leslie A. Kuzawa Christopher W. McDade Thomas W. Borja Judith B. Luo Jingchun AbdelBaky Omar Combs Terry P. Adair Linda S. Lange Ethan M. Mohlke Karen L. in Human Molecular Genetics
Oxford University Press(2012)
Access to resources Favorite 4.003376