- [1]
- AATCC, the A... [1]
- AHS Internat... [1]
- AMSUS - Asso... [3]
- AOAC Interna... [6]
- Academic Pre... [119]
- Adis Interna... [9]
- Aerospace Me... [4]
- American Ass... [6]
- American Den... [1]
- American Eco... [1]
- American Mat... [2]
- American Sci... [1]
- American Soc... [2]
- American Soc... [1]
- American Soc... [1]
- Amsterdam Un... [1]
- Ashgate Publ... [10]
- Association ... [1]
- Australian A... [1]
- Bentham Scie... [5]
- Berghahn Boo... [1]
- Berghahn Jou... [2]
- Blackwell Pu... [22]
- Botanic Gard... [1]
- Brill [27]
- British Inst... [2]
- Burleigh Dod... [2]
- Cambridge Sc... [1]
- Cambridge Un... [2]
- College of O... [1]
- Community Pr... [1]
- Council for ... [1]
- Duke Univers... [5]
- E. Schweizer... [5]
- Edinburgh Un... [1]
- Edp Sciences [158]
- Elsevier [404]
- Elsevier Hea... [1]
- Elsevier Hea... [1]
- Elsevier Sci... [14]
- Emerald Grou... [118]
- Entomologica... [33]
- Fapadoskonyv... [1]
- Frank & Timm... [2]
- Future Medic... [16]
- Haworth Pres... [2]
- Hellenic Vet... [1]
- Humana Press... [28]
- IGI Global [3]
- IMA - Intern... [3]
- IOP Publishi... [60]
- IP Publishin... [3]
- Inderscience... [93]
- Informa Heal... [160]
- Institute of... [1]
- Institute of... [24]
- IntechOpen [75]
- Intellect Bo... [1]
- Internationa... [4]
- Internationa... [26]
- Internationa... [1]
- Internationa... [1]
- Ios Press [1]
- John Benjami... [6]
- John Wiley &... [16]
- Johnson Cent... [2]
- Joint Commis... [2]
- K. G. Saur [1]
- MAIK Nauka/I... [16]
- MDPI [451]
- Maney Publis... [23]
- Marine Techn... [1]
- Mathematical... [2]
- McGill Schoo... [1]
- Medical Jour... [5]
- Military Ope... [2]
- Mohr Siebeck [3]
- Museum and I... [1]
- Mycotaxon [12]
- NRC Research... [40]
- Nationaal He... [4]
- Nevin Scrims... [7]
- Norwegian So... [1]
- Nova Science... [7]
- OceanSide Pu... [18]
- Oxford Unive... [114]
- PNG Publicat... [8]
- Pacific Affa... [1]
- Palgrave Mac... [6]
- Pan American... [1]
- Physics Essa... [1]
- Practical Ac... [3]
- Practical Ac... [2]
- Psychology P... [2]
- Radcliffe Pr... [1]
- Reproductive... [1]
- Rodopi [1]
- Routledge Lt... [136]
- Royal Colleg... [1]
- S. Hirzel Ve... [3]
- S. Karger AG [1]
- Science and ... [1]
- Society for ... [16]
- Society for ... [4]
- Society for ... [2]
- Society of A... [2]
- Society of L... [17]
- Southeastern... [56]
- Springer Pub... [631]
- Swiss Chemic... [7]
- Taylor & Fra... [421]
- The British ... [2]
- The Clay Min... [2]
- The Royal Co... [2]
- University o... [1]
- University o... [1]
- VSP [3]
- Vandenhoeck ... [1]
- Water Enviro... [18]
- Westburn Pub... [5]
- B Philosophy and Rel... [4]
- B84 Psychology [26]
- B842.6 Mood and Emot... [1]
- B9 Religion [6]
- B979 History of Chri... [1]
- C Pandect of Social ... [27]
- C Pandect of Social ... [12]
- C0 Social Science Th... [1]
- C8 Statistics [13]
- C91 Sociology [23]
- C912.4 cultural anth... [3]
- C92 Demographic [1]
- C93 Management [1]
- D Political and Leg... [13]
- D0 Political Theory [1]
- D73/77 National Poli... [1]
- D8 Diplomacy, Intern... [4]
- D9 Law [6]
- D90 theory of law (j... [2]
- D91 Legal department... [1]
- D923.4 intellectual ... [1]
- D99 international la... [1]
- E Military [3]
- F Economic [32]
- F0 Economics [31]
- F015 Macro - economi... [1]
- F1 The World Economi... [1]
- F112.1 The economies... [1]
- F2 Economic Planning... [58]
- F24 labour economy [1]
- F3 Agricultural Econ... [4]
- F59 Tourism Economy [2]
- F7 Trade Economy [59]
- F713.3 merchandising [1]
- F74 international tr... [1]
- F8 Finances [18]
- F82 currency [1]
- G Culture, Science ,... [31]
- G1 The World Culture... [3]
- G115 Mutual Aid and ... [1]
- G2 Dissemination of ... [9]
- G3 Science , Scienti... [2]
- G4 Educion [1]
- H Language and Lingu... [6]
- H0 Linguistics [6]
- H319.3 Teaching Meth... [1]
- I Literature [2]
- I057 Folk Literature [1]
- I1 World Literature [1]
- K7 Americas History [2]
- K9 Geography [2]
- L No classification [3]
- N Pandect of Natural... [7]
- N3 Natural Science R... [1]
- O Mathematical Scien... [224]
- O1 Mathematics [61]
- O141.2 proof theory [1]
- O17 Mathematical Ana... [1]
- O189.11 topological ... [1]
- O211 probability (pr... [1]
- O22 Operational Rese... [1]
- O3 Mechanics [10]
- O35 hydrodynamics [2]
- O4 Physics [257]
- O413 quantum theory [1]
- O414 Thermodynamics ... [1]
- O441 electromagnetic... [1]
- O469 Condensed Matte... [3]
- O56 molecular physic... [4]
- O6 Chemistry [365]
- O62 Organic Chemistr... [2]
- O64 (physical chemis... [2]
- O641.12 quantum theo... [1]
- O646 electrochemical... [1]
- O65 Analytical Chemi... [1]
- O7 Crystallography [1]
- P Astronomy and Eart... [13]
- P1 Astronomy [10]
- P2 Surveying and Map... [2]
- P3 Geophysics [1]
- P4 Atmospheric scien... [7]
- P5 Geology [12]
- P7 Oceanography [12]
- P9 Natural Geography [3]
- Q Biological Science... [194]
- Q1 General Biology [99]
- Q14 Biological Ecolo... [1]
- Q18 Parasitic [1]
- Q189 Neurobiology [1]
- Q2 Cytobiology [12]
- Q3 Genetics [45]
- Q4 Physiology [5]
- Q5 Biochemistry [162]
- Q6 Biophysics [1]
- Q7 Molecular Biology [8]
- Q81 Bioengineering (... [16]
- Q811.4 biological in... [1]
- Q91 Paleontology [1]
- Q93 Microbiology [39]
- Q94 Botany [61]
- Q95 Zoology [5]
- Q959.17 Nemathelmint... [2]
- Q96 Entomology [43]
- Q98 Anthropology [4]
- Q983 physique anthro... [2]
- R Medicine and Healt... [100]
- R-05 medical relatio... [1]
- R1 Preventive Medici... [55]
- R151 Nutrition [1]
- R2 Chinese Medicine [1]
- R3 Basic Medical [43]
- R394 medical genetic... [1]
- R4 Clinical Medicine [13]
- R44 diagnostics [1]
- R47 Nursing [1]
- R473.73 Oncology Nur... [1]
- R5 Internal Medicine [77]
- R512.91 AIDS Acquire... [1]
- R54 in cardiac and v... [2]
- R55 Blood and lympha... [2]
- R57 digestive system... [3]
- R6 Surgery [183]
- R614 Anesthesiology [1]
- R619 Pre - and Post ... [1]
- R654.2 heart [1]
- R69 urological (geni... [2]
- R71 Obstetrics and G... [17]
- R72 Pediatrics [13]
- R73 Oncology [62]
- R730.5 tumor therape... [1]
- R74 Neurology and Ps... [62]
- R75 Dermatology and ... [11]
- R76 Ear, Nose & Thro... [28]
- R77 Ophthalmology [22]
- R774.1 retinal disea... [2]
- R78 Oral Sciences [2]
- R8 Special Medical [20]
- R9 Pharmacy [115]
- R96 Pharmacology [139]
- S Agricultural Scien... [10]
- S1 Basic Agriculture... [14]
- S2 Agricultural Engi... [2]
- S3 Agriculture ( Agr... [8]
- S4 Plant Protection [6]
- S435.2 legume crop d... [1]
- S565.1 Soybean [1]
- S7 Forestry [13]
- S8 Livestock, Animal... [15]
- S9 Aquaculture, Fish... [14]
- T Industrial Technol... [123]
- T-1 Technology Statu... [4]
- TB General Industria... [38]
- TB Technology: gener... [2]
- TB3 Engineering Mate... [10]
- TD Mining Engineerin... [6]
- TE Oil and Gas Indus... [1]
- TF Metallurgical Ind... [16]
- TG1 Metallography an... [2]
- TH Energy technology... [12]
- TH Machinery and Ins... [3]
- TH113 mechanical dyn... [1]
- TK Energy and Power ... [30]
- TL Nuclear Technolo... [4]
- TM Electrotechnical [14]
- TN Civil engineering... [1]
- TN Radio Electronics... [32]
- TN4 microelectronics... [6]
- TN43 The semiconduct... [1]
- TN454 hybrid microwa... [1]
- TN81 feeder device (... [1]
- TN919 data communica... [1]
- TP Automation Techno... [104]
- TP182 expert system,... [1]
- TP3 Computers [26]
- TP311.5 Software Eng... [1]
- TP317.4 Image proces... [1]
- TP39 computer applic... [7]
- TP393 computer netwo... [1]
- TQ Chemical Industry [23]
- TQ63 industrial pain... [2]
- TS Light industry ,H... [33]
- TS941.12 'psychology... [1]
- TU Architectural Sci... [8]
- TU Architectural Sci... [5]
- TV Agriculture & far... [2]
- U Transportation [5]
- U4 Road Transport [1]
- V Aviation, Aerospac... [4]
- V2 Aviation [1]
- X Environmental Scie... [273]
- X4 Disasters and Pre... [3]
- X5 Environmental Pol... [1]
- X7 Processing and Co... [3]
- X71 Agricultural Was... [1]
- X9 Safety Science [1]
Publication date
- 2018[89]
- 2017[133]
- 2016[148]
- 2015[146]
- 2014[301]
- 2013[347]
- 2012[267]
- 2011[261]
- 2010[213]
- 2009[142]
- 2008[111]
- 2007[162]
- 2006[115]
- 2005[106]
- 2004[153]
- 2003[147]
- 2002[108]
- 2001[123]
- 2000[102]
- 1999[115]
- 1998[81]
- 1997[67]
- 1996[75]
- 1995[27]
- 1994[7]
- 1993[5]
- 1992[4]
- 1991[3]
- 1990[2]
- 1989[1]
- 1988[2]
- 1987[2]
- 1986[5]
- 1985[2]
- 1983[2]
- 1982[1]
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- 1977[2]
- 1975[1]
- 1973[1]
- 1968[1]
- All ( )
- Free, open source ( )
3583Result(s)for '"Nguyen The"',Display only a keyword before 1000 resources
Resource list
By Nguyen An in Journalism Studies
Routledge Ltd(2008)
Access to resources Favorite 12.148054
By Nguyen An in Journalism Studies
Routledge Ltd(2012)
Access to resources Favorite 12.148054
By Nguyen An in International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics
Intellect Books(2012)
Access to resources Favorite 12.148054
By Nguyen Nguyen in International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine
Inderscience Publishers(2012)
Access to resources Favorite 10.737465
By Nguyen A. in The Journal of Value Inquiry
Springer Publishing Company (2004)
Access to resources Favorite 9.869343
By Nam Nguyen Hoang Nguyen An Nguyen in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Springer Publishing Company (2014)
Access to resources Favorite 9.205459
By Tuan Nguyen Nguyen Lan in Numerical Algorithms
Springer Publishing Company (2010)
Access to resources Favorite 8.589972
By Quang Nguyen Huan Nguyen in Sankhya A
Springer Publishing Company (2010)
Access to resources Favorite 8.589972
By Cuong Nguyen Hoang Nguyen in manuscripta mathematica
Springer Publishing Company (2008)
Access to resources Favorite 8.589972
By Nguyen Nguyen Tran in Supramolecular Chemistry
Taylor & Francis Ltd(2013)
Access to resources Favorite 8.589972