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22Result(s)for '"O’Toole S."'
Resource list
By Jordan S. Bagnulo S. Werner K. O’Toole S. J. in Astronomy & Astrophysics
Edp Sciences(2012)
Access to resources Favorite 11.712188
By Barhdadi R. Comminges C. Doherty A. Nédélec J. O’Toole S. Troupel M. in Journal of Applied Electrochemistry
Springer Publishing Company (2007)
Access to resources Favorite 9.587558
By Landstreet J. D. Bagnulo S. Fossati L. Jordan S. O’Toole S. J. in Astronomy & Astrophysics
Edp Sciences(2012)
Access to resources Favorite 9.587558
By Reed M. D. Baran A. Østensen R. H. Telting J. O'Toole S. J. in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2012)
Access to resources Favorite 9.224545
By Geier S. Heber U. Heuser C. Classen L. O’Toole S. J. Edelmann H. in Astronomy & Astrophysics
Edp Sciences(2013)
Access to resources Favorite 9.224545
By O'Toole S.J. in Astrophysics and Space Science
Springer Publishing Company (2004)
Access to resources Favorite 7.0464673
By O’Toole S.J. in Astrophysics and Space Science
Springer Publishing Company (2004)
Access to resources Favorite 7.0464673
By O’Toole S.J. in Astrophysics and Space Science
Springer Publishing Company (2004)
Access to resources Favorite 7.0464673
By O'Toole S.J. in Astrophysics and Space Science
Springer Publishing Company (2004)
Access to resources Favorite 7.0464673
By Maxted P. F. L. Anderson D. R. Burleigh M. R. Collier Cameron A. Heber U. Gänsicke B. T. Geier S. Kupfer T. Marsh T. R. Nelemans G. O’Toole S. J. Østensen R. H. Smalley B. West R. G. in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2011)
Access to resources Favorite 5.856094