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18Result(s)for '"Weijmans A."'
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By Falcón-Barroso J. van de Ven G. Peletier R. F. Bureau M. Jeong H. Bacon R. Cappellari M. Davies R. L. de Zeeuw P. T. Emsellem E. Krajnović D. Kuntschner H. McDermid R. M. Sarzi M. Shapiro K. L. van den Bosch R. C. E. van der Wolk G. Weijmans A. Yi S. in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2011)
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By Bois M. Bournaud F. Emsellem E. Alatalo K. Blitz L. Bureau M. Cappellari M. Davies R. L. Davis T. A. de Zeeuw P. T. Duc P.-A. Khochfar S. Krajnović D. Kuntschner H. Lablanche P.-Y. McDermid R. M. Morganti R. Naab T. Oosterloo T. Sarzi M. Scott N. Serra P. Weijmans A. Young L. M. in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2010)
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By Weijmans Anne-Marie Bower Richard G. Geach James E. Swinbank A. Mark Wilman R. J. de Zeeuw P. T. Morris Simon L. in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2010)
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By Davis Timothy A. Krajnović Davor McDermid Richard M. Bureau Martin Sarzi Marc Nyland Kristina Alatalo Katherine Bayet Estelle Blitz Leo Bois Maxime Bournaud Frédéric Cappellari Michele Crocker Alison Davies Roger L. de Zeeuw P. T. Duc Pierre-Alain Emsellem Eric Khochfar Sadegh Kuntschner Harald Lablanche Pierre-Yves Morganti Raffaella Naab Thorsten Oosterloo Tom Scott Nicholas Serra Paolo Weijmans Anne-Marie Young Lisa M. in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2012)
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By Cappellari Michele Emsellem Eric Krajnović Davor McDermid Richard M. Serra Paolo Alatalo Katherine Blitz Leo Bois Maxime Bournaud Frédéric Bureau M. Davies Roger L. Davis Timothy A. de Zeeuw P. T. Khochfar Sadegh Kuntschner Harald Lablanche Pierre-Yves Morganti Raffaella Naab Thorsten Oosterloo Tom Sarzi Marc Scott Nicholas Weijmans Anne-Marie Young Lisa M. in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2011)
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By Serra Paolo Oosterloo Tom Morganti Raffaella Alatalo Katherine Blitz Leo Bois Maxime Bournaud Frédéric Bureau Martin Cappellari Michele Crocker Alison F. Davies Roger L. Davis Timothy A. de Zeeuw P. T. Duc Pierre-Alain Emsellem Eric Khochfar Sadegh Krajnović Davor Kuntschner Harald Lablanche Pierre-Yves McDermid Richard M. Naab Thorsten Sarzi Marc Scott Nicholas Trager Scott C. Weijmans Anne-Marie Young Lisa M. in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2012)
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By Davis Timothy A. Alatalo Katherine Sarzi Marc Bureau Martin Young Lisa M. Blitz Leo Serra Paolo Crocker Alison F. Krajnović Davor McDermid Richard M. Bois Maxime Bournaud Frédéric Cappellari Michele Davies Roger L. Duc Pierre-Alain de Zeeuw P. Tim Emsellem Eric Khochfar Sadegh Kuntschner Harald Lablanche Pierre-Yves Morganti Raffaella Naab Thorsten Oosterloo Tom Scott Nicholas Weijmans Anne-Marie in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2011)
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By Davis Timothy A. Bureau Martin Young Lisa M. Alatalo Katherine Blitz Leo Cappellari Michele Scott Nicholas Bois Maxime Bournaud Frédéric Davies Roger L. de Zeeuw P. Tim Emsellem Eric Khochfar Sadegh Krajnović Davor Kuntschner Harald Lablanche Pierre-Yves McDermid Richard M. Morganti Raffaella Naab Thorsten Oosterloo Tom Sarzi Marc Serra Paolo Weijmans Anne-Marie in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2011)
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By Lablanche Pierre-Yves Cappellari Michele Emsellem Eric Bournaud Frédéric Michel-Dansac Leo Alatalo Katherine Blitz Leo Bois Maxime Bureau Martin Davies Roger L. Davis Timothy A. de Zeeuw P. T. Duc Pierre-Alain Khochfar Sadegh Krajnović Davor Kuntschner Harald Morganti Raffaella McDermid Richard M. Naab Thorsten Oosterloo Tom Sarzi Marc Scott Nicholas Serra Paolo Weijmans Anne-Marie Young Lisa M. in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2012)
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By Crocker Alison Krips Melanie Bureau Martin Young Lisa M. Davis Timothy A. Bayet Estelle Alatalo Katherine Blitz Leo Bois Maxime Bournaud Frédéric Cappellari Michele Davies Roger L. de Zeeuw P. T. Duc Pierre-Alain Emsellem Eric Khochfar Sadegh Krajnović Davor Kuntschner Harald Lablanche Pierre-Yves McDermid Richard M. Morganti Raffaella Naab Thorsten Oosterloo Tom Sarzi Marc Scott Nicholas Serra Paolo Weijmans Anne-Marie in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Oxford University Press(2012)
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