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9Result(s)for '"Yen James"'
Resource list
By Yen James T. in INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings
Institute of Noise Control Engineering(1973)
Access to resources Favorite 10.844236
By Thomas Jeanice B Sharpless Katherine E Mitvalsky Staci Roman Mark Yen James Satterfield Mary B in Journal of AOAC International
AOAC International(2007)
Access to resources Favorite 5.422118
By Thomas Jeanice B. Sharpless Katherine E. Yen James H. Immer Atherine in Journal of AOAC International
AOAC International(2011)
Access to resources Favorite 5.422118
By Sharpless Katherine Thomas Jeanice Duewer David Putzbach Karsten Rimmer Catherine Sander Lane Schantz Michele Wise Stephen Yarita Takashi Yen James in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Springer Publishing Company (2007)
Access to resources Favorite 4.7443533
By Nicholas Andrew Finne Ted Jones Hollis Herrero Fred Vancil Bernie Aalami Dean Galysh Ivan Mai Anthony Yen James in Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
Taylor & Francis Ltd(2013)
Access to resources Favorite 4.7443533
By Sharpless Katherine E Lindstrom Richard M Nelson Bryant C Phinney Karen W Rimmer Catherine A Sander Lane C Schantz Michele M Spatz Rabia O Thomas Jeanice Brown Turk Gregory C Wise Stephen A Wood Laura J Yen James H in Journal of AOAC International
AOAC International(2010)
Access to resources Favorite 3.3888237
By Rimmer Catherine Howerton Samuel Sharpless Katherine Sander Lane Long Stephen Murphy Karen Porter Barbara Putzbach Karsten Rearick Michael Wise Stephen Wood Laura Zeisler Rolf Hancock Diane Yen James Betz Joseph NguyenPho Agnes Yang Lu Scriver Christine Willie Scott Sturgeon Ralph Schaneberg Brian Nelson Christina Skamarack Jules Pan Meide Levanseler Kerri Gray Dean Waysek Edward Blatter Anne Reich Eike in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Springer Publishing Company (2007)
Access to resources Favorite 2.711059
By Turk Gregory C. Sharpless Katherine E. Cleveland Danielle Jongsma Candice Mackey Elizabeth A. Marlow Anthony F. Oflaz Rabia Paul Rick L. Sieber John R. Thompson Robert Q. Wood Laura J. Yu Lee L. Zeisler Rolf Wise Stephen A. Yen James H. Christopher Steven J. Day Russell D. Long Stephen E. Greene Ella Harnly James Ho I-Pin Betz Joseph M. in Journal of AOAC International
AOAC International(2013)
Access to resources Favorite 2.5417786
By Sharpless Katherine E Anderson David L Betz Joseph M Butler Therese A Capar Stephen G Cheng John Fraser Catharine A Gardner Graeme Gay Martha L Howell Daniel W Ihara Toshihide Khan Mansoor A Lam Joseph W Long Stephen E McCooeye Margaret Mackey Elizabeth A Mindak William R Mitvalsky Staci Murphy Karen E Nguyenpho Agnes Phinney Karen W Porter Barbara J Roman Mark Sander Lane C Satterfield Mary B Scriver Christine Sturgeon Ralph Thomas Jeanice Brown Vocke Robert D Wise Stephen A Wood Laura J Yang Lu Yen James H Ziobro George C in Journal of AOAC International
AOAC International(2006)
Access to resources Favorite 2.0332942