- B22 Pre - Qin philos... [2]
- B82-09 history of mo... [3]
- C913 Social Life and... [82]
- D642 Revolutionary T... [3]
- D648 moral education [3]
- D691.2 political sys... [2]
- D691.3 electoral sys... [2]
- D691.42 Bureaucratic [4]
- D691.46 Examination [2]
- D815.4 Middle East a... [1]
- D815.9 other interna... [1]
- D829 China's diploma... [2]
- D929 Chinese history... [2]
- E Military [1]
- E0-053 military and ... [17]
- E19 military history [14]
- E297.4 During the Wa... [1]
- E82 Strategic Missil... [2]
- F129 Chinese Economi... [2]
- F2 Economic Planning... [22]
- F329.0 each era of h... [2]
- G624 Textbook, textb... [19]
- G633.93 professional... [16]
- G634 teaching materi... [2]
- H019 method of recit... [19]
- H152.3 Practical [1]
- H194 Chinese reading [19]
- H194.1 Ancient Chine... [228]
- I Literature [24]
- I11 Portfolio [27]
- I12 Lied [38]
- I14 veracular [2]
- I2 Chinese Literatur... [10]
- I206.2 ancient (~ 18... [2]
- I21 Portfolio [9]
- I22 Poetry, verse [158]
- I247 Contemporary wo... [1]
- I247.5 The lengthy n... [2]
- I287.5 story [3]
- J309 sculpture art h... [2]
- J809 Drama history [2]
- K109 popular edition... [1]
- K134 Byzantine Empir... [2]
- K152 World War II (1... [25]
- K20 History [308]
- K205 historical even... [2]
- K209 popular edition... [2]
- K22 Slave society in... [6]
- K351.2 Ancient histo... [2]
- K37 West Asia (ESCWA... [2]
- K81 Biography [8]
- K811 World Biographi... [46]
- K812 biograph charac... [2]
- K815 biograph charac... [10]
- K820 total figures: ... [2]
- K820.9 clan pedigree [2]
- K825.78 theatre, fil... [2]
- N19 innovation, adva... [1]
- Q98 Anthropology [88]
- R212 health preservi... [3]
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