Taking a fresh view on Wittgenstein’s apparent ethical skepticism, many contributions to this volume explore the reach of what can be said in ethical terms, while others provide critical discussions of what is being said in various fields of applied ethics and political philosophy under real-world power relations. This volume collects invited contributions from the 35th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2012 in Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria.
Wittgenstein on Ethical Concepts: A Reading of Philosophical Investigations §77 and Moore’s Lecture Notes, May 1933
The Rule-Following Problem and Wittgenstein’s Development
Wittgenstein liest Spengler. Lektüre einer Lektüre
Wittgensteins Geschichtlichkeit
Das Problem des Nicht-Verstehens. Zum Verhältnis von Verstehen und Welt bei Wittgenstein und Husserl
II Ethical Concepts, Moral Theory
Moral Dilemma and Practical Reason
Welt der Abgründe. Julian Nida-Rümelins „Wittgenstein’sche Perspektive“ revidiert
Rechte und Autonomie im Utilitarismus
Alterity and/or Plurality? Two Pre-normative Paradigms for Ethics and Politics in Levinas and Arendt
Morality United. Answering the Normative and Nonnormative of Moral Norms
III Power – Ethics – Politics
The Ethics and Politics of Democracy: An Agonistic Approach
Soziale Macht und moralischer Diskurs
Who’s Afraid of the Constitutional Judge? Decisionism and Legal Positivism
International Practice and Human Rights. A Criticism of the Interventionist Account
Global Economic Injustice, Individual Duties and Social Responsibility
IV Life – Nature – Science
Hand und Fuß. Begründungsprobleme einer Ethik des Leibes am Beispiel des Ersatzes menschlicher Gliedmaßen
From Functional Differentiation to (Re-) Hybridization. The Challenges of Bio-Objects in Synthetic Biology
Sterben als Teil des Lebens und als Handlungsraum. Ethische Überlegungen
Thinking about the Role of Laboratories Today: Anti-essentialism, Macro-ethics and the Participatory Turn
Why has the Queen of Bees been the King for so Long? A Few Reflections on the Gender Problem in Science
Indikationsloser Schwangerschaftsabbruch – Kritik einer Kontroverse
Solidarität – Der Versuch einer neuen Definition
III Power – Ethics – Politics
IV Life – Nature – Science