Metatron and Shi’ur Qomah in the Writings of Haside Ashkenaz
Images of Women in Sefer Hasidim
Social and Mystical Aspects of Sefer Hasidim
Rabbi Judah The Pious’ Will in Halakhic and Kabbalistic Literature
Rabbi Judah the Pious as a Legendary Figure
An Anonymous Kabbalistic Commentary on Shir ha-Yihud
Kabbalisten, Ketzer und Polemiker. Das kulturelle Umfeld des Sefer ha-Nizachon von Lipman Mühlhausen
The Maharal of Prag and the Kabbalah
Zauberei und Zauber in der deutschen Literatur des 16. Jahrhunderts
Pico della Mirandola and the Beginnings of Christian Kabbala
A Profile of R. Naphtali Katz from Frankfurt and His Attitude Towards Sabbateanism
Rabbi Nathan Adler of Frankfurt and the Controversy Surrounding Him
Dr. Samuel Falk and the Eibeschuetz–Emden Controversy
The Mystical Visions of Rabbi Hyle Wechsler in the 19th Century
Meyer Heinrich Hirsch Landauer – Bible Scholar and Kabbalist
Kabbala-Rezeption in der Deutschen Romantik
Kabbala und Liebe. August Beckers Roman ,Des Rabbi Vermächtniß‘ (1866/67)