Aimed at academic library practitioners, this book describes how e-reserve services can evolve and adapt to the changing virtual learning environment of higher education. New approaches discussed include: the integration of subscribed, free, and copyrighted resources within course management systems; innovative employment of open URL link resolvers to connect e-reserve with library e-resources and services; video streaming within course documents; and the creative use of bibliographic software to produce customized reading lists. New Approaches to E-Reserve includes detailed descriptions and extensive step-by-step illustrations in order to provide readers with the tools needed to implement the techniques covered within. These combine to offer practical insight into common issues faced by academic institutions worldwide. In addition to an overview of practices and an update on new developments in e-reserve, a discussion of strategy, policy and organizational change extends this book’s relevance to a much broader theme: the strategic management of current and future technological changes in tertiary education.
- Provides practical “how to advice, with appropriate illustrations
- Offers realistic suggestions for strategic moves to integrate services, respond to user needs, and collaborate with potential stakeholders within and outside the institution
- The authors possess wide-ranging skills in audio, visual and information services in academic libraries, admin
1 Introduction: How e-reserve responds to a changing user culture and copes with issues and challenges
How libraries and universities respond to the changing user culture
Traditional and creative approaches to e-reserve
How e-reserve responds to changes and issues encountered
Strategies to deal with challenges
2 Overview of e-reserve: History and scope
The dedicated e-reserve system approach
The CMS, LMS or VLE approach
The repository-based approach
The citation management software approach
3 Access and delivery of e-reserve (1): Blackboard – how resources are integrated within a course management system
Different methods of creating e-reserve content in Blackboard
E-reserve in Blackboard: some insight and experiences
Access and delivery of e-reserve (2):
Creative approaches – how software
designed for other purposes can be
adapted or utilized
Citation management software
New digital media formats:
Streamed video
Brief description of technology
Advantages over traditional video
Streamed video in electronic reserve
Critical issues: Pricing and rights management
Case study: The Ryerson University Library experience
Copyright: How copyright impacts on e-reserve delivery and process
Linking: technical issues and methods
User perception and satisfaction
7 Possible strategies: Collaboration, integration and interaction are the keystones for survival or expansion of e-reserve service
The importance of evaluation and assessment
Seize the opportunity whenever it appears
Turn competition into partnership
Embrace a new culture that is user-centered and work towards service convergence
Be responsive to administrative change
Take the lead in copyright literacy
Be responsive to external forces of change
Appendix I
Ryerson University Library December
2008 Survey of E-Reserve
Operations – Results Summary
Appendix II
Ryerson University Library Faculty
Survey on Reserve Services
(May, 2005)
Appendix III
Ryerson University Library Faculty
Requests for Reserve Services
Appendix IV
Ryerson University Library Student
Survey on E-Reserve in Blackboard
(Spring/Summer 2006)
Appendix V
Ryerson University Library Distance
Education Student Surveys (2007)
1 Introduction: How e-reserve responds to a changing user culture and copes with issues and challenges
2 Overview of e-reserve: History and scope
3 Access and delivery of e-reserve (1): Blackboard – how resources are integrated within a course management system
Access and delivery of e-reserve (2):
Creative approaches – how software
designed for other purposes can be
adapted or utilized
New digital media formats:
Streamed video
7 Possible strategies: Collaboration, integration and interaction are the keystones for survival or expansion of e-reserve service
Appendix I
Ryerson University Library December
2008 Survey of E-Reserve
Operations – Results Summary
Appendix II
Ryerson University Library Faculty
Survey on Reserve Services
(May, 2005)
Appendix III
Ryerson University Library Faculty
Requests for Reserve Services
Appendix IV
Ryerson University Library Student
Survey on E-Reserve in Blackboard
(Spring/Summer 2006)
Appendix V
Ryerson University Library Distance
Education Student Surveys (2007)